Looking For Love Spread

This Card Reading is excellent for getting to the heart of love and relationships.  It is ideal for anyone who desires to draw romance and love into their lives. I did not design this myself but found it on the internet some years ago and have used it successfully on many occasions. The Looking for Love Spread,  will expose areas where you may be unconsciously blocking a loving relationship from coming into your life.  It will offer both guidance on how to overcome and release these blocks, together with suggestions as to who might be a suitable partner and where you are most likely to meet him or her. To get the most out of this Reading it is wise to detach yourself or advise the Querant to detach them self as much as possible from the outcome.  Being honest with yourself and being open to other possibilities and potentials is important.

                                            looking_for_love_spread/Card Back Image Source: Sayanny/Shutterstock.com                                                                                    

Base Card – Gives background information.

Card 1 – What are the underlying causes that have prevented or blocked you from meeting your perfect partner?

Card 2 – What can you do to make the necessary changes or overcome the issues in revealed in card 1?

Card 3 – What is the best step to take right now in order to find your perfect partner?

Card 4 – Who would be the most suitable partner for me?

Card 5 –  Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?

Card 6 – When am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?

61 replies »

  1. For card 4 I got the queen of rods reversed. I’m confused because I don’t believe the most suitable partner for me has all those negative qualities. How can I interpret this?


    • Hi Allison,

      Reversed cards can also carry the message of ‘absolutely not like me’. In doing so the Reversed Queen of Wands/Rods could be acting as a warning to stay well away from anyone who mirrors her reversed characteristics, especially if you have had a tendency to do so in the past. Many of us are drawn to unsuitable partners time and time again only to discover down the road that they are the exact opposite of what we need. So beware of anyone resembling the Reversed Queen of Wands regardless of whatever other wonderful traits he or she displays at the time for it doesn’t augur well. Sometimes it is more important for us to determine what is the deal breaker, what we can’t or won’t compromise on. The Reversed Queen of Wands could represent the deal breaker in your case.

      I wonder if this makes any sense for you?



  2. Hi Vivien, I draw the 9 of Wands as Where to find him, but what could it mean? It doesn’t look like a “where” card..

    What do you think?


    • Hi Helen,

      Thank you for your enquiry. I suppose the same could be said about any number of cards that turn up in any position. When we ask a question of the tarot, we hope for very specific responses and cards to fit their positional meaning. If you have drawn the three of cups in Where to Find him you would naturally think of meeting him at a social event (party, wedding, celebration, concert), an introduction from a friend, through a friend or even part of your existing circle of friends. It makes sense and fits nicely in place. The six of cups could suggest he is not far from home, or perhaps someone from your childhood or past. The eight of wands might suggest on holidays or while travelling abroad. The ten of pentacles could suggest you find him in a corporate environment, or at a monied/high status event or gathering. Finding a Court Card in this position can throw you too. However, The Queen of Cups might suggest an artistic or nurturing environment, the King of Swords could suggest a legal or professional environment.

      You have drawn the Nine of Wands in this position and unfortunately it does not immediately offer a definite suggestion. When this happens we must look to what is going on in the card to determine where in your life or future it may be suggesting. In the Nine of Wands we see a worn out fatigued man who looks like he has a lot of demands on him, commitments and responsibilities. He doesn’t look like he has much time for socialising or any interest in a relationship. His attention seems to be fully focused on maintaining, defending or protecting everything he has worked hard towards, his job perhaps. He may be struggling to keep on top of things and is inevitably stressed. However, this guy is not a quitter and takes his responsibilities very seriously. He may have a very important job or is running a demanding and competitive business with little outside help. Therefore, you might encounter this man in a variety of circumstances and places. He is bound to make an impression on you regardless of whether he has the time to speak to you or not. Do you know anyone or have you encountered anyone who might line up with this scenario? The Nine of Wands can represent someone who is involved in security or the military. It is unlikely with the Nine of Wands that he will make the first move and he may be quite resistant or closed. He builds a fortress around himself, but it is penetrable so if you find this guy, you may have to give him time to come around. Therefore it is unlikely you will meet him in a typical social environment where all are dressed up and out to impress each other. It will probably be a work environment, one of high stress and quite demanding.

      I hope this has helped.



  3. I drew The Moon in Position 4 for Most Suitable Partner. Does it mean that it’s not clear yet who it is? Or I’m confused? I can’t figure out how to read it. Also, for when I drew a court card – Queen of Pentacles? How do I read that for time? Love your site and all your descriptions. I think they are incredible.


    • Hi India,

      Thank you for you lovely comment about my site. Well The Moon is very deep emotionally so maybe the most suitable partner for you is someone who is in touch with their emotions. The Moon also represents the Sun Sign, Cancer – emotive, creative, intuitive, caring, nurturing. The Moon can be moody though so you want that tempered down with more practical aspects. Pentacles in the Northern Hemisphere represent Winter. They are also the most patient of the suits so we can see this Queen is prepared to wait for what she wants. She has set high standards and won’t pair up with anyone less. When could also suggest, when you are out and about in Nature, walking, walking the dog, hiking, even down at the local garden center. Think of activities the Queen of Pentacles may be involved in when she might meet someone. She also could be at college or signing up to evening classes, a course, or club.

      I hope this helps.

      xxx Vivien


  4. Hi Vivien
    I draw the nine of cup reversed for where to meet the suitable partner. does it mean to meet in a gathering? because the man in nine of cup appears to be alone sitting on his chair, and reversed makes it more confusing though. also I draw knight of sword for card 6. how to interpret time the the court cards appear? I also think your website is amazing and full of life wisdom for tarot learner!


    • Hi Stella,

      The Nine of Cups Upright is a very social card and suggests parties, events, occasions, wining and dining, celebrations and gatherings of people. When Reversed, it might be pointing to ‘not in this sort of place’. It could mean you will meet your partner in a more everyday environment, not when you are dressed or ready for it. You could meet someone out walking the dog, waiting for the bus or standing in queue. It won’t be how you imagined perhaps. We always expect to meet someone when out socially but his card may be telling you, not this time. Perhaps, the man in question is not attending the social gathering but managing it instead. Could he be an event/banqueting manager, work in the hospitality industry. He may be at the party, but not one of the guests if you know what I mean. These are just a few random theories to play around with. As for the Knight of Swords and time, the Swords Suit is connected with the months of Autumn.Knights are also connected to taking action, and with this Knight being a Sword, he might be suggesting you will meet someone once you take action on it. As for the Swords element of Air this might involve you making your own introductions, going up to talk to the person you are interested in, engage them in conversation. The Knight could also suggest he will come into your life rather rapidly.

      Hope some of this is of help.




  5. Hi! I love your site- thank you for all of this. I refer to all the time and learning so much. I did the “Looking for love spread” and it feels really positive..How ever, I am having some difficulty interpreting. For instance how do I interpret the Lovers Card for “Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?”

    Card 1: 6 of Wands, Card 2: 8 of Wands, Card 3: 10 of Cups, Card 4: 9 of Pentacles Card 5: Lovers, Card 6: 4 of Wands, Base card : 6 of Cups ..Drew additional, 3 of Pentacles, 10 of Pentacles, 3 of Pentacles and the Hierophant.

    Many thanks,



    • Hi Emily,

      Just had a quick look at this regarding The Lovers and wonder if you are attending an occasion such as a wedding, engagement party or the likes? The Lovers as where may be a place where you will find couples, lovers, events revolving around couples. You have other cards in the reading which might point to a wedding, family gathering or large special social occasion. The Ten of Cups and Ten of Pentacles brings in family events with the Pentacles spending lavishly on it. The Hierophant officiates over wedding ceremonies. The 4, 6 of Wands, 10 of Cups, Lovers and Hierophant are all linked to engagements, weddings, christenings etc with The 10 of Cups, 4 of Wands, Six of Cups and 10 of Pentacles all suggesting important family or community occasions. The 4, 8 of Wands are also vacation cards, travelling to somewhere special. In the 4, 6 of Wands, 9 and 10 of Pentacles we see people dressing up, making a big effort with their appearance because they are going to be on view somewhere. No expense is spared. I am looking at these cards in general and not exactly as per the spread placements. The Four of Wands and Six of Cups show great stability and harmony. Fitting in and belonging. Three of Pentacles suggests laying down the groundwork, foundations etc. Putting great effort into something you consider of worth. Potential for growth. Someone talented and intelligent.

      Some wild Speculations below taken at face value. Great cards and positive.
      Card 1 – What are the underlying causes that have prevented or blocked you from meeting your perfect partner? Six of Wands – Do others put you on a pedestal or believe you are out of their league? The 9 of Pentacles shows a well to do, well dressed, successful and self-sufficient woman. She is very independent and can look after herself. With the Six of Wands she could appear out of reach.

      Card 2 – What can you do to make the necessary changes or overcome the issues in revealed in card 1? 8 of Wands – Take action yourself. Make a move and be proactive. Go out in search of it. The 6 of Wands may see you sitting pretty waiting for admirers to come to you. The 8 sees you heading out. Travel also.

      Card 3 – What is the best step to take right now in order to find your perfect partner? 10 of Cups- Get to know the people around you and in your community. Get involved in something. Be open and friendly. Here we have family set ups and gatherings. Enrol the help of your family. Ask them to make introductions for you with suitable suitors. With the 6 of Cups and 10 of Pentacles I wonder if there is someone from home or close to home, or connected to your family?

      Card 4 – Who would be the most suitable partner for me? 9 of Pentacles – Someone who is successful and financially secure. A mature person who can appreciate a quality relationship without smothering.

      Card 5 – Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner? Lovers – At very specific couples events. Allow maybe family members of the 10 of Cups set you up on a date. They know you better than you know yourself. Go to events where you will meet like minded people who are also looking to meet like minded people. Dating sites, dating agencies. Weddings.

      Card 6 – When am I most likely to meet my perfect partner? 4 of Wands – At a wedding, party, family gathering, work do or convention, on vacation. During the summer months. When you are feeling stable and secure in yourself. When you are looking your best. When you are with people you know.

      Base Card – 6 Cups – Another family/family home card. In a familiar location with people you know. Where you can be yourself. Travelling home. Someone from your past or home town. Very loving and tender energy. Looking for a companion as well as a lover. Feeling blessed.

      Had five minutes to do this so sorry for any typos and hope you can work out where I am coming from.

      xxx Vivien


  6. Hi Vivien,

    This is so helpful and amazing. THANK YOU!!!!!! I recently met a young man at a party through friends and finally not online and it felt great. I am much more in my element and more approachable in this fashion always. So far so good.. we will see. He’s a lot younger, but also truly wonderful and calls me his kindred spirit:)) I feel the same.



  7. Hello Vivian, as for position 5 to where can I meet the partner, I drawn 2 of pentacles reversed. I got little clues on it but since it’s pentacles I think about workplace. Could you be kind and help me with alternative perspectives on this? Thank you!


    • Hi V,

      The Pentacles are heavily related to the financial world and practical matters. Work would feature alright but can you let me know the other cards you got as sometimes the story reveals itself through the spread and not just one card. Does anything in the imagery trigger unconscious stirrings for you? The figure is juggling two pentacles (finances/accounts/two jobs/time/energy/resources/relationships/) while a boat rides the high seas (trade/ups and downs/stock market) The Two of Pentacles is also a card for the circulation of information/journalism/social media). If it makes little sense, add a couple of extra cards flush out the meaning. Tarot speaks in metaphors, symbols, analogies. You will rarely get a clear cut answer so you need to be flexible in how you view the cards. Take in the whole reading and ask how the Two of Pentacles fits in.




    • Ah just seeing the Two of Pentacles is Reversed. My oversight. The two of Pentacles reversed might be too busy and overwhelmed with life to meet anyone. Too much work is often a feature of this card. Do you do a lot of overtime, or work a second job? If you do not have much time for a social life, work may be the place you strike up a relationship.



      • Thank you so much for your reply Vivien! Luckily I still keep the spread in my journal. Here are the other cards in the spread together with short notes on my first impression:

        Base card. Justice Rx: There’s something unjust happened (I’ve been hurt in last relationship)
        1. 8 Pentacles: not focusing on work, not learning anything new; not improving is my challenge
        2. Chariot: To overcome [8 pentacles] – need to be confident, make a move, go out more. Set goals and complete them, focus on my own path.
        3. Star: Best I could do right now is to believe, to wish; the angels is working hard trying to match a perfect partner for me perhaps.
        4. World: My perfect partner is literally “perfect”, someone that could make me go “you’re the world to me” 😀 a person who has lots of experience, emotionally matured, and probably has a thing for travel.

        And I’m still stuck on the Where and When

        5. 2 Pentacles Rx: (I mostly stay at home if I don’t have classes, maybe this is why I’m yet to meet the person, I literally don’t meet anyone new at all) Oh and I’m using Steampunk Tarot, The girl figure is riding a bike (pentacles are the wheels) on a sea, in the storm. Significant feature pops right out: trying to balance on the things in order to move forward, even though the condition is harsh.
        6. 5 Swords: I got a feeling this card telling me this isn’t a good time to meet the person, too much negativity in the vibe.

        Basically the whole spread is telling me to focus on my study first (I’m in 4th year of college now), when the time is right or when I have a job, the person will appear.

        What do you think?


      • Hi V,

        You have done well with interpreting your spread. I agree, this is more about you, rather than who you might meet. Forging ahead, focusing on your studies, putting your best effort into it, becoming your own person, developing your talents and skills and feeling at one in your own world is the focus at present. Just because we draw cards for a particular issue, does not mean the cards will cooperate, especially if what we are asking is not in our best interest. This spread seems to be telling you to leave well alone with relationships at present and concentrate on on your own personal development, career advancement and progression. The cards tell me you are a very ambitious person with plans of going somewhere with your life and taking your place in the world. Your previous relationship, the one where you were treated unjustly, is muddying the waters and is sapping the much-needed energy you have for your own personal work. It hangs over you and with the Five of Swords I agree there is still too much negativity connected to relationships for it to be a good time to meet anyone. Not only do you need to knuckle down to work, especially as you are in 4th year college, you also need to spend time in healing yourself in the Star, so that you will be able to enter any future relationships in a stable balanced manner. You do not want to take baggage with you.

        This scenario frequently turns up in readings for people who are looking or hoping for a relationship at a time when it might not be in their interest to do so. Their lives are often complicated or busy yet they would like to meet someone. Many are still dealing with the fallout of a previous relationship. Pointing this out to the querant is not always well received, but you seem to be very practical and honest about it all. You can see both sides of the reading. One which tells you of the nature of the person who would suit you, as in the World, while also understanding where your priorities should lie at present. The Star and World are very similar cards and convey a strong sense of self-worth, something that may have taken a battering in your previous relationship. Therefore it is essential you find these things in yourself first, before expecting to find them in another. The World also suggests you are looking for someone who is very successful in life, has climbed high in career and who supports and cheers you in yours. This person wants you to shine and be a great success, someone who loves you for who you are (star) and not try to mold you into their version of perfection. To attract someone like that, you most certainly have to feel that way about yourself. At present, you are the most important star in the constellation and all must defer to you where priority is concerned. Follow your own star right now and the World/Universe will do its thing for you in the long run. Get down to work and try to let go of the negativity you hold about the unjust treatment in your previous relationship. When you can no longer recall, or have interest in feeling angry or upset about what happened, you will know you are ready to look towards a new relationship. The Chariot tells you to keep moving, don’t loose momentum, regardless of how tough it might feel at times. You have set goals for yourself, and you should let nothing stand in the way of moving towards them.

        The Reversed Two of Pentacles’ advice still stands. You are too busy in your own life, fulfilling your goals and ambition to give much attention to meeting someone. All the effort of a new relationship could distract you. All in good time. There is however, nothing wrong in meeting people on a social basis as too much work, as in the Eight of Pentacles, will wear you down and make you dull. That girl on the bike peddling furiously on the sea in a storm has enough to contend with staying afloat on her own. Should she be carrying a passenger on the back, or on the handlebars, it is likely she would sink rapidly, her destination never arrived at. Perhaps she would stand a better chance once the seas have calmed and it not all such a struggle.




  8. Hi Vivian! Thank you so much for your site, I´ve just discovered it and am truly loving it; it´s so detailed and clear! I was wondering: can this spread be used as a “looking for money/inspiration/specific person/job etc spread”? I kind of want to…it feels like a to the point way of looking at a search and would be interested in knowing what you think. Blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi,

      Yes, I think it would work very well for a number of other type readings. You may not get specific meanings for each position when using this spread for any reading so the advice would be to read the spread as a whole, rather than individual positions if you are struggling to make sense of it all. If you are confused with individual card meanings, stand back and look at them all together. What story do they tell in relation to your issue.




  9. Hi Vivien.

    I am also asking about position 5.

    I got 5 of Pentacles for the underlaying cause, and I know what it means. It fits perfectly. To find love, position 2, I need to find a new attitude to replace my 5 of Pentacles thinking with the Ace of Swords. Best step to take, position 3, would be to believe in myself and be inspired with the Page of Wands until I find my Magician, position 4. These cards speak to me very clearly.

    In position 5 i got 5 of Swords and in position 6, 6 of Swords. I don’t understand these cards at all. Do i find my love in prison, or some other place filled with anti-social people without conscience or morals, or is the card saying that I’m never going to find love, and I need to accept the defeat and walk away (or sail away with 6 of swords)? What do you think?

    Thank you for the site and the course. It has been very helpful to me.


    • Hi Lilly, I would link your 5 of swords with your 5 of pentacles and your desire to overcome an existing attitude that may have been preventing you from finding love, or the right type of love. Don’t get too entrenched with the individual positions but rather look a the reading as a whole and see what story is emerging. Could it be you have a habit of giving your power away in relationships, especially to those who may not respect or deserve it. I see you taking back your power in the 5 which is part of your Ace of Swords strategy. 5 brings change and you have two of them. The 6 of Swords shows this will be a slow process as old habits may die hard. Take your time. There are swords still in the boat, so the new attitude you seek to replace the old, may have to overcome stubborn negative ones that may wish to undermine the new you, hence the 5 of swords. You must not adopt a defeatist attitude, but also be careful about associating the search for love as a battle field. Never give into the 5 of swords belief of needing to walk away and never finding love as that what it wants you to believe. You may feel you always lose to the competition and this is part of the change of attitude in the 5 of Pentacles you seek with the Ace of Swords. Move away from it but be aware it will be harder to let go of this belief system if it has been part of you for some time. You are bound to carry forward some baggage, even if you believe you have overcome it. You will never fully change your inner feelings, but you don’t have to let it get the better of you anymore.

      I am not sure if this has been of any relevance. Often the cards will not line up as per position when we try to read them as such so when they don’t it is best not to take them too literally. Many times, they aim to relate a story to you that involves a combination of cards, rather than individual ones. You could also pull a couple of extra cards to flush out the meaning of the 5 and 6 of Swords.

      Another thought. Have you planned or do you plan to do any self-empowerment or self-development courses that might involve a trip away?




      • I have planned a little getaway. A week alone just to be with myself. I guess that could count as self-empoverment course 🙂

        In my earlier message I forgot to mention that five of pentacles has been a recurring card in my readings as long as I can remember. I kind of understand what it’s trying to say, but it keeps coming up. My base card was The Judgement. I am going trough a profound change at the moment, but as a plutonian person, that’s my normal state 🙂


      • Hi Lily,

        Yes, that Five of Pentacles with Judgement as base could be highlighting the type of profound change you are going through. The Five of Pentacles may suggest the change relates to your attitude towards the material world, money, possessions, work, the rat race of working endless hours to pay huge mortgages and pay bills. Perhaps there is an awakening occuring with Judgement, an inner call to change the way you live and determine where your true values lie. You may be seeking a way out of your drudgery circumstances if what you have been doing is spiritually depleting you and bringing no true happiness.




  10. Hi Vivien,

    Thank you so much for doing what you do.

    I am unsure of my interpretations of my cards. Is this correct? Please advice.

    Base Card – Three of pentacles
    Busy laying down foundations. Heads down kinda approach with work, finances and career.

    Card 1 – strength (underlying issues that have blocked me from finding love)
    Fear. of what? Of being abandoned again. Of not being enough. Of being hurt again.
    Card 2 – ten of wands (how can i overcome issues of card 1)
    Let go of the burden you are carrying. Delegate work and tasks. Find time for love.
    Card 3 – devil (best step right now to find your perfect partner)
    Let go of the chains that bind you. Dont be in a relationship for the wrong reasons. Free yourself. Dont give in to the temptation of being shackled into a life that is not for you.
    Card 4 – three of cups (who is the most suitable partner for you)
    Someone who celebrates with me. Whose my friend and whose emotional. Who understands the close bonds that i have with my women friends.
    Card 5 – the wheel of fortune (where am i likely to meet my partner)
    When the time is right, he will come to you. The cycle of life could deliver him to me?
    Card 6 – the lovers (when am I likely to meet him?
    Lovers is the card of Gemini (end of May thru late June)


    • Hi RP,

      You have done very well here. Let me have a further look with you.

      Base Card – Three of pentacles
      Busy laying down foundations. Heads down kinda approach with work, finances and career.
      This obviously resonates with you in that you are very career oriented at present. You are giving your work your full attention and have very definite goals in mind. You are conscientious about your finances and building on them. You are a dedicated and committed person with impeccable standards. Will you be able to fit a relationship in as well, will you have time? However, I see you as very eligible and as a Pentacle representing this position, you might need to attract a like-minded person. Someone who will admire your ambition and need to keep head down instead of moaning that you have no time for them. Someone who is accepting and also equally career and financially focused. You could both work towards great goals together and have a great life.

      Card 1 – strength (underlying issues that have blocked me from finding love)
      Fear. of what? Of being abandoned again. Of not being enough. Of being hurt again.
      Tight control of your emotions due possibly to fear of a bad experience repeating itself. You may be afraid to let go, or perhaps worry about allowing another get too close for comfort. You may have been trusting with a certain person in the past, allowed them in, only to find they hurt instead of healing. The lion is encouraged to trust the woman and so he allows her approach and take liberties. He drops his guard as he believe he does not need one with this person. He may have lived to regret this and now is not willing to let another approach. You could be giving off vibes that makes potential love interests back off. I think you may have repressed emotions regarding love and the experiences to date.

      Now I am going to ask something in relation to strength. Is is possible you come on too strong when you first meet someone you are interested in? Do you attempt to smother or overwhelm them with your strong feelings for them? Also, I have to ask if you have a temper or seek to control when in a relationship? Sorry, had to get those in there as they would also be connected to strength.

      Lastly, you may not know this but it might prove interesting, especially when you look back to the Three of Pentacles. Strength is a card for the sun sign Leo. Now, you may or may not be a Leo, but it is a particular dilemma of Leo I am referring to. That dilemma being their tendency to enjoy career success at the cost of success in love, and vice versa. They have a problem combining both, even though both are seriously desired. They like to be King in career and King in love matters. It can all proof exhausting for Leo. It is one of their lessons in life.

      Card 2 – ten of wands (how can i overcome issues of card 1)
      Let go of the burden you are carrying. Delegate work and tasks. Find time for love.
      Yes, and don’t make it out to be work. You may be taking it all too seriously and see it all as a challenge or competition. You certainly have a lot on your plate. With all those wands, how do you intend to take on another, as in a relationship and partner? However, the ten of wands always implies that you are your own worst enemy in this matter. You really don’t need to be carrying all those wands at the one time and in such a burdensome manner. The three of Pentacles may think it admirable and that hard work is good for the soul, but the quality so sought after in the three will dilute and diminish if the ten of wands wears it out. Get rid of the unnecessary. Clear your desk, delegate or dump. See how much junk files you are carrying in your life and then delete them. They are not adding to your life or your overall goals, just slowing you down.

      Now, this card could also act as a stark reminder of, sorry, you can’t take on anything else right now, so forget about love for the moment as you will not be able to give it the attention a relationship needs to succeed. Wait until you have reached certain goals before trying. Well, it is just another way of looking at it.

      Card 3 – devil (best step right now to find your perfect partner)
      Let go of the chains that bind you. Dont be in a relationship for the wrong reasons. Free yourself. Dont give in to the temptation of being shackled into a life that is not for you.

      Yes, don’t get so addicted to the idea of love that you will sign up for the first one that comes your way. Do you really want to chuck away your freedom, to voluntarily walk into the devil’s lair? Use your powers of perception when selecting suitable suitors. Also, the Devil speaks of sexual attraction and this can lead you into relationships that offer little depth. The Devil also highlights hang ups you might have about relationships and especially yourself. You may feel quite negative about yourself. The Devil could also be highlighting a Capricorn person. If so, this person is very ambitious and financially focused. Could suit you.

      Card 4 – three of cups (who is the most suitable partner for you)
      Someone who celebrates with me. Whose my friend and whose emotional. Who understands the close bonds that i have with my women friends.

      Could this be someone you already know, who is in your circle of friends perhaps? The Three of Cups could be advising you to get to know someone as a friend first before venturing further. You may need to establish bonds before love or romance. You like to socialise, so this person needs to be on the same wavelength, up for a laugh and having a good time. Yes, it needs to be someone who gets on with your friends. Their approval is very important to you. Could it be that a friend might introduce you to a special someone, or perhaps a friend’s sibling? I think it will be someone you meet through your social circles or at a time of celebration.

      Card 5 – the wheel of fortune (where am i likely to meet my partner)
      When the time is right, he will come to you. The cycle of life could deliver him to me?

      Out of the blue, by sheer chance. It may be a serendipitous encounter. Your paths will cross. I think the fates will conspire to arrange this meeting. The Wheel of Fortune could highlight fairs and festivals, or it could be a birthday party, anniversary, that involves the cyclical nature of the Wheel. What goes around, comes around. You may have met this person before, but will only connect this time around.

      Card 6 – the lovers (when am I likely to meet him?
      Lovers is the card of Gemini (end of May thru late June). I agree. The Lovers coming as the final card is a very good omen for meeting someone. I think this card could also imply that a meeting is imminent. It is the Lovers card and he could be close by.

      Noting combination cards in your reading. Be careful of a relationship built out of sexual attraction with The Lovers and Devil. Also the risk of an affair. Do background checks, the person could be spoken for. You could develop feelings for someone who is already in a relationship. With Strength, there may be the need to restrain yourself where a certain attraction is concerned.

      After the Devil, you cards pretty much take off in a very positive sense. This gives me the impression there is very much two sides to your life. You are the hard worker who is prepared to work as equally hard in a relationship with the right person. You are also a fun-loving sociable person who likes to have a life outside of work and has a strong circle of friends. This seems quite balanced to me. However, work and friends may take up all your time. You do mention that the perfect partner would need to understand and accept the role your friends play in your life and your need to spend time with them. How will you compromise here?

      I do hope my input has given you a bit more to think about. Remember not to take any of it too seriously. It is only my opinion and the cards could be read in several ways.



  11. Hi Vivien!

    I LOVE your website! I’ve been studying it diligently for a while now and I’m trying to learn how to do readings myself. I tried this spread today and I was wondering if you could take a look at my interpretation of it and tell me if I’m on the right track! Or if there are things I’m missing? I would be eternally grateful!

    Base card: Ace of cups
    I have always been very emotional and searching for true love (the holy grail) and I identify very strongly with the cups suit and their journey of self love and emotional maturity through several ups and downs. I think this card is a confirmation of that. And the ace of cups in general is an exciting card to draw when doing a love reading so I think I’m off to a good start!

    Card 1: Queen of wands
    This card and its description remind me of me. Although I internally identify with the suits cup, I also outwardly identify with the queen of wands. I think that’s because I’m a Leo sun (external, fire) and Scorpio moon (internal, water). I also love cats! I guess this means that what has prevented me from finding that special person is me. But what exactly about me is the problem? The queen of wands can be quite authoritative and overwhelming as you said. And I am very guilty of having these traits and I think this is the main culprit here. But there could be more to this

    Card 2: Ten of cups
    Ten of cups is an amazing card especially in a love reading, but I’m not entirely sure what this card could mean regarding what I need to do to solve the problem in card 1. If I had to guess, I’d say that this means that I need to be more loving and caring and relaxed. Could this mean that I should get more in touch with my inner self and show it to others more?

    Card 3: Ace of wands (reversed)
    I think this card being a wand can be related to the queen of wands in card 1 and then later to the Six of wands in card 6. What I need to do in order to find love is to not do anything. I should drop that wand that represents my authoritative and assertive tendencies and be passive and let love come to me. I’m not afraid of approaching men and asking them out and taking charge of the situation. But maybe I should stop trying to control everything and make an outcome happen by force and just let things happen on their own. I think I might still be missing something and I would be glad if you could offer more insight on this card.

    Card 4: The Chariot
    There is an actual man in this card which makes it easier to interpret. Maybe the right person for me is someone like the man riding the chariot. Maybe he is tough on the outside but very emotional on the inside. Maybe he’s emotionally mature and has found a good balance in life. It could also mean that this person is a Cancerian man. It’s weird but most of my relationships have been with Cancers. I don’t seek them out, and in fact after a few really bad experiences with them, I tend to avoid them. But it just keeps happening, I just keep meeting and falling in love with Cancers (and almost always regretted it later). Will I finally end up with another Cancer man?

    Card 5: Six of pentacles
    This card tells me where I’m most likely to meet my love. It could be a charity event. Or I might meet this person while he is offering me help of some kind. Can’t think of anything else!

    Card 6: Six of wands
    The when of meeting my soulmate seems to have something to do with the number six: six weeks, moths, years, etc.

    Looking at the cards as a whole, I think there are certain themes repeated in this reading. For example, there are three wands cards. In each of these wands cards, a hand is holding a wand. I think this means that I will meet my partner only when I give up control and shift the control to the man in Six of wands.

    The men in the Six of wands and Six of pentacles and ten of cups all wear red. This could mean that perhaps they represent the same person. The number Six also seems to be involved in the where and the when of meeting my soulmate.

    All in all, the outcome of this reading is good. But I could be totally wrong!


    • Base card: Ace of cups
      I have always been very emotional and searching for true love (the holy grail) and I identify very strongly with the cups suit and their journey of self love and emotional maturity through several ups and downs. I think this card is a confirmation of that. And the ace of cups in general is an exciting card to draw when doing a love reading so I think I’m off to a good start! – Yes, this is a very positive card to get for a love reading as it suggests that you have reached a point in time where you are ready to fall in love. Your heart is open to the potential of love and should you meet a certain lovely person, there is nothing pressing standing in your way, such as career, study, current relationship, obligations or duties elsewhere. You are free to throw yourself into love and relationships. Scanning down through the remaining cards, I get the sense there may be an impatience or urgency about all this happening quite quickly, as if now that you are ready and open to finding love, you don’t really want to wait around and this could find you behaving in a forceful manner in your quest to find love. The Queen of Wands, the Reversed Wand and The Chariot could suggest the drive on to find love.

      Card 1: Queen of wands
      This card and its description remind me of me. Although I internally identify with the suits cup, I also outwardly identify with the queen of wands. I think that’s because I’m a Leo sun (external, fire) and Scorpio moon (internal, water). I also love cats! I guess this means that what has prevented me from finding that special person is me. But what exactly about me is the problem? The queen of wands can be quite authoritative and overwhelming as you said. And I am very guilty of having these traits and I think this is the main culprit here. But there could be more to this – Ha! Now there is nothing wrong with the Queen of Wands at all and she is perfectly lovely. However the very fact you are identifying with her sometimes bossy and overwhelming nature, could suggest you are coming on too strong, or trying too hard. You say that internally you identify with the Cups, but outwardly with The Queen of Wands. These two suits are not exactly on the same wavelength. You have love and your feminine emotions (Cups/Water) being expressed through the masculine fire/Wands. This is bound to lead to some form of clash. Internally your heart is overflowing with the loving energy you wish to share with another, but how you express that may be sending confused messages. From a love and relationship point of view you are probably expecting suitors to respond to your inner Ace of Cups, but the Queen of Wands may be inadvertently blocking that message with one of her own. The Queen of Wands is not typically a Cups love and romance type of person. She is more about passion, excitement, desire and action. The building energy of the Ace of Cups could lead her to release it in an overly-strong manner. You say you have no problem approaching men and asking them out, but are you selecting these men on a fire or water basis. If you have a tendency to go for Cancer men, (water, sensitive, emotional, moody) the Queen of Wands bearing down on them, may be a bit much. If you are seeking a hot passionate interaction, The Queen of Wands will do better at catching her man if you know what I mean. So we see you in the Queen of Wands, sitting in all your wondrous glory, positive and optimistic about finding the love your Ace of Cups desires. You have your cat beside you and are keenly showing an active interest in all those who come under your radar. Should you see an individual who shows potential, you are up and off your throne in hot pursuit. The Queen of Wands doesn’t like to hang around or let the grass grow under her feet. She also believes firmly in equality of the sexes and can’t see why taking the lead would be a problem. This may be where your dilemma lies. The Ace of Cups showed all the loving energy flowing forth from you, but perhaps it needs to be toned down a bit so that it does not threaten to swamp or drown those who are on the receiving end of it. In your eagerness you may be giving too much too soon.

      Card 2: Ten of cups
      Ten of cups is an amazing card especially in a love reading, but I’m not entirely sure what this card could mean regarding what I need to do to solve the problem in card 1. If I had to guess, I’d say that this means that I need to be more loving and caring and relaxed. Could this mean that I should get more in touch with my inner self and show it to others more? – Yes, I agree. The Ten of Cups is more aligned to The Ace of Cups and behaves in a recognisable or predictable fashion. The Ten of Cups is what the Ace of Cups is ultimately looking for. Maybe the Queen of Wands is not getting that message across and could be leading potential suitors to believe you are not looking for a long-term committed relationship, and who knows, even a marriage and kids at the end of it. I think you need to show this side of you more, to let the Cups shine through. You may be quite authoritative and forceful on the outside, but inside you are ready to share your life with another. You are not looking to control or boss anyone (well a leopard can’t change its spots), you understand the give and take that would be required of you in the Ten of Cups. The couple in the Ten of Cups are the same couple from the Two. In the two they held their cups at equal height acknowledging that neither one dominated the other. They were in it together and wanted the same things. Also, make sure the suitors you choose fit the criteria for the Ten of Cups. Don’t waste your time on those who don’t want what you want. The Queen of Wands may think she can change them, bend them to her will, but why go to all that bother? Find someone who feels the same as you, someone who doesn’t need constant convincing. Also, the journey from The Ace of Cups to The Ten won’t happen overnight. The couple in the Two of Cups may have dated for years before getting to this stage. The Ace of Cups is only the beginning, the relationship a journey with ups and downs. You will have to go through a lot before you can realise the Ten. Love and the relationship that is born out of it will need to evolve over time. The Queen of Wands could get impatient. And another also. The Ace of Cups, could be idealising what a grand love should be. The Ten of Cups can have a fairy tale aspect to it, what one wishes and dreams of, to meet the handsome prince, get married and live happily eve after. It may not be exactly practical or even achievable. Check what expectations you hold and see if they are realistic.

      Card 3: Ace of wands (reversed)
      I think this card being a wand can be related to the queen of wands in card 1 and then later to the Six of wands in card 6. What I need to do in order to find love is to not do anything. I should drop that wand that represents my authoritative and assertive tendencies and be passive and let love come to me. I’m not afraid of approaching men and asking them out and taking charge of the situation. But maybe I should stop trying to control everything and make an outcome happen by force and just let things happen on their own. I think I might still be missing something and I would be glad if you could offer more insight on this card. -Yes, you could be onto something here. The Reversed Ace of Wands could be highlighting a case of over-activity in this area, especially if you are identifying with such tendencies. The Ace of Wands could be shining too brightly, looking too eager, too giving, too obvious. Maybe it needs to be toned down. Playing hard to get could be in your interest. Let them come chasing you and not the other way around. Bring the Cups out to the front and present a more demure or coy approach. The Queen of Wands will be impatient and now that she has the Ace of Cups brewing inside, will want to move quickly on finding love. This could lead her to get involved with someone before giving it a lot of thought. The Ace of Wands Reversed could be pointing to non-starters, giving the thumbs down to those who do not warrant her attention. To admitting that, no, there is no one of interest to me here, so I will wait until something better shows up. At the end of the day, the Ace of Wands will tell you to wait, that the time or circumstances are not right. The Ace of Cups is upright giving a thumbs up for love, but the Reversed Ace of Wands could suggest delays and also disappointments.

      Card 4: The Chariot
      There is an actual man in this card which makes it easier to interpret. Maybe the right person for me is someone like the man riding the chariot. Maybe he is tough on the outside but very emotional on the inside. Maybe he’s emotionally mature and has found a good balance in life. It could also mean that this person is a Cancerian man. It’s weird but most of my relationships have been with Cancers. I don’t seek them out, and in fact after a few really bad experiences with them, I tend to avoid them. But it just keeps happening, I just keep meeting and falling in love with Cancers (and almost always regretted it later). Will I finally end up with another Cancer man? The Chariot could be a cancer personality, tough on the outside, but soft and emotional on the inside. Does this not align with how you see yourself – Cups on inside and Queen of Wands on the outside. Is the right person for you, someone like yourself? You say you have had bad experiences with cancer men, and I wonder in what way? The Chariot although one of the cards for Cancer does not have any other cards to support it. Now, could this man in the chariot be up to the job of providing the challenge the Queen of Wands would look for and need in a relationship. The Ace of Cups will not sustain her in the long run. She needs more than love and romance. If she has a tendency to be bossy or overwhelming, then she will meet her match in the Chariot for here is a man who will not be afraid to stand up to her and give as good as he gets. I empathise with how you see yourself as I am a bit the same. My partner is lovely and soft and tends to let me away with a lot. Then at times when I have the bit between my teeth about something, he rears up and treats me sternly or fights back. I then bring out the cups side of me and admonish him for treating me harshly or speaking to me in a sharp manner, but he tells me that sometimes he just has to assert himself otherwise I will just ride roughshod over him. This usually cools my heels and puts me in my place. The white and black horses in the Chariot could also suggest chalk and cheese personalities that somehow manage to work well with each other. For certain the person for you will be just as forceful as you. He will admire this quality rather than be intimidated by it. If you decide to hop aboard his chariot, you will definitely have some adventures ahead. With the Chariot in this postion, I think a man of power, ambitious, someone who is going places would appeal to you, especially to the Queen of Wands. She would find that exciting, a turn on. Weak men need not apply!!!

      Card 5: Six of pentacles
      This card tells me where I’m most likely to meet my love. It could be a charity event. Or I might meet this person while he is offering me help of some kind. Can’t think of anything else! – Yes, to all those but use your imagination to go a bit further. Let’s have a look – this guy looks like he is serving people, handing out invitations to a party or wedding perhaps, giving advise, giving awards, giving out payslips or monies. He is in a pentacles environment, so the circumstances may be very down to earth, an everyday thing such as meeting someone while in the queue for your daily coffee. Cups would suggest a social occasion, actually at a party or wedding or out with friends, wands would point to a work environment or while travelling for example and swords might point to a legal, medical, academic or professional environment.

      Card 6: Six of wands
      The when of meeting my soulmate seems to have something to do with the number six: six weeks, moths, years, etc. – could be. In my part of the world and the system I follow, Wands reflect Spring, but other systems will place them with Summer. So it could be the six days, six weeks in spring etc. We must also remember that when does not always imply a specific time frame. When could come down to when you have achieved something, moved past something, adopted a new attitude. For example, when you are most likely to meet this person, could be when you begin to socialise a bit more, get out and about. When could be when you decide to get out of the current unhappy relationship you are currently in. When could mean, when you stop entertaining grand illusions about what love is and expecting Mr. Perfect to turn up on your doorstep etc. So, yes, it could possibly mean when you allow the man to take the lead. The man in the chariot is on a journey, he hasn’t reached his destination yet. In the Six of Wands we see his successful completion, his triumphant arrival. Perhaps this person will not materialise just this minute, but is definitely on his way and heading towards you. I think also the Six of Wands is letting you know that you will be in no doubt when you meet this person. The Six of Wands could also be pointing to you. When you successfully master the issues highlighted in this spread.

      Also, although the Ace of Cups appears to confirm your desire for love, are you in a position to go looking for it, or give it your attention should you find it. The Reversed Ace of Wands could be implying that timing is off because you are on a demanding journey of your own right now (work, career, study) in the Chariot and would only be able to give divided attention to a partner should you find one (six of pentacles). Only when you have successfully achieved your current goals (Six of Wands) will you be able to let the Ace of Cups have its way.

      Looking at the cards as a whole, I think there are certain themes repeated in this reading. For example, there are three wands cards. In each of these wands cards, a hand is holding a wand. I think this means that I will meet my partner only when I give up control and shift the control to the man in Six of wands.

      The men in the Six of wands and Six of pentacles and ten of cups all wear red. This could mean that perhaps they represent the same person. The number Six also seems to be involved in the where and the when of meeting my soulmate.

      All in all, the outcome of this reading is good. But I could be totally wrong!

      So Ana, yes the outcome of this reading is good but could point to a number of things. I have given different options and approaches which shouldn’t be taken as definitive. When I do readings, I like to have the person with me to communicate with. For me it is the only way to zoom in on the most accurate interpretation for the cards presented. This is simply food for thought but I would like to say that I admire your ability and willingness to be totally objective about yourself. Not everyone can do this and tend to see themselves as flawless in any given circumstances. You are aware of your taking charge or control tendencies. Knowledge is power which puts you in a position to affect change should you desire to.

      Best of luck and well done with your interpretations.



  12. Hi Vivien. I started reading your site recently I I really like it! I haven’t done the above love reading, but I was wondering if I sent you a list of card for a couple of Celtic Cross readings, do you think you can help me interpret please?


    • Hi Michelle,

      Yes, you can send me the list of cards, but unfortunately you will also need to send me your own interpretation as I don’t offer readings online. I work best when I have the person with me for a Tarot Reading.

      I can assist you with your reading but will not be able to do a reading for you. As the Celtic Cross layout differs considerably (there are several versions), make sure you detail which one it is and list all the positions you have allocated, what they are and the meaning you have assigned to them. Make sure you include a comprehensive question and also some background information as the cards can mean anything otherwise. A photo of the cards laid out is also useful.



  13. Wonderful! Yes I totally understand, and I know it’s a lot. I used the Traditional Celtic Cross for both readings. For Reading 1, the question was I basically I asked the cards to tell me the real deal about a man that I briefly dated on & off. For Reading 2, I was quite upset one day when I was doing this reading & asked the cards to give me a just general overview regarding my life, job, people around me, love life, etc. I do actually have snapshots of both readings, but not sure how to attach them here.

    Reading 1:

    1. Present/Heart Of The Matter: 6 Of Swords Reversed
    2. Challenge/Blockage: 5 Of Swords Reversed
    3. Conscious Goal: The Devil
    4. Unknown Influence: Knight Of Pentacles
    5. Past Influence: Knight Of Wands
    6. Approaching Influence: 8 Of Pentacles Reversed
    7. Inner Resource/Talent: 10 Of Cups
    8. How One Is See By Others/One Sees Others: The Tower Reversed
    9. Hopes/Fears: 3 Of Pentacles
    10. Final Outcome: Justice

    The above reading didn’t surprise me too much, but it did scare me a bit & am hoping the Outcome card will yield positive results, whatever they may be.

    Reading 2:

    1. Present/Heart Of The Matter:: The Hanged Man
    2. Challenge/Blockage: 7 Of Wands
    3. Conscious Goal: 4 Of Wands
    4. Unknown Influence: Queen Of Pentacles
    5. Past Influence: Four Of Pentacles Reversed
    6. Approaching Influence: 7 Of Pentacles
    7. Inner Resource/Talent: 5 Of Pentacles Reversed
    8. How One Is Seen By Others/One Sees Others: 3 Of Swords
    9. Hopes/Fears: King Of Wands Reversed
    10. Final Outcome: The High Priestess

    This reading I wasn’t really sure what to make of it all, but I also wasn’t so sure how to feel. The Outcome card I took to mean to of course, use my intuition, but also, that apparently I can’t get any answers at this time.

    Please let me know if you need any other info to proceed. Thanks!


    • Hi Michelle,

      Got your list of cards and the update. Can you please send the background information for both readings and your detailed interpretation for both readings as they were not included in your messages. I can then take a look at how you have interpreted your cards and make observations from there where I see necessary. I no longer conduct online readings but do assist students with their own readings by giving my opinion on how they have interpreted it and a fresh observation on cards they may be stuck on.



  14. Hi Vivien,

    Thank you so much for this site, I use it a lot! I tried the spread and did my best to interpret it. Some cards were easier to explain than others, and I find it especially hard to interpret the combination of the cards so I think there is a lot more to say about the spread than I did. For example, I noticed that three of the major arcana cards in the spread have the two pillars, but I don’t know what to make from that. Also, most cards are very static, don’t have a lot of movement.

    B. 4 of swords
    1. The High Priestess
    2. The Sun
    3. Justice
    4. 9 of Pentacles
    5. The Hierophant
    6. Page of Cups

    B. The basis is that I’ve been hiding inside myself, not knowing how to connect with guys in a romantic way. In the past I’ve been neglected/ignored/not seen. That’s why I had the feeling nobody would ever really love me, because in my mind it wasn’t interesting for guys to hang out or go out with me. I would look cool on the outside, but from the inside my emotions were very intense especially when I liked someone. I would never really show that or make a move. Had no idea of how to deal with these feelings being afraid of rejection.

    1. I can make whole stories in my mind about someone without really knowing the person. It’s a theoretical love. I’m looking for a higher/spiritual love and do get easily bored when conversation isn’t interesting. I also tend not to want to attract to much attention towards me. I don’t like to be in the spotlight. I don’t make the first move.

    2. I should be open, out there, just the way I am with no extra’s. Be warm, playfull and move with the situation having the sun in my back and the horse to take me where I need to be. So not to goal oriented, but go along with it with openness and playfulness.

    3. My next step to take is to accept my fate/karma.

    4. My suitable partner knows how to let things grow and flourish. He’s welcoming, gentle, mature, has success in business and appreciates the finer things in life.

    5. I might meet my partner during an official ceremony, maybe related to religion.

    6. Clueless, don’t know how to interpret this one haha

    Curious about how you see things!!

    Much love,


    • Hi H.E.B.

      Just back at my desk today following a house move to new location and some issues with getting broadband installed. I have a lot of correspondence to catch up on now so will be steadily working on it over the coming weeks. I will be in touch with you in that time. Thank you for your patience.


      Vivien Ní Dhuinn


    • Hi H.E.B.

      Well, all I can say is ‘Outstanding’. Well done with your interpretation. Before I read your interpretation I could immediately see a closed side that was looking for love but could not open to receive it even if it did come knocking on the door. The Sun of course is so extrovert when we compare it to The High Priestess. You say that on the outside, you look cool but are not able to handle any direct interest as your emotions become too intense. The High Priestess with the Four of Swords in the background is certainly not helping matters. Now the High Priestess is fine on her own, not as sociable, warm and outgoing as the Empress lets say but she is her own woman and can handle herself very well. She does get into relationships and can successfully manage them but they are often dreadfully complicated and as you say, intense. They can be on and off as her moods swing from approachable to very definitely ‘closed’. Nevertheless, the High Priestess is the female vamp, the mysterious woman, the vamp, the one admirers become fascinated or transfixed with. The High Priestess can have several eating out of her hand at the one time as she wraps each one around her little finger.

      The problem is the High Priestess in you is being blocked from pursuing any sort of meaningful relationship because of the influence of the Four of Swords. As a Sword card we are dealing with the element of Air, the mind, the mental state, mind-sets, attitudes, belief systems both internal and external. This is where the intensity is coming from. From this card I can see that you can’t just let things be. Any form of love interest or potential relationship is mentally beaten to death, over-analysed, obsessed and stressed over. It all becomes way too exhausting for all involved and consumes your every cell. This would be great if the intensity and obsession was borne out of feeling all loved up and not being able to sleep or eat with excitement. You should be dying to meet, to see the one you are attracted to but the sleeplessness is borne out of anxiety and stress about all the what ifs that are involved, how he sees you, what he thinks of me, what sort of impression I am making, did I do the right thing accepting a date, what is the point etc. You have been focusing on the negatives and the future, running a relationship on fast forward in your mind before it has a chance to get off the ground. It should all be lovely and wonderful but instead it bears heavy on you.

      However, you have acknowledged this and now seek to make the necessary adjustments in your life and outlook to encourage love in the door and give it at least half a decent chance of success or at the very least, a bit of enjoyment. The Sun turning up in position 2 is very in your face isn’t it? The Sun doesn’t think about the past or the future that may never happen for it is too busy living in the now and enjoying what it actually has. After all you did ask the cards and there can be no doubt or hesitation in what this might mean in your reading. So what do you need to do? Have some fun girl. Throw caution to the wind, take off your shoes and run barefoot through the grass, wear something colourful and frivolous, laugh at silly jokes and mad antics, let the sun shine down and warm you down to your heart and soul. The Sun asks you to be open, friendly, playful and take time out from the High Priestess and Four of Swords. Spend time with happy, upbeat positive people who brighten your day and not dampen it. The message of the Sun would be to feel free inside and be open to what happens. However the Sun is such as strongly positive light card and the Four of Swords so intense and heavy, it will certainly need to exert its full influence if Swords’ energy and introvert nature of the High Priestess is to be overcome. Just look at the colour of the Sun when compared to the two cards! Huge, huge difference! Both the High Priestess and Four of Swords look as if they haven’t seen the light of day for weeks or months and could really do with getting out into the Sun for a while to take the pale look away.

      Now the Sun is a Major and the Four of Swords just a minor but never underestimate the power of the Swords in any reading or in life. This card has the capacity to cast dark clouds over the sun if it should decide to. Remember the power of the mind is frightening. The High Priestess is also quite stubborn in herself and may need much convincing to change her ways. She may resist the charm and allure of the Sun and continue to make life difficult for you.

      Telling you what you need to do and actually being able to put it into practice are two different beasts altogether. You know what you need to do, but can you? That will be a challenge for you and you will need to work hard to overcome their influence.Like the little child depicted in the Sun card try taking baby steps first. Attempting to transform into the Sun in one go may result in you getting badly sun burnt and we don’t want to give you any reason to retreat into the dark again.

      Justice marks the above and suggests trying to achieve balance in your life between the ways of the High Priestess/Four of Swords and The life you seek in the Sun. You won’t be able to shake off one and transform immediately into the other. You also must remember that these are part of who you are and instead of totally obliterating them, see where you can fit them in but not to the extent they take over or want to dominate. Saying this, the Four of Swords really has to go but this is a reflection of your mental state of being and it will take great personal understanding and patience to work out why it is there in the first place. Justice will ask you to be truthful with yourself. You are the way you are because of your past and your experiences. It didn’t just happen! How did the Four of Swords originate, when did it first appear? At what stage did you become aware of it negatively influencing you? What steps to date have you taken to deal with it? Have you sought help to overcome its influence or have you let it run wild and free in your life? Justice points out that nothing will change until this aspect is dealt with. You have to balance the scales as the actions of the Four of Swords will continue to have unwelcome consequences in your life. Simply stating you want to change and be more easy going with romance may not be enough to get the job done especially if you have been this personality for a long time. You may chase the Sun and bask in its glow, thinking you have turned your world around but at the first sign of stress or pressure you are likely to regress and run for cover.

      You do not need to get rid of the High Priestess as this is who you are. You certainly can work on improving her and encouraging her to be more open to things but at the end of the day there is absolutely nothing wrong with her and many women would delight in being identified as the High Priestess, even if prospective suitors find you a little scary at times. Many are interested but some are too unsure of you to approach. You need to put them at their ease and meet them half way. No, it is the Four of Swords that is the issue and not the kind of bedfellow you want for the High Priestess. So Justice asks you not to dismiss this but instead work to disentangle yourself from its clutches.

      Yes, with the 9 of Pentacles as who might best suit you, I agree with your conclusions but have something extra to add. I connect the woman in the 9 of Pentacles with the High Priestess. These are both strongly female cards and I think it suggests that your partner really needs to respect women, understand them and admire them. You are not looking for a macho guy who has a certain view of women. You need someone who will encourage you to grow and become empowered. He won’t seek to take over or insist you change. He is drawn to you because of the High Priestess in you. You will hold an allure for him that he will not find in most women. He wants the best for you and will support you in anything you want to do. He also admires your independent nature and won’t want to tame it. This man may offer you the good life too with money behind him but the 9 of Pentacles is very much about female independence.

      With the Hierophant, yes you might meet your partner during an official ceremony or related to religion (any weddings coming up? Are you connected to a church group?) but it could also represent a group set up somewhere such as a college, institution, organisation, club etc. The Hierophant does suggest meeting in a traditional or conventional manner so it might be quite straight forward, in work or a formal introduction. We could also find someone you know doing a bit of match-making.

      Often people using this spread and similar take the ‘When’ position literally as in a date or day for example. Often ‘When’ refers to ‘when certain things (list of personal work that needs to be completed) in my life, then I will meet the one for me. As a Tarot reader I have lost count of the amount of times people have come for a reading wanting to find out when they are going to meet their soul mate or love of their life. Their lives may be a complete mess; recovering from a break down, financially bankrupt, homeless, world upside down, demanding career, recent broken relationship or marriage yet for some reason they believe it will happen for them and have a successful outcome regardless. I often have to point out that at present they are not relationship material, they have noting but bitterness to offer, that they are carrying huge emotional baggage from a previous relationship that needs to be dealt with first, that they really need to focus on personal development or focus on their career, studies, finding somewhere to live or a job, and not think of love for the moment. The block to finding love often lies very close to home yet people seek to ignore this and believe it is only a matter of time. This leads to making the same mistakes over and over again. Therefore in this reading, I feel justice is very important and should not be taken lightly. Unless you deal with the Four of Swords interfering in your chance for love and romance you may get the same consequences again that you are trying to avoid. Don’t think you can out run the Four of Swords. Just look to the Six of Swords for its knack in following you. You need to totally extricate yourself and not just sneak out the side door hoping it won’t notice or miss you. Like any heavy bad energy, it needs to be dismantled block by block so that it loses its power over you once and for all. This may take time. Justice again reminds you of this.

      I think the Page of Cups suggests you will meet someone when you have become more emotionally open and approachable. This Page loves love, lives for love and is such a romantic. Romance is everything and his heart is ready and waiting for love to come along. The Page of Cups would not have the stressful attachments to love that you have experienced, but his heart is easily broken. He is positive and optimistic about love and ready to trust. Cups also represent the season of Summer, the page the early stages. The Page of Cups is one of the cards for Pisces so you could be looking at 20th February to 20th March approximately. He also can hint at meeting someone as a result of a social invitation. Maybe the Hierophant suggests a wedding that you will be invited to and now you must wait for the invitation to arrive in the post. So you meeting your partner may depend on another to put the wheels in motion.

      I do think the pillars in your cards reflect finding the right balance and integrating the masculine and feminine in you to the extent you can relate better to external males too. The pillar are very rigid too in their appearance. Not everything is black and white in matters of the heart. Try to approach love in a more balanced manner and with less fixed ideas. The static cards suggest the need to be more proactive in your search for love. Get up and get out there.

      I do hope you find the above of interest and I wish you the very best of luck in finding the Sun in your life.




      • Hi Vivien,

        I wanted to thank you for your interpretation. I’ve been reading it over and over again and I took it to heart. To be honest, it took me some time to digest it, because some of it was a little bit difficult to read, but okay… things are the way they are, definitely because it sounds true to me and the best thing is to be real about it. I’ve been working with positive affirmations and I think it is making a change.

        If you’re planning on teaching offline courses, please let me know. I’m interested ;))

        Much love,


  15. Hi Vivien! I tried this spread today for the first time, being only a beginner, and while all the cards are very clear in the reading, two confuse me. Initially I thought Card 1 was Card 2 and viceversa, and it was clearer: I got the Page of Pentacles as Card 1 and Justice as Card 2. You may understand why thinking Justice was Card 1 and the Page of Pentacles was Card 2 was clearer. I thought the ‘blockage’ was ‘everything is as it should be’, and the course of action was ‘study, persevere, etc.’. Backwards, I am at a loss. Why? Because my Ascendant is Taurus. I strongly identify with the Page of Pentacles right now, in a lot of the main aspects. This reads to me like ‘I’ am my own blockage…which is confusing, and painful, cause I think I like those things about me (my base card is accurately enough the 8 of Swords). And I fail to see how the Justice card suggests a course of Action. Balance, perhaps? Being less myself? 8 of Swords! :_(( Help would be very much welcome.


    • Hi Daniel,

      You may be viewing the ‘blockage’ aspect of position 1 as something negative in this case when it isn’t really but just pointing out why you are challenged. Blockage may simply mean things in life that are getting in the way of you meeting your ideal partner. This could be time, obligations, duty, commitments, study, work, career demands, travel for work etc. All I have listed there could possibly relate to the lovely Page of Pentacles who you say you strongly identify with and like. Unless you work with both upright and reversed cards in your readings, you must look at this Page from both sides and study his personality profile to determine in what way his actions, approach, and life may at times block him from entering a relationship. By studying this lovely page in both aspects you will resonate with certain aspects and say ‘ah’ maybe that is what it is.

      For starters, this Page is the Scholar, the Student, The Hard Worker. You mention study in relation to him and identifying him. If you are a student you may be so focused on your studies, exams and careers you simply don’t have time to meet anyone. You might want to, greatly desire it, but cannot manage it all. Many times I need to point this out to clients over the years when they come to me in search of why they can’t find love. Unless you meet someone who is in the same situation, understands the demands on your time, the need to study and attend lectures, only being able to see you for limited time, it is unlikely a relationship will last. Often these clients are under considerable stress completing a thesis or bogged down studying for exams and I ask them to be honest with themselves with regards to how on earth will they be able to juggle and maintain a relationship as well. Something will give, studies or relationship.

      One thing I will say about the Page of Pentacles is that he might be too intense where relationships are concerned, possibly too broody or sullen. He may also be quite slow when approaching a love interest and typically would not be the most romantic of the pages. The subject of your interest may not know of your interest because the Page of Pentacles can be quite reserved in this manner. The Pentacles are traditional, conventional and conservative. Would you consider yourself as so, very much so, too much so? If so, then this might be an area you could work on if you discover it is causing issues. The Page of Pentacles may be a tad serious, controlled and practical at times and might need to be more demonstrative with his emotions. The Page of Pentacles may come across as more mature than his fellow Pages and this might find you having better luck with someone similar. Also, you may be concentrating on the long-term view, having a steady partner and all that goes with it, instead of getting out there and dating regularly for fun. Maybe the Page needs to approach relationships from a fun aspect instead of thinking of their long-term potential.

      The above is just an example of how the lovely Page may act as a block, not a negative block, but a block nonetheless. Only you will be able to determine in what area this might be. You may also need to be patient in your search if you think he may be presenting in Reverse.

      I think Justice is asking you to weigh all these possibilities as things are the way they are. Like I asked of my clients, you too may need to be honest in your evaluation and see if a relationship at this stage and under current circumstances would be a great idea? What we want and what is feasible are two different things. Often we desire something for all the wrong reasons but don’t realise it at the time. Going back to my clients example, often in later readings on the same subject understanding begins to set in. Many clients looking for love or a relationship while studying for exams or undergoing stress in their careers were really looking for a distraction, something to take their mind off it all and make their daily life more interesting and fun.

      The Page of Pentacles may also be blocked or restricted (8 of Swords) by his background or family, especially if there is money, position or status behind them. You may not be free to make your own decisions about love as family may want to dictate to you who you should be with, who is suitable; their social class and status etc. You may have certain standards to maintain.

      Justice brings in karmic balance. Consequences as a result of actions, what is sent out by you will return to you two-fold. If you want undesirable consequences to change or alter, then you must change the actions that are causing the unwelcome outcomes. What you perceive as unfair may actually be very fair when viewed from this perspective. Justice asks you to be very honest with yourself, to stand back and take a good look. You hold full responsibility for where you are in life right now. Everything is as it should be based on your actions. If the lovely Page is in some way causing his own issues then you may be right in thinking that you are the block. However, thinking of yourself as a block is very negative. In what way could you as the Page of Pentacles (upright or reversed?) could inadvertently be sabotaging your chances oF success when it comes to looking for love? If you do as Justice would advise maybe you might find the answers. Also, if you have a very good close friend or sibling, and you can handle the truth (Justice), you could ask them for their honest opinion on why you might be having difficulty finding love at this moment in time.

      Justice also brings in the court system and legal action. With the 8 of Swords as the Base Card could this mean you are not free to pursue love or relationships? Perhaps you are in an unhappy marriage and as the Page of Pentacles want to work at it and believe in marriage that lasts forever. Could the advice Justice give be in relation to a legal separation, divorce or something connected such as custody of child/children for example? Is the Page of Pentacles a child that presents as the obstacle and not you after all? Do you stay in an unhappy relationship or marriage because of a child? Lots of areas to consider.

      It is interesting you have the 8 of Swords as your Base card and seem to think it appropriate for you or your circumstances. This card in itself gives off an energy of being tied up, restricted (mentally/emotionally/physically), obstacles – either imaginary or real, in your way, fear. In what way is this card impacting the Page of Pentacles? What is the relationship between the two? These are questions you must ask yourself, the questions Justice asks you to ask of you. Personally, I would not see the 8 of Swords as the ideal card to turn up in a reading about love or relationships, so it’s presence should be given much attention. What is it doing there, why do I think it accurate for me and my situation? Is it helping or hurting my search for love? Am I in the right frame of mind to enter a relationship at this moment in time?

      Now I throw all the above out to you with a view to giving you something to think about, things you may not have thought of as being relevant. Please do not regard this as a reading I have done for you for it is not. It is purely a tutoring session where I draw your attention to the different aspects that might be at play. There are also many more scenarios that might apply. You can then work it out yourself and learn from the process.

      I hope this has helped in some way.


      Liked by 1 person

  16. Hello Vivien!
    Love your website! I feel as though i’m still am amateur of interpreting tarot and am looking for your insight into your looking for love spread as I am currently stumped! I understand the cards meanings on their own, but I am struggling to connect some dots and pull all the information together.

    base card (gives background info of situation)- 5 of wands
    1 (what are the underlying causes that have blocked me from meeting my perfect partner?) – 6 of swords
    2 (what can I do to make the necessary changes to overcome the issues revealed in card 1)- 2 of cups
    3 (what is the best step to take right now in order to find my perfect partner?) – the magician
    4 (who would be the most suitable partner for me?) – queen of cups
    5 (where am i most likely to meet my perfect partner?) – 9 of swords
    6 (when am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?) – the lovers

    5 of wands – in representing background info of struggle, strife and conflict in ideas/actions This is true to how I have reacted to situations involving love in the recent past. 
disagreement, confrontation, strife, tension, competition, change. 
This could be very fitting, signifying that either I have not been listening to someone elses point of view or I was not feeling heard when I expressed my point of view. Or perhaps that the misunderstandings themselves are of petty reasons.

    6 of swords – There are seemingly only two routes of action for this situation. This outlook is blocking me from either meeting my perfect partner or blocking me from being with my perfect partner. 
Emotionally I have been going through a deep transition; shedding many a old habit and cleaning up my mental and emotional spaces as of late. the last few months I had much too much “down” time and was very bored, due to deciding to have freelance jobs that allowed me to work from home. I found this to not be as productive as I had initially hoped it would be (perhaps my regretful transition). I believe this was hard emotional work that needed to get done though, so it does not really feel regretful. in a recent romantic relation, i quickly grew attached and had to then distance myself to become less obsessively and unhealthily attached to that person. 
this cards meaning perhaps is that of moving out of difficult times and into calmer ones.

    2 of cups – this is a card of love and unifying. I could see this about unifying the male and female energies of the self, or of strengthening an already romantic relationship. I do have romantic attachment with someone. Things had gotten too much too quickly about couple of months ago, and now there has been a lot of distance from both of us. my romantic feelings for this person are present. I think this card is a signal for me to love more intentionally in all of my relationships, with the self, with others, family, potential partners, just overall in my everyday life. Come from a place of love.

    The Magician – i have the power to harness and manifest my creativity and potential. I did a meditation where I envisioned myself going to my own peaceful place, to connect with and become the magician. The meditation ended by allowing the flowing golden power of the magician into your body, where did it go? To my throat chakra. which to me indicated healing of communication and speaking my truths. This card in this placement tells me to have the power to succeed, i must believe in myself and my abilities. Asks me to apply concentration though and focused will, to think creatively and use my resources at my disposal to achieve my goals. encourages to actively manifest your intentions because you possess inner power. 
This reins true for me in many aspects of life instead of just the area of romance. As an artist I have been growing deeper my connections with creativity and the magician meditation really connected me with that source/power of creativity. Telling me that it is time to create.

    Here is where I began to grow confused a bit confused.
    Queen of cups – dedication, love, someone who blends feelings with actions, creativity, healing, nurturing. true elemental; water of water. I’m not sure here if I am to be finding this person within, nor am i sure of who this person may be in my life. I am a leo sun sign, with a taurus rising and a cancer moon if that gives you any ideals about my personality. I know that I definitely am in need of harnessing this type of energy within myself. That the areas of female energies, nurturing and blending of feelings with actions speak to me the most.
    I think back to the two of cups card about love; i have been thinking about getting a companion animal as i think this may be a healthy way for me to connect with nurturing and loving something outside myself. although I still feel a bit lost in what this card means in this placement.

    9 of swords – sorrow, despair, pain, hope through acceptance, shocking news of longstanding pain. anxiety, worry, despair; often signifying an extensive worrying over a situation. working yourself up over a situation so much that your making it out to be worse than it really is. being incredibly hard on the self. 
I chuckled when I flipped this card. I wonder here if I am simply worrying over things that do not need to be worried over. making a mountain out of a mole hill. And yet I am confused by this card in the “where” position….does this mean that this partner in question will be the cause of this sorrow and pain? or will that just be my perspective when i meet them? I’m also unclear as to where this card actually is in time; have i already met this person? or if I think about how other cards signified the self, does this card represent my need of finding the queen of cups in myself during a time of inner sorrow and despair in order for self love?

    the lovers – !! 
And I am seemingly more confused than clarified here! *chuckling to myself* 
I see this card as romantic partnership. the card that i have is very romantically illustrated, and is a union of a male and a female. although does have a meaning about choices, though i’m not sure what I’d be deciding between. This, along with the two of cups, in this reading about love really solidifies something positive about love, but perhaps because i am unsure about whether this reading is about my relationship to myself, or to others, I feel I’m not sure how to interpret it. Especially in this placement, the “when” of finding my perfect partner.

    I’d love for your interpretation.
    Thanks so much!!


    • Hi Holly.

      Well done with your reading. I am very impressed. I am on vacation in France at present and will attend to your reading when I get back. I do have some theories about the cards you are confused over but I think you should pull additional cards to go with the ones you find confusing. However, this should really be done at the time of the original reading as it is once the moment has passed, the energies have shifted and your intention may not be aligned in the same manner as the day you did the original reading. I suggest laying out the cards exactly as they were and for each confusing card, draw and addtional two, one to flank each side of the card. Make sure to concentrate on each card specifically, asking for further clarification on what the original card might mean in relation to the position it is placed in. Also, either quietly to yourself, or out loud declare the interpretation you have already come up with and ask for confirmation if you are correct and if not correct then a clear indication of what it actually means for you. Be precise when asking your subconscious for the info. No ambiguous messages please tell it. If you get that organised, send me your findings and I will get back to you on my return.

      xxx Vivien


    • Hi Holly,

      I have been quite candid in areas so I hope no offense is taken. Please note, this is not a reading but assistance with what you have already come up with. My contributions are merely suggestions and should not be taken too seriously. It is a bit of brainstorming around your cards, and theories on what they might mean so as to help open the reading to multiple ideas, ideas that may or may not be relevant but are nonetheless interesting.

      base card (gives background info of situation)- 5 of wands
      1 (what are the underlying causes that have blocked me from meeting my perfect partner?) – 6 of swords
      2 (what can I do to make the necessary changes to overcome the issues revealed in card 1)- 2 of cups
      3 (what is the best step to take right now in order to find my perfect partner?) – the magician
      4 (who would be the most suitable partner for me?) – queen of cups
      5 (where am i most likely to meet my perfect partner?) – 9 of swords
      6 (when am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?) – the lovers

      5 of wands – in representing background info of struggle, strife and conflict in ideas/actions This is true to how I have reacted to situations involving love in the recent past. 
disagreement, confrontation, strife, tension, competition, change. 
This could be very fitting, signifying that either I have not been listening to someone elses point of view or I was not feeling heard when I expressed my point of view. Or perhaps that the misunderstandings themselves are of petty reasons.

      – This card seems to highlight competitiveness and challenges in relationships. What should be a happy time filled with love, tenderness and affection invariably becomes a battle ground over, as you say, petty things. There may be a habit of engaging in relationships that are dramatic and not very stablising in the long run. Perhaps you are drawn to difficult partners or need to be kept on your toes in a relationship. This is not all bad as if handled the right way, the Five of Wands can add spice and excitement to a relationship, but only if it is not taken seriously. Some people thrive on chaos and uncertainty while others like to know where they stand and avoid any unnecessary surprises. The Five of Wands could also point to possible insecurity regarding external threats in a relationship such as believing others want what you have and if you are not vigilant will take it away from you at the first opportunity. The Five of Wands could find you having to beat off love rivals as they flirt with your partner, or your partner flirts with them. Perhaps the Five of Wands finds you deliberately sabotaging relationships once they show any sign of maturing into something more meaningful. Like throwing a stick at a nest of wasps. You may invariably stir up trouble so that a relationship becomes unsustainable. There could be a lot going on with the Five of Wands externally, internally, or both. Perhaps you like a good fight, or are attracted to partners who are hard to get. You may not be interested in those who are drawn to you, seeing no challenge in it, preferring the ones who appear to show no interest instead.

      6 of swords – There are seemingly only two routes of action for this situation. This outlook is blocking me from either meeting my perfect partner or blocking me from being with my perfect partner. 
Emotionally I have been going through a deep transition; shedding many a old habit and cleaning up my mental and emotional spaces as of late. the last few months I had much too much “down” time and was very bored, due to deciding to have freelance jobs that allowed me to work from home. I found this to not be as productive as I had initially hoped it would be (perhaps my regretful transition). I believe this was hard emotional work that needed to get done though, so it does not really feel regretful. in a recent romantic relation, i quickly grew attached and had to then distance myself to become less obsessively and unhealthily attached to that person. 
this cards meaning perhaps is that of moving out of difficult times and into calmer ones.

      – Yes, Six of Sword could find you moving out of such difficult times, but you may also be carrying your issues forward with you even though you think you have left them behind. Having to distance yourself from a relationship because you have become too obsessed and unhealthily attached will only temporarily deal with the situation. There is a sense with the Six of Swords making good your escape but who are you trying to outrun? Another, or yourself? There is a chance you have not dealt with your issues and are set to repeat them on the far shore. Perhaps you need to stay and face up to them, deal with the unpleasantness of the Five of Swords once and for all so that you no longer conduct your relationships on the battle field. Is there a habit of running away when a relationship gets too intense, or when you get intense. You might think you are retreating to recover in the Six but are you really? This card would suggest you need to address the reasons behind why you become obsessed and unhealthily attached in relationships. You shouldn’t have to retreat or distance yourself to protect yourself.

      2 of cups – this is a card of love and unifying. I could see this about unifying the male and female energies of the self, or of strengthening an already romantic relationship. I do have romantic attachment with someone. Things had gotten too much too quickly about couple of months ago, and now there has been a lot of distance from both of us. my romantic feelings for this person are present. I think this card is a signal for me to love more intentionally in all of my relationships, with the self, with others, family, potential partners, just overall in my everyday life. Come from a place of love.

      – Yes, love from the heart and enjoy the process. In the Two of Cups there is no stress, no arguments, no competition. The couple hold their cups at equal height symbolising equality which is far removed from the competitiveness found in the Five of Wands. This is what a loving relationship should look like. The couple in the Two of Cups are indeed besotted, infatuated and obsessed with each other but there is no concern here of it being unhealthy. They see it as a normal part of falling in love, that time when you can think of nothing else, when you want to spend every moment with this other person. Reality will soon bring them down to earth when they face their first disagreements or don’t see eye to eye with each other over a certain matter but that is life. However, this is all part of the process of love and relationships. The infatuation eventually calms down into something more manageable. They choose to live in the moment of the relationship, to enjoy what is happening in the here and now without over analysing things. This couple is secure with each other, there are no threats, no worries as they are suitably matched and are sure of their feelings for each other.

      The Magician – i have the power to harness and manifest my creativity and potential. I did a meditation where I envisioned myself going to my own peaceful place, to connect with and become the magician. The meditation ended by allowing the flowing golden power of the magician into your body, where did it go? To my throat chakra. which to me indicated healing of communication and speaking my truths. This card in this placement tells me to have the power to succeed, i must believe in myself and my abilities. Asks me to apply concentration though and focused will, to think creatively and use my resources at my disposal to achieve my goals. encourages to actively manifest your intentions because you possess inner power. 
This reins true for me in many aspects of life instead of just the area of romance. As an artist I have been growing deeper my connections with creativity and the magician meditation really connected me with that source/power of creativity. Telling me that it is time to create.

      – Empowerment and self-mastery over the mental, physical, emotional and spiritual. The Magician is a number 1 card and thus implies the self, the ego. It may be implying you concentrate on yourself right now.

      Here is where I began to grow confused a bit confused.
      Queen of cups – dedication, love, someone who blends feelings with actions, creativity, healing, nurturing. true elemental; water of water. I’m not sure here if I am to be finding this person within, nor am i sure of who this person may be in my life. I am a leo sun sign, with a taurus rising and a cancer moon if that gives you any ideals about my personality. I know that I definitely am in need of harnessing this type of energy within myself. That the areas of female energies, nurturing and blending of feelings with actions speak to me the most.
      I think back to the two of cups card about love; i have been thinking about getting a companion animal as i think this may be a healthy way for me to connect with nurturing and loving something outside myself. although I still feel a bit lost in what this card means in this placement.

      – I do think the Queen appearing is bringing in emotional feminine energies. The most suitable partner for you might be someone who is strongly in touch with their emotional side, is caring, loving, nurturing and affectionate. There is a softness about the Queen of Cups that may offer the antidote to previous relationships that may have felt harsh or embattled. Also, don’t forget who the Queen of Cups is. She is the creative artist type and this is a world you belong in. Perhaps you need to meet someone artistic or creative. Someone who understands and the work you do. Do you know anyone as such in your realm? The Queen of Cups could also be a follow on from the Magician who could be telling you to work on yourself more right now instead of seeking out relationships. Fall in love with you, find emotional connection in your art. You say you are trying to improve your relationships with others and are thinking of getting an animal. The Queen needs to feel emotionally stable and secure and you might be right in finding the love within before seeking it with another.

      9 of swords – sorrow, despair, pain, hope through acceptance, shocking news of longstanding pain. anxiety, worry, despair; often signifying an extensive worrying over a situation. working yourself up over a situation so much that your making it out to be worse than it really is. being incredibly hard on the self. 
I chuckled when I flipped this card. I wonder here if I am simply worrying over things that do not need to be worried over. making a mountain out of a mole hill. And yet I am confused by this card in the “where” position….does this mean that this partner in question will be the cause of this sorrow and pain? or will that just be my perspective when i meet them? I’m also unclear as to where this card actually is in time; have i already met this person? or if I think about how other cards signified the self, does this card represent my need of finding the queen of cups in myself during a time of inner sorrow and despair in order for self love?

      – You may be right. You may need to connect with the Queen of Cups in order to self love. This card falling in the ‘Where’ position does not give us any true indication of where, and this might be, because a Where can’t happen until you remove yourself from the energy of the Nine of Swords. You are right too in saying you might be making a mountain out of a mole hill and over analysing everything. Perhaps you should let go and just be as in the Queen of Cups. However, if you are going through a time of pain, sorrow and despair, you could meet someone as a result of this. For example in a self-help or self-growth class or group or when seeking help for your pain. However, this card could be pointing out you are not in a good place right not to be considering relationships. I would suggest you pull additional cards to go with it as it is far from clear on its own.

      the lovers – !! 
And I am seemingly more confused than clarified here! *chuckling to myself* 
I see this card as romantic partnership. the card that i have is very romantically illustrated, and is a union of a male and a female. although does have a meaning about choices, though i’m not sure what I’d be deciding between. This, along with the two of cups, in this reading about love really solidifies something positive about love, but perhaps because i am unsure about whether this reading is about my relationship to myself, or to others, I feel I’m not sure how to interpret it. Especially in this placement, the “when” of finding my perfect partner.

      – Could be a timing thing. Lovers represents Gemini and the Card is a 7. Gemini falls between May and June with the 7th possibly the 7th of June??? I don’t really place too much emphasis on timing in cards as I think it unreliable. To me The Lovers is about relationships with firstly the self and then once that is firmly established, with a very special other. When you find the correct balance within you will be more likely to attract positive relationships. When you understand exactly what it is you are looking for in a relationship. When you understand what it is that draws you to another and are at one with it. Like the Two of Cups, we are dealing with how one conducts oneself in relationships, how one relates to another. If the love depicted in the Two of Cups can be secured and maintained by two loving partners, then it will evolve into the Lovers bringing the two fully together as one, yet still retaining their individuality. The Two of Cups finds them almost joined at the hips while in the Lovers they have matured. They do not need to be constantly in each others presence to be sure of what they have together. There is an open honesty in the Lovers which states, what you see is what you get. Look I am naked, I have nothing to hide from you, this is who I am, love me for who I am and not an unrealistic ideal you have of me. The Lovers is about finding the true one, the real relationship that will last, but only when upright. With the Lovers you need to be very discerning. Is this love or lust that I am feeling for this person? The Love depicted in the Two of Cups is transitory. Obsessed one day could easily turn to hate the next if something untoward happens. The couple do not fully know each other at this stage, only seeing what they want to see, but this is a process that has to be gone through to arrive at the Lovers. They will either stay together and nurture what they have, or will go their separate ways.

      The Lovers does not speak of instant deep love, unless one means lust instead of love, it is something that takes time to grow. This card could be telling you that you must give your relationships time, give them a chance to blossom and mature. Perhaps you find it difficult to allow a relationship run through its ups and downs to arrive at the state of the Lovers? You may be scared by the feelings of infatuation or obsession that is experienced in the two of cups thinking it unhealthy instead of natural. The Lovers is also a card for passion, so you should feel passionate about the one you are with, enjoy a sexual connection with them along with a deep feeling of love. Yes, The Lovers does speak of making an important choice and you are asked to choose wisely as what or who you decide on will have lasting repercussions. Ensure you make the right choice and not the easiest one. I think this card is strongly telling you that you will be in no doubt when you meet the right one. You will know deep down that the relationship is different from all the rest and do not feel threatened by it. I would also suggest you draw additional cards for the Lovers.

      I do hope the above helps.



  17. Hello Vivien, love the site! Very insightful descriptions – especially for a Tarot beginner like myself :)!I was wondering if you could help me with the below spread:
    base card: Judgement
    1: four of cups
    2: eight of wands
    3: ten of wands
    4: eight of cups
    5: 4 of wands
    6: queen of wands
    what strikes me is the appearence of only water and fire elements, which to me suggests imbalance of some sort. Also, I only have even number (not sure about the numerology of the Queen). Especially confused about card 4 (eight of cups).
    Could it be that my fiery temperament clashes with my emotional side?
    Can you help?


    • Hi Joanna,

      If you can bear with me, I will get to this after the weekend. In the meantime, could you send me more information about your reading such as brief background information and an account of your own interpretation for each card pulled.



    • Hi Joanna,

      Please find below some impressions and ideas that may or may not be related to your spread. Please note this is not an actual reading and is not based on any particular advice but rather an exercise in finding options which might be relevant in your reading. It is intended to assist you with your own interpretation by giving you a little bit more to think about. I typed this up as the impressions came to me, so apologies if it seems scattered at times. There is a lot more we could discuss with the cards drawn but time does not allow it. I like to help students with their readings but can only do so if time permits. Please accept the following interpretations on the basis that they are not an actual reading, just a collection of ideas from brainstorming. I have not tuned into you or your reading, but simply based it on the cards drawn and what you have to say about them.

      Base: Judgement – at this point in time I already know what the underlying pattern are in my love life. I have been through much an it is finally time to face it all. My current situation was meant to be and I need to face and finally see my decisions, all of them, which have lead me up to this point.
      -Judgement brings a maturing sense of understanding and realisation. With this comes a sense of personal responsibility instead of the blame game we tend to prefer. It is a wake up call of kinds and this may be down to how you feel after ending a relationship in recent months, only to embark on a two month fling which has left you exhausted. No doubt this has led you to some deep soul searching and inner questioning of why you are following such a relationship path or pattern. I sense the exhaustion you are experiencing at present is the lack of uplift and inner joy your most recent relationships have brought you. You now want to completely change the way you approach relationships and how you feel about yourself. Judgement tells me you are seeking transformation in this area and want to make a fresh start and to feel good about yourself. Judgement also hints at a personal awakening and this may involve you concentrating on the self first before seeking further engagement with another. There is something important you must do which will elevate you out of your present circumstances. Judgment calls time on how you have been conducting things up until now and asks you to address the consequences of the action you take. As this is a relationship question the action taken falls into this realm. However, relationships and love must first start within and this is exactly where Judgement appeals to. You have made some personal connections with this card and as you say are prepared to face up to it and acknowledge that maybe you needed to go through this to finally become aware of things. With Judgement being upright you are exercising clear judgement in your situation which suggests you are not hiding behind any excuses or delusions. You are aware of areas that need addressing and yes, things have worked out just as they are because of the actions and energies that have influenced your actions. Now that is set to change, but only if you actually respond to the Angel’s Trumpet call. You may say, yes, I understand, but this does not mean you will follow through. You might know what you should do, but not actually do it. Judgement appearing indicates that now is the time to change your ways. Your recent relationships have opened your eyes and before you begin to forget things or become lethargic about enforcing change you must act. You stand at a cross roads now and need to make some life-altering decisions about how you proceed from here. You can continue on the same path or change direction. It sounds like you want to change direction and this will effect different outcomes for you. However, changing direction will involve you having to let go of patterns, attitudes, prejudices and biases which may have become entrenched. It will not be easy but will be liberating. It is clear you cannot continue in the manner you have become accustomed to. Time to re-invent yourself and start afresh – start as you mean to continue. With Judgement you must ask yourself -which direction takes me closer to personal and spiritual fulfilment and my ultimate destiny, and which takes me away from it? This was echoed too in the Lovers when decisions about important relationships were being made. Those decisions you made at the Lovers stage have led you to Judgement. You are either happy about how it has all worked out or believe you made poor choices. However, Judgment is upright (you do not mention if you used reversed cards). Being upright may not suggest you made excellent decisions, but that you are taking responsibility for them which is a great place to be working from.
      1: the underlying causes (preventing/blocking) four of cups : being closed, distanced, only looking at my flaws, completely ignoring the 4th cup – all my good sides. Not thinking I was good enough
      Four of Cups- I feel the four of cups is telling us more than that. I sense a strong feeling of apathy connected with your choice of partners. There appears to be a disconnect. You do not seem to enjoy the person you are with and can become quite discontent and even bored. You may be choosing partners that do not uplift you emotionally. They should become your complete focus of attention, but you are not fully present with them. They do not offer you the stimulation that is required for you to become close to them. There may be a feeling of disappointment with relationships, or an expectation of being let down or disappointed by your partner. You may see your partner in another light before you get involved only for this to change once you become a couple. This card could also point to moodiness, sulking, tantrums and scenes if you feel you are not getting the attention you crave. You may take offence too readily with your partner and then give the cold shoulder regardless of apologies offered or attempts to bring you around. This may all be the result of what you described above with not feeling good enough, only seeing your flaws, becoming distant. It looks like your relationships do not bring out the best in you, do not make you happy but only serve to make you feel worse about yourself. With this card you may also be projecting your issues onto your partners, blaming them for how you feel. The four of Cups in a relationship spread often suggests the turning point in a relationship just before it ends, when it becomes difficult and stressful. At this stage there is no enjoyment in each other’s company. There may be resentment, bitterness and lack of closeness. One partner backs off the other who is trying hard to keep things going as in the hand offering the Cup. The figure in the card may have initially sought out the holder of the cup and was eager to share the contents of the cup. Now, the figure can’t even be bothered to look at the cup, or the hand. They become remote, the body language closed. This card is appearing as your underlying issue with finding Love. It brings with it a sense of believing that love doesn’t last, that it only ever turns sour, so what’s the point in making an effort. The figure stares blankly ahead. He shows little interest in engaging in social activities preferring to sit in the corner. He may be the party pooper who finds it hard to let go and have a good time. He lacks enthusiasm and interest. He looks like he just wants to go home, to be anywhere other than where he is. Why is it that he cannot enjoy himself?
      This is an interesting card as it brings multiple issues with it. You say you are not much of a party goer and this may be quite important if you are forcing yourself into a social scene that does nothing for you when searching for love. In this card we find the figure taking on many aspects. This could be a partner who when they head out for the night with you is interesting and amusing, but then drinks too much, becoming drunk and useless company. Here we see the figure sitting in a bar for example, or a party. He is surrounded by drink. Everyone is having a good time but instead of him watching himself and pulling back when he has had enough, he continues to drink, eventually sitting there unable to engage with anyone. This could be a regular occurrence.
      On the other hand, might the figure might be you? You might not be a big drinker or not drink at all, yet here you are out in a drinking social scene. Perhaps this is what your partner likes to do so you tag along. Here you sit surrounded by people consuming alcohol while you sip on a soft drink getting more bored by the minute. The more drunk your group gets, the more bored you become. You want to go home but look, your partner has just been offered another drink. You have nothing in common with this scene. It is not your type of scene, but you go anyway because isn’t that what people do. This card could be telling you are involved in a social scene or the social scene of a partner that does nothing for you. It all becomes a drag. The things we do and put up with in relationships???
      2: What can you do to make the necessary changes: eight of wands go out, open up to people , engage in more social activities
      Eight of Wands – There is definitely more life in this card. Yes, you are right. Get out and about, open up, be friendly, engage in more social activities. However, I think the activities suggested offer something much more interesting and exciting than what you have been doing up until now. The Eight of Wands is very much a party card, but it asks more of you than just partying for partying sake. The social activity involved with the eight of wands may require physical exertion and challenge. You might need to meet up with people who are high energy, out there, doing things, having a good time and feeling good. These will be positive uplifting people who will raise your spirit and optimism. Compared to the Four of Cups figure we see sitting in a bar or room surrounded by people drinking, the Eight of Wands could find you engaged in sporting activities, climbing mountains, going to events, cycling, walking, running. I feel the social scene involved with this type of energy will be more rewarding. It is uplifting emotionally, physically and spiritually. There is a great sense of positivity with this card and perhaps you need to be more positive about your capacity to form a happy and fulfilling relationship. The Eight of Wands also suggests you spread your wings a bit and venture further than your normal stomping ground. What you seek may not be close by. You may have to travel, push yourself a bit, be open to adventure and spontaneity. You might think too much about everything before doing things whereas the Eight of Wands is very spontaneous and takes flight on very short notice.
      The four of cups shows a lack of interest in life, apathy and inertia. The Eight of Wands puts a rocket under you launching you into orbit. Wake up it says and find your groove in life. Stop fretting and moaning but get out and active. Take up a sport, join a club, make new friends who you have something in common with. One thing this card has that the four of cups seriously lacks is passion. You need to feel the fire in romance, and not settle for less. The message of the Eight of Wands is the perfect antidote to the Four of Cups. You know that feeling on a Sunday afternoon when the weather is cold and blustery, when you are recovering from the night before, when you are still in your pyjamas at 2pm lingering on the couch, nibbling at bits and pieces of food. Someone calls and asks you to go for a walk with them on the beach, in the park, up the mountains. You would rather suck razor blades at this point in time as the outing sounds too much for you right now as you feel exhausted and disinterested. The person manages to twist your arm and you very reluctantly agree. You put on clothes through gritted teeth determined to have the most awful time and head out into the rotten afternoon for a stupid walk. You must be mad you think! You drag yourself around for the early stages of the walk counting the seconds until you can go home, but suddenly something shifts. You feel your mood rising and with it your energy levels and before you know it you are feeling good, talking enthusiastically and actually having a good time. You feel hungry at the end of the walk instead of the full and bloated feeling you had on the couch. Now you don’t want to go home. What a turn around and all because you shifted your butt out the door and got moving. The exercise, fresh air and company blew all the cobwebs of the Four of Cups away and your day has taken on a whole new meaning. You wish to repeat this activity again and the friend who encouraged you out in the first place happily agrees. They hate wasting a perfectly good day moping around the house.
      This card could be encouraging you away from dwelling on unhappy issues. Go out and find something that lights a spark in you. Laugh, smile, have fun. Life is short.
      The Eight of Wands could be asking you not to fall in love so quickly and not look for guarantees. It asks you to live in the moment, enjoy the good times, but not read too much into it. You may have a tendency to want a relationship to move too fast before it is ready for it. The Eight of Wands often highlights relations that are misinterpreted by one or other of the partners involved. One partner may view the relationship in a fun and light hearted manner, while the other partner reads the mutual enjoyment of each other as a sign that it will last and start making plans for the future too rapidly. The Eight of Wands often highlights the Holiday Romance where it becomes very intense and then painful to let go of. But that is the nature of holiday romance. Enjoy it while it lasts but understand it for what it is. You can date and have fun without it becoming too serious, without your partner needing to sign up to a long-term contract. The Eight of Wands is all about testing the water. Casual dating, speed dating, and non-exclusivity. Perhaps you need to take a break from looking for a long-term partner and just accept offers of dates as they come up, making it clear there is nothing else involved. In the Four of Cups you may be declining such offers in the belief you must hold out or wait for Mr. Right but in doing so you miss out on the chance of having fun and getting to know people. Accepting a date does not bind you to another.
      3: What is the best step to take right now: ten of wands
      stop trying so hard to please and be the perfect woman for any given man.
      Ten of Wands – Yes, stop carrying other people’s burdens. You have perhaps made too much of an effort to make relationships work, thinking it to be your sole responsibility and deeming yourself a failure if it didn’t work out. You really need to lighten your load so that you can enjoy the freedom the Eight of Wands has to offer. The Four of Cups lined up with the Ten of Wands does not highlight a glorious time in relationships. It all seems to stressful, hard work and requires too much effort to make it work. You may feel like you are dragging a relationship along. Understand to recognise the time when you must cast off the ball and chain, the dead horse you are dragging around and instead of exhausting yourself, march brightly and lightly across the line of Ten in readiness for the Ace. You must free yourself of all ties with expired relationships so that you can move on. You may think you have ended them but you are still carrying the weight of them. Let them go and if you have been blaming yourself, stop. As in Judgement be very aware of how things worked out but do not continue to beat yourself up about it. You are operating below par right now. Are exhausted on many levels. You need to run with the Eight. Build up your energy so that you begin to feel good about yourself. Your recent relationships have dragged you down but the Eight wants to lift you out of it. Go with the Eight but you won’t be able to do this if you are weighted down with the Ten.

      4: Who would be the most suitable partner for me?: eight of cups
      it would be someone who does not turn his back on me but instead is ready for a commitment.
      Eight of Cups – I feel this card is someone who is not carrying a lot of emotional baggage. Instead they are emotionally strong and disciplined. I also feel this person is not a heavy drinker or that a drinking social scene is not really his thing. He can take it or leave it. He has dealt with issues in his past and is not looking for someone to mind him or to lean on. In fact this person is ready to commit but will have to be completely sure of what he is doing and why. He has made mistakes in the past before and has learned the hard way. He will not too readily get involved to such an extent until he is convinced his choice of partner is looking for what he is. The fact this figure is moving away from so many cups could suggest he is not looking for someone who is carrying emotional baggage either. In the Nine we find him very happy indeed, his self-esteem at a high. He feels good about himself and this is where the figure in the Eight is heading to. He wants the real thing, someone who emotionally fulfils him, someone who will enhance his life. He is not looking for someone to make him happy as he is already happy. He has buried all his dead horses and is free to be happy. This is very important as he will be looking for someone who can match him on that level. He will not want someone he has to emotionally prop up all the time as he seeks equality. He is not looking for drama, just joy in each other’s company. The figure in the eight is on the path to finding this type of relationship. He ideally wants to find someone who falls in line with this positive progression, and not someone who might pull him back. He wants to share his life with someone who does not need constant reassurance as they too will be happy within and confident of being loved by another. Reformed characters are highlighted along with emotionally mature ones. They require no props, no crutches to lean on and are quietly confident and self-sufficient. They do not need a relationship to make their life, only to enhance it. They are happy in their own skin or working hard to achieve it. They can distinguish a good relationship from a bad one as they have experienced it in their past. They know what they want.

      5: Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?: 4 of wands during social gathererings, having a good time
      Four of Wands – Yes, it could very well be at a social gathering. A wedding, party, family gathering/celebration, on vacation (note the Eight of Wands is a vacation card. The Eight of Wands is also a relocation card, so too is the Four and Ten of Wands. That is three Wands so far and a fourth when we count in the Queen. Perhaps you are considering a new job or a move to a new home. If so you may meet someone there or while travelling. The Four of Wands will find you in good form and positive mood at the time. Comparing this to the Four of Cups, another Four, there is a huge shift in energy. In this card you are fully engaged with the people and environment around you and are enjoying yourself. This environment does something for you instead of depressing you.

      6: When: I will meet someone once I can get back my self-confidence and appetite for life. queen of wands –
      Queen of Wands – Yes, I agree. Who wouldn’t be drawn to the vibrant, positive, optimistic, adventurous, fun-loving and charismatic Queen of Wands. She is a tonic. However, she must be a stable reflection of yourself and not merely passing through in the hope of making an impression on someone. You must be her and not pretend to be her as that won’t work. You will only truly embody the energy and magic of the Queen of Wands through the much-needed inner work required of you in Judgement and through the unburdening of emotional baggage and false self-beliefs. Once this is done, you too will be seen as the departing figure in the Eight of Cups as you leave your issues behind once and for all. The Queen of Wands needs to take up full residence and not be just an occasional guest in your life.
      Also for timing purposes the Queen of Wands might also point to summer time, high summer.
      The fact that you start off with an apparent depressing card in the Four of Cups, then Judgement urging you to make room in your life for change and transformation which then leads to one Wand card after another really highlights a shift in energy. By igniting fire in your life, you can dispel the gloom of the disheartened Four of Cups. This suggests you are going through transition and are moving positively forwards with the help of Judgement and a desire to be happy inside and out.
      Two fours suggest you are looking for stability and security in your life.
      Two Eights suggest you are seeking strength and empowerment within.
      The Four of Cups moves to the Eight of Cups as you pull yourself out of the apathetic state and move away from the social scene or energy influences that have been draining you.
      All the even numbered cards could suggest you see life in a very certain way, are quite fixed in your outlook and are possibly stubborn. There may be a need to accept that life can be messy and especially relationships. You many expect them to progress in a certain way without any issues surfacing and don’t like getting your feathers ruffled. You like order, stability, security and very definite guarantees which others may not be able to offer you.
      Fire and Water are not great bed fellows. Fire can heat water to boiling point or even totally evaporate it while can cool fire’s ardour or even douse it altogether. Fire can sometimes be too much for water and tends to get impatient with its need for reassurance and gentle handling. Water may find Fire unnerving, too flighty and too hot to handle. Fire can certainly scare water and make it back off. Fire often does not know how to handle the emotions of Water but when they get into a broil, major drama can occur with tantrums, sulks and over-heated arguments followed by endless tears.
      If you are uncertain of any cards in a spread, it is a good idea to pull additional ones to sit alongside. When drawing ask for elaboration on the card already drawn. You want its meaning opened up to you, for further information. Pulling an extra one or two cards in this manner can be very useful. However, do not be eager to do this for every card. Try to work with what you have and only pull extra cards for those that are extremely vague.
      I hope this has helped you with the interpretations you arrived at. Remember this is not a reading but merely suggestions for you to think about. See how they settle with you.


      base card: Judgement
      1: four of cups
      2: eight of wands
      3: ten of wands
      4: eight of cups
      5: 4 of wands
      6: queen of wands
      what strikes me is the appearence of only water and fire elements, which to me suggests imbalance of some sort. Also, I only have even number (not sure about the numerology of the Queen). Especially confused about card 4 (eight of cups).
      Could it be that my fiery temperament clashes with my emotional side?
      Can you help?


  18. Hi Vivien,

    I have only just begun reading tarot and stumbling upon this delightful website of yours has already helped me loads! I am still very much an amateur in rightly interpreting the (deeper) meaning of all the cards and hope you could assist me further with my interpretation of this particular spread. I would be so very thankful!

    I can cleary see there is a truthful story to tell, but I’m just missing a bit more insight to truly connect all the dots. These were the cards I drew:
    B: The Devil
    1: 4 of Swords
    2: 6 of Pentacles
    3: Queen of Pentacles
    4: 9 Of Cups
    5: King of Cups
    6: 2 of Pentacles

    My interpretation:
    I have spent too much time isolating myself(1: 4 of Swords) which has prevented or blocked me from meeting a partner. Because of this the necessary change I need to make is to put myself more out there and share who I am before I can receive what I seek(2: 6 of Pentacles). I’m not sure what the best step to take right now would be. I guess something along the lines of to be more generous with my time and effort(3: Queen of Pentacles) towards others?

    As to who would be the most suitable partner for me I think it would be someone that matches the traits/things I have always wished for(4: 9 of Cups)? Again not really sure here how to interpret this card in this position. This person could be someone already fairly close to me who has made some emotional growth(5: King of Cups) in recent times. This person will reveal herself in a phase when I’m trying to manage my life better(6: 2 of Pentacles) in between or after some hardships?

    As for the base card I think it tells me that I’m either focusing blind on my desires or that they are strong enough so that I can finally do what it takes to fulfill them(B: The Devil).

    I hope you can help me with this spread and would like to thank you in advance for your help and further guidance!

    Kind regards,



    • Hi Dennis,

      Sorry for the delay in responding. I have been on restricted computer work due to chronic repetitive injury strain which means a lot of correspondence is stacking up. When I do a reading for anyone I look for some background information around why a certain reading is being done. I don’t need the whole ins and outs, but a brief outline of the background of the query. I am not a psychic reader so base my interpretations on knowledge of tarot, personality profiling through tarot, archetypal behaviour and overall analysis. I use the client information as a springboard to work from when analysing the cards. Its a bit like a police investigation; one starts with the facts and evidence on hand that is immediately accessible to the case and the investigation works from there looking for further clues, fresh evidence and finding threads and links between them as the case proceeds. You, the client give your statement to the investigating officers who then base their case on this statement, but also bear in mind that you may not be revealing or even know the full story, only know one side of the story, may be too close to the story, or may not be privy to the full facts. It is the job of the investigating officers to fill in any gaps in your story and tease out the subtle details you may be consciously or unconsciously aware of.

      What I am trying to say above is get back to me with some background information and I will take a look at your cards.




  19. hi Vivien

    I just found your site here and I found so many useful materials here. I hope you could help me out with the explanations of the cards in my look for love spread. I appreciate it in advance.

    I pick cards as follow:
    base card: the page of sward (upright)
    card 1: Ace of Pentacles(reversed)
    card 2: five of pentacles(upright)
    card 3: the emperor (upright)
    card 4: the tower (upright)
    card 5: Knight of Wands(reversed)
    card 6: the moon (reversed)

    From card 4 to card 6, I don’t know how to interpret from the cards. I am single and definitely look for love. However, card 4 supposes to tell me who would the most suitable for me, and card 5 and 6 will tell me when and where. From the card, I cannot tell.

    However, the first 4 cards tell me the things and troubles that I actually have and have experienced.

    Thank you Vivien. I wish you happy new year.



    • Hi FanFan,

      Very briefly I wonder if the Tower suggest someone who will totally upend your life, totally shake you up and turn the world you know on its head? This is someone who will make a very forceful entrance to your life and may make you feel very unsettled initially. They may demand things of you and blow apart any plans you have made up to now. Will this be a good thing or not is hard to tell and only you can answer that. Do you need a radical shake up in your life? Would you be prepared to throw away everything for the right person? The Reversed Knight of Wands could be related to early mid-spring or it could be suggesting ‘when’ you are ready to settle down, when you have done all the personal things you have going on in your life. It could be when you return from travel, working away from home, when you are ready to commit. The Knight of Wands is high energy so in Reverse he would warn of getting too enthusiastic too soon and then regretting it. When you have got the wanderlust spirit out of your system. These are numerous ‘Whens’ that could apply. Also if you always go for the best looking/fittest guy/girl, the life and soul of the party, the party animal – you might need to start taming it down a bit and giving the less dazzling and possibly more mature a chance. This could be what When means. Where – The Moon Reversed – Night time event, when travelling alone, psychic/holistic fair. The Moon Reversed is a bit cloudy and confused. It is connected to mental health and therefore could suggest a place where therapy or counselling is carried out, centers, organisations etc. It would be best to draw additional cards for this but do not be surprised if you still are no clearer. There are a few cards in this readings which would require deeper investigation. The Moon and Tower are both Major so should not be dismissed to readily. They may be communicating more than just Where and When etc. Remember tarot is not going to give you precise and exact details about when and where you will meet someone. They should be read on many levels.



  20. This Fanfan.
    Thank you very much Vivian for giving me this explanation and suggestions. They are really helpful and now even more clear to make up my mind. You interpretations are accurate. thank you for the quick response.


  21. Dear Miss Tarot Teacher,

    Thank you for teaching the public so much about the history, images and archetypes of this fascinating card game. Like many of your other readers, I was hoping you might be able to offer some additional insight to my interpretation for the reading:

    1 – Empress
    2 – King of Wands

    In combination I interpret these first two as advising that I approach relationships more logically than emotionally (though hard to do!) and lead more with my intelligence / success over looks.

    3 – Reverse Wheel of Fortune – I interpret this as “do nothing now” or “put a hold” on things for the time being.

    4 – Strength – Any suggestions here beyond “someone who can manage their shadow side” which does not really resonate with me. I was thinking, since this is an 8 card, maybe it refers to an 8-path which does not strongly resonate. Do you have any other insight on this interpretation?

    5. Tower – burning building? crisis situation? work?

    6. Two of Pentacles AND Ten of Pentacles simultaneously selected – Does this mean we will meet at a time when he or I have a lot of money? Or that I will meet someone from a wealthy/aristocratic background??? (Please say yes! 😉

    Thank you! – Tamara


    • Hi Tamara,

      Just to let you know, I don’t do personal readings online anymore, so the interpretations below are based solely on the cards you have drawn on and not on any tuning in to you. The represent my quick impressions and should not be taken as definitive on any level. You should use them as spring boards to exploring alternative meanings for the cards you have drawn. I hope you find them of interest.

      Card 1 – What are the underlying causes that have prevented or blocked you from meeting your perfect partner?
      1 – Empress- Could it be your goddess like self? You mention your looks. Do you feel they tend to sabotage potential relationships in so far as great partners may back off and feel you are out of their league because of your good looks? Sometimes its the good looking people who find it hardest to find love!!! Are you cursed by your own beauty??
      Now moving on from this, the Empress may be suggesting you tend to be mothering with potential partners and want to look after their every need. Perhaps you are sending out strong maternal signals or looking to move a relationship on too quickly, wanting it to mature before it is ready. The Empress is the settling down type and often comes up for someone ready and willing to get married and start a family – Looking for a husband so to speak! This is all archetypal Empress territory.

      Card 2 – What can you do to make the necessary changes or overcome the issues in revealed in card 1?
      2 – King of Wands. Have a bit of fun. Live on the wild side for a while and let your hair down. Date someone exciting and exhilarating for a while instead of looking at the long-term. Alternatively, Develop your masculine side if you feel you have been relying too heavily on your feminine one. Be seen to be independent and ambitious, adventurous and active. Take more of a decisive role in relationships. Be brave and make the first move rather than wait to be approached. The Empress could be traditional in this aspect and feel it is not lady-like.

      In combination I interpret these first two as advising that I approach relationships more logically than emotionally (though hard to do!) and lead more with my intelligence / success over looks.
      Card 3 – What is the best step to take right now in order to find your perfect partner?
      3 – Reverse Wheel of Fortune – I interpret this as “do nothing now” or “put a hold” on things for the time being.- If you have been trying to hard, this card may suggest the time is not right at present. The universe may not be aligned in your favour. Also this card suggests a drought as far as partners are concerned. There is nothing happening on the relationship scene right now so concentrate on something else. The Wheel will begin to move but you are going through a dry spell. Things can’t and won’t stay the way they are. The Wheel must move and when it does there will be a shift in energy around and within you. New things will happen and new people will appear. So take a break without getting down about it. You may have to wait until things pick up. The energy of the King of Wands could kick start the wheel into motion.

      Card 4 – Who would be the most suitable partner for me?
      4 – Strength – Any suggestions here beyond “someone who can manage their shadow side” which does not really resonate with me. I was thinking, since this is an 8 card, maybe it refers to an 8-path which does not strongly resonate. Do you have any other insight on this interpretation? – I think this card suggests a person of great depth and integrity. Someone who displays great inner strength and conviction. A person who does not seek to exert control over you but rather encourages you. This person is a calming influence in your life and will stand beside you through thick or thin. It would take a lot to make them desert you. This is the type of person you need around in a crisis, drama or trauma. This person will take charge when you are not able to. This person has your back. Could be a Leo or other Fire Sign.

      Card 5 – Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?
      5. Tower – burning building? crisis situation? work? – Hopefully not a burning building but as Strength is a Fire card, perhaps a fire man, fire station, fire safety training? Sky scrapper, tall building. Perhaps this reflect the person in the Strength Card, someone who would run towards crisis/drama instead of running away. Maybe the person will turn up or become obvious to you when you are going through a crisis and friends are few on the ground.

      Card 6 – When am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?
      6. Two of Pentacles AND Ten of Pentacles simultaneously selected – Does this mean we will meet at a time when he or I have a lot of money? Or that I will meet someone from a wealthy/aristocratic background??? (Please say yes! 😉
      Very rich and royal!!! You wish! Pentacles represent Winter. Could it be the second month of winter or 2nd/10th week of winter? Two of Pentacles is juggling finances/tasks/commitments. Ten of Pentacles is where you might go to sort out your finances such as a bank or financial institute. Maybe if you have something like that coming up such as applying for a loan or mortgage that necessitates the need to visit such an institute, it could mark the time when you meet or first encounter this person. However, if you get invited to any celebrity, or big monied events, make sure not to turn them down.

      What is interesting is that your cards are either Fire or Earth. You are looking for a bit of excitement but ultimately you would like a long term commitment with someone who is financially stable, from money or working their way towards it. You do like the good things in life as the Empress and need someone strong, loyal and reliable as a partner. The Wheel of Fortune is implicated in the meeting of this person, so fate or serendipitous encounters may be feature. Be alert!

      Hope you enjoyed that!



      • Dear Miss Tarot Teacher,

        Thank you so much! The additional perspective on the cards that you have shared is super relevant and supportive to my study and practice. I enjoyed your words and greatly appreciate your sharing them with me.

        Thank you! -Tamara


  22. Hi Vivian. Can you explain what the Base card is about? I was thinking the background information would be what the issue is, but that is the first question. Can you expand on what the Base card is about?


    • Hi Tina,

      The Base Card is very similar to the First Card if you have allocated it as What The Issue Is. The difference with the Base Card is it often offers a theme to the reading, information that would otherwise remain hidden, the issue from another perspective, deeper issues the querant is not taking into consideration. It often offers clarification to the What The Issue Is Card, can support or contradict it.

      I use the Base Card in two ways. A base card selected before the querant arrives and a the card at base of deck once the querant has finished shuffling them. I always cleanse and shuffle the deck before each client. When the deck is shuffled I concentrate on the querant the reading will be for and ask for some background information prior to their arrival. I turn the deck over to reveal the base card and concentrate on it for a while to see if I get any feedback from it. It often gives me the heads up on what the nature of the reading will be about. When the querant arrives, I very often tell them about the base card I pulled for them and give some detail on its meaning. In most cases the card will have much bearing on the reason they seek a reading. It then sets the tone for the real reading. The base card will often reappear in the cards the querant has selecting after shuffling thus reinforcing the importance of the card.

      An example of the above might run as follows:
      Base Card prior to querant’s arrival – The Devil – I feel the reading may be about unhealthy relationship, addictions, control, abuse, negative mind-set, a Capricorn personality .

      Base Card for client is Reversed 6 Pentacles – Domination, submission, having to beg, under the control of another, inequality, charity given with a hidden agenda, giving your money away.

      We note a distinct correlation between the Reversed 6 of Pentacles and the Devil Card which alerts us to a possible negative situation the querant may or may not be aware of.

      The client wants to ask the cards for insight into a business opportunity that her new boyfriend wants to sign up to. It involves her having to loan him the money until his own funds come through. He is very excited about this venture but she is unsure. She is worried about her money even though she says she trusts him.

      Before looking at any other cards, the base cards seem to be warning us about the investment itself and her hard earned money. The Devil needs that money and is likely to convince her to part with it. She might be placing too much trust in her boyfriend and we feel he may be coercing her into agreement. In the Reversed 6 of Pentacles we see her hand over control of her money to another and with the Devil in the background we feel she may live to regret it. She may get tied into something she hadn’t counted on. She may get into something she or her boyfriend can’t get out of. The devil may be in the detail of the fine print so would need to examine everything with a microscope as the business venture may not be that hot on close examination. The boyfriend may not be telling her the full story about the business opportunity or what he is gambling her money on.

      This is how the base card works. However, the actual cards drawn in the spread will either back up these early connections and speculations or put them to rest. Once the other cards are looked at a very different story may emerge. The Devil may simply confirm the Monetary aspect of the situation. The Devil represents Capricorn which is concerned with the material side of life. Her money may indeed be returned with interest but I would still be wary. The Devil could suggest that it is a purely monetary arrangement with no emotional or physical interest other than that.

      Another example of a Base Card is:

      Base Card after querant shuffles deck – The Six of Cups

      Her query is about her marriage being in a rut. The Issue Card drawn is the Two of Wands. She is thinking about leaving. The Six of Cups tells us why regardless of what she may protest to.

      The Six of Cups base card may offer the reasons why before we look at any other cards. She may be completely bored in her marriage. Her relationship has become monotonous and tedious. She is the carer for everyone, children and spouse. She never gets out anywhere. There is no fun, no freedom and the walls are closing in on her.

      The Base Card often sums up the background to the issue which the qerant may or may not own up to.

      The Base Card could simply alert you to what area of the querant’s life the reading will be about. For example the base card drawn before the querant arrives is the Two of Cups – The reading is likely to be about relationships or partnership. Reversed Lovers – An affair perhaps?

      An example of a Base Card contradicting the tone of the querant. The Base Card is The Hermit. The reading is about a relationship that is toxic but querant seems reluctant to leave and claims she loves her partner. The Hermit may be telling us and the querant that she puts up with the unhealthy relationship rather than be on her own. She may feel her age stands against her and should she leave is unlikely to attract another partner. Fear of loneliness or being out in the world on her own keeps her bound to a toxic loveless relationship even if she insists she stays because she loves her partner. Better to have any partner than none at all.

      I do hope the above makes some sense to you.




  23. Hi Vivian,

    I did a reading for a client

    Card 1- what has blocked her from meeting her perfect partner – The chariot. I am unable to understand the card at this position. How can her moving forward be a blockage?

    Card 2 – necessary changes – Ace of pentacles – I understand from this that she may need to focus on money, finances and wealth before attracting the relationship for her.

    Card 3 – Best step to take right now – The tower – I am unable to connect this to the previous card as how huge changes be a step she need to take.

    Card 4 – who is most likely to be her partner- page of swords – Is he someone who is youthful and take risks? I am unable to get the deeper meaning to this card

    Card 5 – where will she meet her perfect partner- The lovers – she might meet him in some weddings, or parties.

    Card 6 – when will she meet him – King of wands and 8 of pentacles. – I am totally confused on this when cards.

    Kindly help me to connect with the cards in their invidual position. I know the meanings of the card but what they mean at these positions is what is confusing me

    Please help


    • Hi,

      Now this was a real rambling and going with a thread interpretation so it may be far from any connection to the truth. Usually, I would have some background reading on the issue or situation and not be approaching it blindly as in a psychic reading which I don’t do. The type of tarot reading I do is holistic and communication based, not fortune telling.

      I will certainly try to help you but I am considering removing this spread from my site as it has been causing confusion for a lot of readers. Many are trying to read the card positions literally when really it should be read figuratively or metaphorically. It is the energy of the card rather than its exact meaning that is important. This is especially true for card positions 4,5 and 6. Who, when and where. It is highly unlikely you will get a straight forward who, when and where unless of course in the who you are obliged with a suitable and identifiable Court or Major. Even then if the court does not match age or gender wise it is confusing. You have to read the energy, read between the lines and seek its relevance. When will I meet him? We expect a date or definite sense of timing when really we are probably looking at the when being connected to the personal energy/development, state of mind and circumstances of the querant. When the querant will be ready as opposed to when timewise. A querant who has just gone through a divorce or bereavement asking when they will meet someone new may be expecting to be rewarded with an approximate time of year or season when really the answer to their ‘when’ would more likely be when they have dealt with their break up or emerged from a period of grief or mourning and that could be weeks, months or years.

      From the cards I feel this woman is very independent and has a life carved out for herself. She is on a very definite personal journey and is highly ambitious. She may be quite forceful and powerful. I doubt she needs to rely on a man but would like one around. She likes power. The Chariot can be a little intimidating so many suitors may feel they are not up to scratch, would be punching above their belt, are a little scared and so don’t approach. I see her as a very strong presence who goes out into the world and makes it her own. She is used to sailing her own ship, being in charge and steering her own course. This is a card of determination and tenacity. If she has set her mind on meeting someone she won’t rest until she does. She doesn’t give up or give in. As a result she may come on too strong too soon.

      With the Ace of Pentacles, she needs to set realistic goals and be more down to earth. She needs to slow down and step out of the Chariot to see what life is like at a slow speed. If financial independence is her goal then she needs to concentrate on this first. Her Chariot may represent a course of study with an ambitious career as the destination. She is certainly on a mission and has her chariot set on a definite course. If the Ace of Pentacles suggests the goal she has set, the destination she rides forth to, does she have the time or the room in her chariot for a passenger? Will she be able to focus on her pentacle, her goal, if she lets love and romance distract her? Is her career on the rise but advancement means further commitment and focus? If so, where will a relationship fit in this. Perhaps the necessary changes she needs are to complete the current journey she is on and bag her pentacle before seeking a relationship. Once she has the pentacle securely in her grasp she can take her foot off the pedal for more leisurely pursuits.

      With the Tower I feel it suggests something one is not expecting and perhaps no explanation or advise can be offered her. It is something she has no control over. If the energy of the tower does enter her life then relationships will fall far down the list as she deals with whatever has come her way. I would suggest pulling additional cards to flush out the meaning of this card in this position.

      Regarding the Page of Swords, we have immature air energy. Someone youthful, intelligent, bright and enquiring. An air sign? Something that is niggling at the back of my mind is whether this woman has a child, or will? Is the Page of Swords, a daughter or son that she would be better focusing on at present rather than a relationship. Is the Page connected to whatever happens in the Tower. Is there a child involved that may be overlooked at present? Again, pull extra cards for this.

      Regarding the Lovers. Is she in a relationship with someone or perhaps recently? She may already know this person or had a relationship with them. Lovers could be at a wedding but I’d rather see more obvious wedding/party/social gatherings cards. Has she had a recent affair or fling?

      The King of Wands and 8 Pentacles. Again, I feel she already knows who this is. This relationship would be very strong once commitment is made and relationship worked on. I am really running with a thread here but wonder if the King of Wands is connected to the Lovers and Page of Swords. Or perhaps the Lover is separate and the King not aware of the Lovers.

      If it is purely time then Wands suggest Spring or Summer depending on which school of belief you follow. King is mature and with it being an eight, the end of spring or summer but I never hold much stock in tarot giving indications of exact timing. If this King is already known to her then the when may be when she realises that this is who she wants to be with.



      Card 1- what has blocked her from meeting her perfect partner – The chariot. I am unable to understand the card at this position. How can her moving forward be a blockage?

      Card 2 – necessary changes – Ace of pentacles – I understand from this that she may need to focus on money, finances and wealth before attracting the relationship for her.

      Card 3 – Best step to take right now – The tower – I am unable to connect this to the previous card as how huge changes be a step she need to take.

      Card 4 – who is most likely to be her partner- page of swords – Is he someone who is youthful and take risks? I am unable to get the deeper meaning to this card

      Card 5 – where will she meet her perfect partner- The lovers – she might meet him in some weddings, or parties.

      Card 6 – when will she meet him – King of wands and 8 of pentacles. – I am totally confused on this when cards.

      Kindly help me to connect with the cards in their invidual position. I know the meanings of the card but what they mean at these positions is what is confusing me


  24. Hi,

    Love your site. I am struggling a bit after card 3. It would be really great if you could help me.

    Base: Knight of Swords reversed (I think this refers to a bad relationship I used to be in)

    Card 1: Strength reversed – makes sense given the base card.

    Card 2; The High Priestess reversed – have more trust and faith in yourself. Don’t rush things????? Struggling a bit here.

    Card 3: The Hierophant reversed – do something different, go against the norm, break the rules?

    Card 4: 8 of wands reversed – now I am well and truly lost. Could it be that I need someone patient who will take their time and not rush into things?

    Card 5: The Empress reversed – really enough with these reversals :). Now stuck

    Card 6: 2 of cups. The right way up for once. However no idea how to translate this as a time……


    • Hi Caroline,

      I am going to type this as it comes to me. I do not sugar coat readings so will say it as I see it. You on the other hand may find it too direct. Read it through a few times to digest what the contents. Take what is relevant to you and discard the rest.

      Base Card – Gives background information.
      Knight of Swords reversed (I think this refers to a bad relationship I used to be in). The Knight of Swords Reversed personality in relationships does not augur well as he/she can be quite psychologically and verbally abusive. Forced control can be an issue with this Reversed Knight and keeping his partner under his thumb. He can be critical and quick with put downs. He can get into his partner’s head and make them believe any problems in the relationship are their fault. In his reversed state he can be quite aggressive and fly off the handle at the slightest thing. He might be argumentative in company and difficult to deal with. If this is the ex from the ‘bad relationship I used to be in’ then you are well out of it and hopefully have learned a lesson or two from it. However, you must ask how you got involved with this type of person in the beginning and why you stayed with them so that you understand what the rest of the cards are implying. Don’t briefly glance at the Base Card eager to move on to what the future holds. Any future relationships will be influenced by the back ground information. What was the attraction? You have left this relationship behind, but have you left the pattern of such relationships behind. Are you a new person with new standards and priorities moving forward, or are you just hoping for the best and that the next partner will treat you differently?

      Card 1 – What are the underlying causes that have prevented or blocked you from meeting your perfect partner?
      Strength reversed – makes sense given the base card. For me in this instance, this is a card for giving away your strength and power to another. Perhaps you like your partner to be the strong dominant type who takes charge, takes the lead and directs the relationship? Strength reversed also points to a personality that lacks self-discipline. It can also point to a personality that cannot control it’s aggressive animalistic nature. The lure of this reversed creature may be intoxicating. There may be a belief one can tame it, soothe it, befriend it and understand it, but many a lion tamer has been destroyed by the very creature they are devoted to. With the Reversed Knight of Swords and Reversed Strength, a domineering, controlling and aggressive personality is emerging. This is what is blocking you from meeting the ideal partner. This personality will never be the ideal partner and if there is a tendency to be drawn to dominant and controlling types as such, it will never lead to the perfect partner who treats you well. However, if this is the case, the blame lies not just with this individual but also with the person who is prepared to put up with such treatment. If one doesn’t mind being submissive and yielding all power to their partner; agreeing with everything they say, do and order, then nothing will change. The opposite of Strength is Weakness. Do you ever feel powerless to stand up for yourself in a relationship, to demand equality and respect? The first two cards of this reading reveal a lack of balance and equality in relationships.

      Card 2 – What can you do to make the necessary changes or overcome the issues in revealed in card 1?
      The High Priestess reversed – have more trust and faith in yourself. Don’t rush things????? Struggling a bit here.
      Yes, have more faith and trust in yourself, don’t rush into relationships before you are sure of who you are attracted to, but also rely more on yourself. If the past relationship is quite recent or you are unsure of making the same mistakes again, you are not ready to enter a new relationship. With the Reversed High Priestess there is sense of fighting against being single, of not wanting to spend time alone with oneself to contemplate life and your relationships. The Reversed High Priestess can suggest emerging from a period of prolonged isolation from friends, social life, relationships, life etc., but if that does not ring true for you, if it feels the very opposite, remember it is a reversed card so can also suggest the opposite – the need to enter a period of quiet and calm in life to concentrate on other things rather than relationships. This is strong female card so perhaps concentrate on female friends for a while. Stay in rather than go out, read those books you have been meaning to, do some personal development courses or workshops. Take back your power. Strengthen your position and resolve.

      Card 3 – What is the best step to take right now in order to find your perfect partner?
      The Hierophant reversed – do something different, go against the norm, break the rules?
      Yes, if what you have been doing in the search for the perfect partner has not yielded positive results than stop whatever you have been doing. The rules you have drawn up for the type of personality you seek need to be changed if they are drawing the likes of the Reversed Knight of Swords to you. Think deeply about whether you have defined this personality as your ‘type’ up until now. The Hierophant Upright exerts control over his followers. He acts as the guru, the influencer the one to follow but why should you? He is Reversed so break away from this type of energy and be a free spirit. Once you do, you will attract others who admire that in you.

      The Hierophant is another control card but it is a group control card focused yet again on following the rules and traditions of others and some times blindly. When reversed it is time to step away from this. The Hierophant is often connected to marriage as traditionally that is what was expected of us all once we got to a certain age. This doesn’t apply anymore but sometimes it is hard to break away from traditions and the expectations of others. Remember, you can think for yourself on this one, you may not need what you think you need. Think outside the box and what is right for you. This may leave you the only single person in your social circle for the next while, but so what. Look around to spot those who have rushed into relationships and marriage without getting to know their true self and spending time with self. How many are happy and have no regrets? It may look like they have what you want but they may envy what you have which is freedom at the moment.
      Don’t do what everyone else is doing right now. It is not essential to be a relationship just because everyone else is or it is expected of you.

      Card 4 – Who would be the most suitable partner for me?
      8 of wands reversed – now I am well and truly lost. Could it be that I need someone patient who will take their time and not rush into things?
      Yes, act in haste, repent at leisure. His upright aspects suggests crazy love, falling head over heels in love, believing that what one feels has to be love and is impatient to rush things along, cannot wait for natural progression. Such relationships are exciting and intense. It goes from a spark to an inferno overnight with all kinds of wild promises made. However, the danger is in peaking far too soon and not being able to sustain the high that has become addictive. From such a dizzying height of love and ecstasy, the fall when it comes hits hard and heat can fizzle out rapidly. The Upright 8 of Wands depicts the typical Holiday romance, the crazy fling, the summer of madness when you threw caution to the wind. For those who can survive the initial rush and be content when the heat becomes a simmer brilliant but for most it is exhausting and short lived. When this wand reverses, it is either more controlled or even crazier than its upright version. Because the position reflects who would be most suitable for you we must discard the crazy version as it would not be suitable for anyone in the long run. The Reversed 8 of Wands still contains an immense amount of fire and energy but in a more manageable way. The trick is to be able to identify the partner who has the capacity to pace him/herself as opposed to one who wants to sprint before crawling. From your Reversed Knight of Swords and Reversed Strength, I feel you like your ideal partner to be exciting and dynamic, to have an edge to them, even a bit of risk involved with them. Finding a mature and responsible version of this can be tricky so tread carefully and do not rush. Do not let impatience be the decided in choosing a partner.

      Card 5 – Where am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?
      The Empress reversed – really enough with these reversals :). Now stuck

      Pull another card or two to flush out the message in this card as it is quite ambiguous.

      Card 6 – When am I most likely to meet my perfect partner?
      2 of cups. The right way up for once. However no idea how to translate this as a time……

      Well here we are. At last, a balanced union where partners enjoy equal status. There is no domination or submission here. The cup is held at equal height and both look directly into each other’s eyes. When you have reached this stage of self development and progression, when this is what you seek in a relationship, when this is what you expect from your partner then will you draw the perfect partner to you. There will be no power struggles or expectations of control or submission. The change must come from within first. If there have been patterns of attracting domineering or controlling partners in the past, then it is vital to break this cycle of energy before you will attract a loving, stable, mature and equal partnership.

      You have four Reversed Major Cards suggesting strong influences that will be hard to break. They have been with you for some time and you will need to work hard on the self to overcome them. Reversed Strength – Go back to preceeding card, The Chariot and take back personal control, seize the reins of your chariot and steer your own course . Reversed Heirophant – go back to the Emperor and take back your throne and personal kingdom. Set your own rules and strong boundaries. Reversed Empress – Go back to High Priestess and rely on self. Reversed High Priestess – Go back to Magician – Individual power and mastery.

      The only upright card is the Two Of Cups. Light at the end of the tunnel. Overcoming the influence of all the reversed Major is possible and can be achieved. The perfect partner will enter the stage once this comes about.



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