The Knight of Swords b

The Knight of Swords

The Intelligent, Assertive Fast Mover & Thinker 

Knight of Swords Upright

Air SignsGemini, Libra, Aquarius


Together with The King of Wands and The Emperor of the Major Arcana The Knight of Swords can represent Aries (fiery energetic and determined) and Gemini (quick thinking/talking, mentally alert, changeable) if found with The Lovers.



Sudden Arrivals/Departures, Blunt, Direct, Honest, Lawful, Assertive, Communicative, Chatty, Talkative, Public Speaking, Vocal, Literal, Cool, Swift, Action, Speed, Rush, Hasty, Rebellious, Going against The Flow, Problem Solver, Throwing yourself into the Heart of an Issue or Situation, Plans in Action, Strategies, Quick Thinking, Fast-Paced, Forward Thinking, Ahead of The Rest, Making a Get Away, Getting Out Quick, Single-Minded, Bloody-Minded, Fanatical, Obsessive, Perfectionist, Critical, Focused, Authoritative, Incisive, Decisive, Scientist, Educated, Knowledgeable, Expert, Ambitious, Risk Taker, Courageous, Intelligent, Intellectual, Debater, Analytical, Logical, Ideas, Clever, Sharp,  Witty, Tension, Anger, Waging War, Arguments, Battle, Dispute, Duel, Attack/Defence, Law Officials, , Living by One’s Wits, Flying by the Seat of Your Pants, Military, Soldier, War, Heroic Action, Warrior, Champion, Crusade, Rabble Rouser, Dashing, Daring,


Prepare for Battle, Fight for What you Want, Stand Up for Your Rights, Stay ahead of The Posse, You will need to put your Fears Aside and be brave, Time to Jump in or Jump Out of this Situation, Stop Thinking about What you are going to Do and Just Do it, Go For it, Don’t be side-tracked by Others, Fly in the Face of Convention, Keep Focussed and do not Waver, Find a Logical Solution to your Problem, Overcome any Obstacle that Stands in your Way, Be sure of What you Want before you make your Move, Quick actions or Decisions Need to be Made, Strike While the Iron is Hot, Actions have Consequences,  Be aware of Making a Hasty or Impulsive Move, Get out and Away as Fast as You Can,  Put as Much Distance between You and this Situation, You may Have to Act Alone in this Instance, Speak Up, Express Your Opinions, Get Straight to the Point, Make Sure you Know what you are Talking About, If you have Something to Say, Say it but be Respectful of Other People’s Feelings, Cut to the Chase and Call a Spade a Spade, Don’t let your Mouth Run away on You, Think Before You Speak, Don’t engage in Idle Gossip,  At Dinner Parties or Social Gatherings don’t let a Casual Discussion turn into a Heated Debate. Listen to what Others’ have to Say, Respect the Opinions of Others, Don’t be so eager to get involved in Arguments,  Why are you Always Stirring Things Up, Stop Looking for Trouble, Come Down off Your High Horse, Don’t let Pride make you Do Something you will Regret, Don’t alienate those Around You, Analyse All the Facts, Seek The Truth, Seek Expert Help or Advice, Be Honest in all your Dealings, Stay on The Right Side of The Law, Maintain High Standards and Principles, Expose Corruption, Champion a Good Cause, Fight for the Rights of Others (especially those who cannot speak for themselves), Be a Hero, Education is Important, Pay attention and Look Where you are Going, Drive carefully and don’t be in such a Hurry all the time, You are Heading Into Trouble,  You are Courting Disaster, Get Out While you Still Can, Don’t leave Everything to the Last Moment, Slow Down, Is it  Time to Leave?



When The Knight of Swords appears in a Reading, he carries strong urgent messages with him and you need to determine whether you are The Hunter or The Hunted. His messages vary greatly and it is always advisable to consult surrounding Cards before deciding what he is trying to tell you.  So we will explore as many of these messages as possible.

Straight off This Knight can arrive to give you the thumbs up or the go ahead to put your plans into action. He tells you to look to the future now and go for it. However, even though thinking ahead is to be commended in this instance, try not to get too far ahead of yourself. The impetus is to act now but stay aware of what is going on around you at the same time. You may have to adjust plans as new developments present. All in all, it is time to make your move and put your ideas to the test. It is a case of now or never when he appears and you will have to rapidly jump in or out of a situation.

The Coming and Going of Issues

One message that can be simply attached to this Card when it appears in a Reading is that it suggests the imminent arrival or departure of an intense, urgent or serious situation. The Knight in this Card can be perceived to be either coming or going, and it really depends on its position in the Reading, along with the surrounding Cards. However, if this Knight has passed through your life for one reason or another, it is not something you will have been unaware of. His energy is quite disruptive even if you are experiencing his presence as exciting and action packed, instead of stressful and full of conflict.  Having his energy around you for any prolonged period of time is bound to leave you feeling drained and exhausted. Your nerves could feel shattered and you are probably in need of a good night’s sleep. This could be the result of having visitors to stay, a situation or event you have managed to get entangled in, a dispute or argument, or perhaps a legal or medical issue that is leaving you feeling anxious and worried. There really is not much rest and relaxation to be had during the time This Knight is on the scene. Whether he is representing a person, situation or atmosphere, he will have much more energy than you. You will find it increasingly hard to keep up. His presence is often sudden and unexpected, so there may have been an element of being caught off guard or by surprise by whatever energy he has brought, or will bring into your life. If he is hurtling towards you at great speed then you will have little time to prepare for his arrival or organise yourself, which will leave you having to think and act fast. If he is just departing the scene, then you are close to surveying any damage he has left in his wake as he does have a tendency to upturn things in his rush. Close the door and heave a great sigh of relief. Then let the dust settle before you check the inventory of your life.

Under Pressure

The Knight of Swords can suggest rushing and being under the pressure of time and deadlines. You may have taken on too much and find that you can approach none of your tasks at a normal speed. The faster you are moving the more rushed your speech is too. You might find that you are shouting at people and barking orders and instructions. Words may be tumbling from your mouth as it struggles to keep up with your racing mind. There is just not enough time to do all you have to do. This may be out of your control to a certain extent as we all experience times when we do not have a second to think straight. However, you may have a tendency to leave everything to the eleventh hour and then have to go into overdrive to achieve it all. You may be running on empty and no doubt people are telling you that you are going to kill yourself if you don’t slow down. You may not fully realise how harried your life is for it may have been building for some time and your pace now seems normal. You could be in danger of crashing and burning. You will need to check to see if your life is out of balance. Check now to see if you can sit still for more than a few minutes.

Express Yourself

The Knight of Swords appearing in a Reading can suggest that now is a good time to communicate your ideas and plans to a wider audience. Don’t wait for others to hear about you, or for the word to eventually spread. Instead you must ride out to meet the people, knock on doors and express yourself in a voice that is loud enough for everyone to hear. You must break onto the scene in a wild flurry of activity, making heads turn and people sit up and pay attention to you. This is not the time to be shy and retiring, embarrassed or worried about what others might think of you. Draw yourself up and feel confident about your abilities. Act assertively and demonstrate how much you are in control and in charge. However, be sure to fully know what you are talking about. No dithering or vagueness. You must have done your research thoroughly and be able to effectively answer any questions that are thrown your way.

Act Now

The Knight of Swords brings a rush of fast-moving energy into a Reading which often requires quick action on your behalf. He could be telling you the time for thinking is over and that you must now move. You have wasted enough time and have probably talked yourself dry in the process. Everything that needs to be said has been said and there is nothing left now but to go for it. You must face head on, any fears you may have for swift action is required. However, there is a difference between making a decided informed move and making a hasty impulsive one. You must know when to act and when to wait.  If you feel justified and righteous in this situation, and you must examine your heart and your intentions to determine this, then you should feel free to proceed with much haste. If you have done your homework and put in the necessary effort, this Card can be an indication that your ideas and plans are beginning to take shape, and that now would be a very good time to get moving on them for much can be achieved. Your goal could very easily be in sight and you are free to progress towards it now. However, this is really not a good time for tedious detail as a restless energy accompanies this card. Yes, you must be razor-sharp in your observations but the idea is movement now and not standing around examining and fussing over every little thing. You have moved past that stage when this Card appears. You will now have to think and act at the same time which is something you will be eager to put to the test.

Quick Decisions

The Knight of Swords may suggest that a sudden window of opportunity has opened for you leaving you in a dilemma as to what to do about it. You may think the time is not right or that you are not fully prepared. You may be given very little time to decide whether you will take advantage of this opportunity or not which is bound to leave you in quite a tizzy. This is a spur of the moment thing and you will have to think fast. What are you to do? With the clock ticking in the background you may be concerned that you will be left behind if you do not jump on board. You must find balance in this situation and not let someone force your hand. Their argument may come across as very convincing, but you really need to have some clear grip of the facts before you commit yourself. However, there is no time to be in two minds about what you want to do.  This situation requires a rapid, if not instant decision on your part. It is best if you try to separate your emotions from the matter as they could cloud your judgement. A big part of you is fired up and madly excited about the proposal, but here you should exercise caution so that you do not get carried away. You are bound to feel impatient and frustrated under this energy. Analyse the facts laid out before you and think logically about the situation. Use your common sense, your powers of reason, and your natural critical eye to observe any inconsistencies or flaws in the plan. Look to the surrounding Cards to see if they support your own thoughts. Should you decide to go for it, full commitment is required of you. You better have a lot of energy to sustain you for you will have to give it your full attention. You must be fully behind your decision otherwise momentum will be lost and it may fall flat on its face. A lot of mental and physical energy is required of you right now.

Going Your Own Way

It could be time to strike out on your own, sail your own ship, make your own way and carve your own future. You could feel tired of being held back by everyone from doing what you want to do. This could result in you getting very hot-headed and making a hasty decision. Be careful you do not slam shut any doors or burn any bridges behind you as you rapidly depart. There is also a tendency to say things you may later regret under this influence simply because life is not happening fast enough for you. You may grow extremely impatient with everyone, or with the slow movement of a situation and try to push or force it. You may take matters into your own hands and attempt to bend, control or use manipulation to get what you want. You risk alienating yourself from others in the process. You need to calm down and take a step back from the situation. This may help you to see other’s opinions or views. You appear to be thinking very much of your own concerns in this matter and must remember that it is not all about you.

Tackling Problems & Finding Solutions

The Knight of Swords often brings a battle cry with him or a call to arms. This does not necessarily mean physical battle or hostilities. It can simply reflect that problems or obstacles to your advancement have been thrown on the path in front of you. These may appear very challenging and daunting, leaving you stressed and worried as to how you will proceed from here. Under the influence of this Knight you must not let anything block your progress. Instead of panicking about the situation and tearing your hair out with stress, use your head to come up with a logical solution.  If there is a problem find a way to fix it. Now is the time to draw up strategies and plans to overcome any difficulties. You can and will find a way, but some of it will require having a steely nerve and guts. Under, over or through should be your battle cry for turning back or stopping is not an option. There is a way and you must find it. Action must be taken in a short space of time otherwise the energy will dissipate. So too will your nerve. You can achieve a lot once you remain fired up with enthusiasm and determination. Get yourself out of this mess as soon as you can.

Seeking The Truth & Rallying Support

When The Knight of Swords is drawn in your Reading, he may be reflecting your desire or determination to get to the truth of an issue or situation. You might be exercising your powers of perception and discrimination to find answers. It is for sure that you are fed up waiting for someone else, or the powers to be, to act in this instance. You have decided to do your own investigative work and have resolved to leave no stone unturned in your pursuit. You are demanding answers and explanations of all those involved. You will not stop until you get to the heart of the matter. You might be demanding that justice be done or endeavouring to expose corruption around you. Now is not the time for sitting by and doing nothing. You feel fired up with a desire to get fully involved now for you know that you can make a difference to the outcome. Enough time has been wasted as it is. There is a fearlessness about you at present and a total disinterest in the middle man. Instead you want to go straight to the top, or those directly involved. Hearsay and speculation is not enough anymore for you need to meet face to face and hear it from the horse’s mouth.  However, even though you feel you are on a worthy crusade, you must try to rein yourself in a little. Don’t go in with all guns blazing or throwing accusations at everyone concerned. Listen to what people have to say, their side of the story, before jumping to conclusions. You feel so incensed and angry at present that you may step on toes and make the matter worse. You could easily stir up further trouble with a gung-ho attitude.

Following on from above, you could now be in a position where you need to gain the support or backing of others. You might need their help, or possibly see where those around you could help but are not. A job may not be getting done, a situation is being let get out of control or run down, a cause is being neglected or an incident overlooked. You have a keen eye and strong observational skills, but you also are a powerful communicator who is articulate and eloquent in speech. You may need to rally the people to action by presenting a very convincing and stirring speech or public talk.  It might come down to just lifting the phone and calling everyone on your contact list. You could also use your equally superior writing skills to launch a social media campaign. However, you are best at face to face interaction where you make an instant impression with your honest, direct and straightforward approach. You have a good speaking voice that draws and holds the attention of all so why not put it to good use.  Just avoid getting into other people’s faces. You may feel strongly about the situation but do not expect others to come up to your exacting standards. Everyone must find their own way. Also, you may want their backing, support or presence right now, but as willing as they are to help, they may be busy right now. You will have to be patient. Coming across as obsessional or fanatical will turn people off.

Acting Rebelliously

You might also feel that you have to fight a battle alone, that no one is on your side. This Card brings out your rebellious nature. It could be you against the world at large and you must ask why this is? Are you sure that the battle is worth it or are you just drawn by the chance for a good fight? Is it a justified battle? Why is no one on your side? You might be in the wrong. Be careful of letting an overly dominant ego get a foothold.  You may feel invincible and that you can take on the world right now, that no one is going to get the better of you, but this may simply be a dented pride getting in the way.  You could do something very stupid or challenge the wrong person. You might end up cutting off your own nose to spite your own face. Maybe it is time to come down off your high horse and apologise where necessary.  However, if you truly believe that you are in the right, it could be a case that no one else wants to get involved, or is afraid of the consequences of standing beside you. If this is so then there is nothing to do but stand up for yourself and demand justice.  Your battle may alienate you from others and make you unpopular. You will probably have to face a lot of opposition so you better prepare for much confrontation and disagreement. This could be a lonely path you walk but you may not be able to live with yourself if you fail to act.  You could be going into battle because of your strong principles, morals or ethics. You may be trying to right a wrong or highlight a serious issue. You have to act conscientiously and do the right thing.

Being Dramatic

The Knight of Swords often suggests drama and disruption. Everything seems very serious right now or maybe it is how you perceive it to be. You might be obsessing unnecessarily, thinking intensely or overly concerned about a certain issue. You could be making mountains out of mole hills. There is also the tendency to exaggerate under this influence and will feel irritable and impatient. Paranoia might be involved making you touchy and extra sensitive. You are likely to overreact or over respond to the slightest stimuli or annoyance. You might see veiled threats everywhere and take all comments too personally. The world could be out to get you or against you.  This Card often reflects a personality who is constantly in the middle of a drama or chaos. They seem to attract or woo it, and no matter where they go, they always have a crazy story to tell about what happened to them. Nothing is ever straight forward, ordinary, or simple in their life as they walk from one wilder situation to another.

On a Rant and Forcefully Driving Your Point Home

The Knight of Swords may appear in your Reading when you are caught up in an on-going rant about something or someone. You certainly are riled up and quite sharp-tongued at present. Something has really stirred you. No one around will be able to escape or pretend not to hear you as you vent your feelings about a particular subject or issue. You may feel very strongly, incensed or just passionate about the issue. You will definitely want to express your opinion and could easily think you have the most valid point to argue over.  There is a risk of becoming quite fixated or fanatical at this point. It may be all you have to talk about as you repeat yourself over and over again, or approach it from every possible angle. You may care little for listening to anyone else’s viewpoint or opinion, so convinced are you of your own righteousness. This could result in you acting dismissively with others as you irritatingly wave aside their argument, or fail to allow them the courtesy of communicating their views without constantly interrupting with interjections.   You can easily become quite condescending in your dealings, rigid in your stance, and constantly on your Soap Box. Under this influence you just barrel on, forcefully driving your point home whether they want to hear it or not. You might have little time or interest in stopping to listen to anyone else. Others will find it impossible to get you to budge on the issue or situation, as you are determined not to change your mind or give in. Highly opinionated and fired up with a bloody, single-minded attitude, you might think you know it all. You may also think you know what you are doing, where you are going and certainly do not need the uncalled for input of others. Here you may be wrong. You are giving this issue a lot mental energy and could be too close to the situation to view it objectively. You might need to step back before you do or say anything you may regret further down the line.

A Warning & Applying The Brakes

Following on from the above, The Knight of Swords can sometimes act as an urgent warning when he appears for you in a Reading. If surrounding Cards support this interpretation it can suggest that you are not looking where you are going. You could easily be riding to your ruin, and because you are travelling at such speed, it may be quite difficult to halt you in your tracks. Like your horse, you too could have the bit between your teeth and might find it hard to apply the brakes. You have built up some momentum for good or bad, and those around you could see you as a runaway train. You could be riding out on a Fool’s errand or heading in the opposite direction of where you should be going as you seem to blatantly undermine your own interests. You might have it all wrong, accusing the wrong person or chasing a nightmare instead of a dream. Your quarry may have got away, your ship sailed, and now you are simply wasting good energy.  You could be chasing after something that doesn’t exist.  You might also be too eager to sign documents or contracts without scrutinising them thoroughly. You may not have stopped to think what you are about. There is a chance you are not in full control here or that someone else is pushing all your buttons. You have become single-mindedly focussed on a certain quest and can see nothing else. You may refuse to listen to advice or warnings from those around you as you saddle up your horse and prepare to ride it to hell. When this Card is Upright, all hope is not lost. Quick action can be taken to take the glide out of your stride and bring you to your senses. It will take a lot, but it is possible if the right person can talk you down. It is obviously more perilous when The Knight of Swords is Reversed. The Knight of Swords departs a situation very fast and may be advising you to do likewise. He may be telling you to get out fast while you still can and put as much distance between you and a situation or person. Someone may also be making a quick getaway after causing trouble.

Waging War

The Knight of Swords is obviously a Card for engaging in battle, rows, arguments and hostilities. When he appears under this energy, he suggests that the issue has already blown up and that you and others are already caught up in it. It may have gone past the stage of talking about it. Negotiation may have failed as those involved arm themselves to both defend and attack. The Knight of Swords is certainly on the attack and is probably provoking the situation. He may have been the catalyst for trouble, even though he would like to think others are to blame for the current state of affairs. You might have a reputation for being argumentative or easily riled. People may be wary of getting into a discussion or debate with you as they invariably end up escalating into rows with raised voices and heightened emotions. It can be a sign of hot headedness and being bloody minded. You will need to watch this tendency as it will taint your reputation.

This Card suggests an angry dispute which will bring much confrontation and fiery engagement with the opposition. There is a very tough personality at the heart of this issue, and one which will need careful handling to bring to heel. There may be a feeling that it has all gone too far or that the action is too excessive or extreme. If you are under attack from this Knight of Swords then only fight back if there is a serious issue at stake. Defend yourself by all means, but this Knight’s desire may be to antagonise you sufficiently to get a reaction that will only encourage more hostility. This is not a personality you want to have as an enemy, for this Knight, whether Upright or Reversed, is extremely clever and super intelligent. He has the capacity to outsmart and out-think you on every level and can make a dangerous adversary. Tread carefully. Even though he insists on prodding you with the point of his Sword, try not to give in to knee-jerk reactions for you will be playing right into his hands. This Knight excels in this arena, and regardless of whether he was once your friend, or that you know you are in the right, he does have the ability to swiftly and severely cut you off at the knees. If the battle does not have any true and just cause, step out and away from it.

Heroic Action

There is the chance however, that this Knight, whether representing you or another is highlighting your selfless behaviour. You could be racing to the rescue of another, acting heroically in a situation, putting yourself in harm’s way to protect others or volunteering for a perilous mission. This time you have heard the call and responded. The Knight of Swords can act as encouragement to surprise your enemy by bringing the battle to them instead of waiting for the first attack. He talks of firing the first shot, not being afraid of bringing matters to a head and being prepared to rock the boat. He speaks of psychological warfare and the need to know your enemy and how they are likely to respond to a given situation. Your enemy may appear to have better resources than you, more Fire power or money behind them but you can still prevail once you come up with a clever plan or strategy. You must remember that battles are fought, lost and won on many levels.  You must stay ahead of the posse at all times and assume success.


The Four Knights are often connected with weather and travel. In the case of The Knight of Swords expect travel to be rough or stormy so use extra caution when driving or cycling. Flights may be turbulent or cancelled due to high winds and storms. If sailing, consult relevant forecasts as sudden offshore storms could descend upon you with little warning, regardless of how calm it may appear as you head out.

The Personality

The Knight of Swords represents a restless and impatient personality who can appear to be a constant whirlwind of activity.  People might see him/her as hasty or impulsive. Here is the fast walker and fast talker. He/she has a tremendous amount of mental and physical energy to burn and is always on the move. He/she could seem to need to be everywhere at the same time, in and out of cars, constantly on the phone and never able to sit still for a second. This personality bores easily and needs constant mental or physical stimulation to hold their interest. The same cannot be said about them for boring is one thing they definitely are not. They can entertain their audience for hours with tales and anecdotes of their ongoing adventures. They are a chat show host’s dream guest. However, their constant comings and goings can leave your head in a spin.

This person has a very fast mind that is constantly churning over facts; analysing and critically assessing. He or she has a mind that is teeming with ideas, plans, and strategies and is the best got to person for a rapid quick solution to a problem. With a razor-sharp manner of assessing a situation he/she can compartmentalise all the relevant factors and come up with a perfect workable plan to address all key areas. This personality can bypass all trivial issues and zoom in to the heart of the matter which impresses all around. He/she have a logical way of looking at everything. This trait comes naturally as they can separate their heart from their head when making decisions, so rarely let emotions colour their thought processes. They make decisions or reach conclusions very fast and like to put their plans into action rather than deliberate over them indefinitely.

Here is a personality that is ready for action and eager to charge ahead. He or she work towards very fixed goals and can become quite zealous in their pursuit of same. Rarely do they let anything or anyone stand in the way of what they want to do which can make them very headstrong and single-minded. However, this personality has very high standards and principles which they will be quick to defend and protect should anyone dare challenge them. They seek the truth in all matters and will systematically root out corruption and dishonesty wherever they find it. This will find them involving themselves in matters whether invited or not for they cannot stand by while others are taken advantage of or abused. They might see everything as their problem and also the solver of all problems. Ready and willing to be the hero, they are the champion of those who cannot assert or defend themselves. He/she has a natural desire to right all the wrongs in the world and to find a better way of living for humanity. This personality will make a wonderful friend that anything can be asked of. They will come to your rescue at a moment’s notice, be there to offer you their expert advice and opinion, but should you get on the wrong side of them, cross them or disrespect them, they can make a fierce adversary who will not be prepared to walk away and let a situation or issue go. Neither will they forgive too easily, and a longstanding friendship can be severed quite abruptly with little chance of reconciliation.

Often overly eager to engage in battle or arguments, they are quite superior when it comes to verbally expressing him/herself.  This personality has a lot to say and is highly opinionated.  Whereas he/she respects the opinions of others, he/she will find it hard to defer to them for he/she likes to get his/her own way. Here is an intellectual with excellent communication skills and a keen interest in politics and current affairs. Strongly academically inclined, they may come across as an authority on many subjects. He/she possesses a naturally brilliant mind and a rapier sharp wit and retort. He/she is the quickest thinking of all the Knights and can be assertive and forceful when he/she wants his/her own way. This person has a habit of getting straight to the point and calling ‘a spade a spade’ and does not mince their words.  Although frank, outspoken and direct in dealings with others, immaturity may have them come across as a “know it all”. He/she can be cynical and sarcastic when they want to as their tongue is razor-sharp. It really depends on what mood he or she is in. They may come across as friendly and very approachable one day, only to snap your head off with an abrupt or curt comment the next. You may feel stung by their treatment of you but they do not see where they have caused the hurt. However, their own personality can be hypersensitive to criticism and will readily fall on a casual comment made by someone turning it into a big deal and drama.

Even though his/her mind is constantly on the move, it may appear that he/she is a better talker than a listener, but this would be an unfair conclusion. He/she can do both equally well and you may be quite surprised to discover they can recall everything you said in a given conversation even though he/she was tapping furiously on their computer at the time. They are bound to have the very latest in technology and will update their phone once it is replaced by a newer model. In fact the phone is one of his/her best friends. It can appear to be surgically attached to their ear as they are constantly on the phone and well able to keep track of several conversations at the one time.

This personality thrives on mental and physical stress.  He/she is fearless, bold and courageous which can make them quite daring or risk takers. Speed and potential danger attract and enthral them.  Flying, mountain climbing, hang gliding, horse racing and skiing excite them. He also like fast driving and will be a fan of Formula 1 sport, rallying and motorbikes.

Love and Relationships

When The Knight of Swords appears in a Relationship Reading it can be a positive sign that love is heading your way and that you should be on the lookout for when it appears in your life. Someone new is bound to be appearing just over the horizon that will certainly turn your head and set your heart all a flutter. It could all happen very fast and you must be prepared to seize the opportunity when it presents itself to you. As this Knight can represent the coming and goings of issues and situations, he can also suggest that a partner is getting ready to depart, has just departed, or is at the very least thinking about it. His or her thoughts will not be far behind their actions so you may have to prepare yourself for the inevitable. If this Card is representing a departure then there will be nothing to be done to stop it for the person has very definitely made up their mind. You will need to look to surrounding cards to determine which is which, but generally you will be in little doubt as to where you stand. You may be looking to the cards to have your suspicions confirmed.

In love this Knight can suggest that it is intelligence and personality that attracts you to someone and not necessarily their looks. This is not saying that appearances mean little to you. On the contrary, you like your partner, whether male or female, to be well-groomed and a sharp dresser in well-cut tailored clothing. However you are also drawn to one with a quirky or eccentric style of dress and an equally quirky sense of humour to go with it. Actually, humour is very important to you even though you may come across as quite serious a lot of the time. Your type of humour is not the average slapstick version, but rather more sophisticated and intelligent.  Along with intelligence being a main attraction when seeking a partner, there is also a certain weakness for an interesting accent. A voice is very important to you. Much of your courtship will be spent in conversation so it is essential that you are happy to listen to your partner for hours on end. An expressive voice is favoured over a droll monotone and even though you enjoy talking about yourself non-stop, you will want to hear all about your partner, their likes, dislikes, opinions and views. Being a good communicator and conversationalist is vital to the success of your relationships.  If you are drawn to the person represented by this Knight then you must not think you can just sit there looking pretty or handsome for a lot more is expected of you.   What goes without saying for all the Swords Courts is that they must be kept mentally stimulated if the relationship is to last any significant length of time. Therefore an all-round knowledge is desirable along with keeping up with current affairs.

This Card can suggest that you bore easily in relationships and possibly lose interest once the initial intense stage has died down. There may be commitment issues. You can enjoy the thrill of the chase more than the capture. Therefore you often play hard to get and prefer a partner that presents a challenge during the initial stages of courtship.  When being wooed by this Knight you will be intrigued by the methods he or she uses to capture your attention or your heart. It is really full on, and once this Knight has set his or her sights on the one they desire, they will embark upon a relentless pursuit. He will find it hard to take no for an answer and will be persistent until he wears down the focus of his attention.

Following on from the above, this Knight’s presence in a Relationship or Love Reading can suggest that you act like him. If you feel attracted to someone then maybe you should make a bee line straight for him or her. Don’t sit around waiting to be noticed by them. If you dither and wait, all may be lost and someone else might move in instead. So get over there and introduce yourself before someone else does. Make your move now instead of later for there is nothing like just going for it.  Put your irresistible charm to good use but if you do not get a favourable response first time, do not be instantly put off. He or she might be playing hard to get. Then again, resist the urge to come on too strong. Find the right balance.

Generally speaking, the person represented by this Knight of Swords would not typically be romantic as he finds most displays of affection silly and embarrassing.  Holding hands, soppiness and tenderness do not readily fall into his territory.  He is more clinical and business like in his dealings with partners. Long chats and discussions over dinners or meals sustain and entertain this Knight. He will probably be the last to leave the restaurant after a night out. He is, on the other hand very passionate and has a high sex drive so there will be plenty of excitement and activity in the bedroom. His high energy will leave you quite exhausted, but happy.

The Knight of Swords is an incurable flirt and knows how to charm the opposite sex with his eloquent speech and penetrating eyes. He often goes on the hunt and one would need to be very perceptive to catch him out. However, one of his giveaways when out on the prowl is his inability to maintain eye contact with you when speaking. His eyes prefer to scan the crowd and check out if there is anyone more interesting than you. This is the complete opposite to him when he is genuinely interested in finding a partner. Then he only has eyes for you and no one else. You may also notice too that he zones out as you are talking to him. After all it is not your conversation he is interested in at this stage, so don’t fool yourself. Even on his best behaviour he has a habit of finishing your sentences for you, or interrupts before you have a chance to finish what you want to say. He is always ahead in the conversation and even though you may think he is not listening to you, he is well able to assimilate all you say. His mind works so fast that he is able to form a reply or response instantly and is impatient to vocalise it. He does find it hard to wait.

When it comes to waiting this Knight can be too impatient. He can suggest a tendency to act hastily or impulsively in relationships. He can be too eager for love and can become quite fixated on the subject of his desire. So much so that he can easily ignore warning signs or the sound advice of others. He will jump feet first into a relationship with little thought given to compatibility. In his rush and excitement he can promise the sun, moon and stars but will find it hard to deliver. He can suggest crazy schemes where love is concerned and can be found eloping or running off with someone totally unsuitable or inappropriate. However, if you have agreed to run off into the sunset with this Knight you may find yourself, and your packed suitcase, all on your own as he fails to turn up at the rendezvous. His mind and mouth can run away with him and he can easily forget what he said. He can act extremely immature and irresponsible even when he is Upright.

The Knight of Swords can often represent a love rival or competition. He does not take too well to others moving in on his territory and will be quick to respond to any provocation. With his pride dented he will move to defend his honour and can be quite bloody in his tactics. Here is the Knight who challenges his opponent to a duel. Even though he may decide to wash his hands of you afterwards, he is not prepared to let the interloper away. A full-scale battle can ensue and things can turn nasty.

The problem with this Knight is that once his curiosity has waned, he can lose interest and is eager to be on his way. This can leave you devastated. The change in feelings can happen rather rapidly. At the outset of the relationship, he can often represent a partner who enters your life-like a whirlwind and sweeps you off your feet. His presence in your life will be full-on and you will be caught up in a spinning wheel of activity and social engagements. This Knight will enthral and excite you. Be prepared for telephone conversations that will last until the wee small hours of the morning for you will never tire of listening to him. However, this level of intensity and high energy cannot be sustained, and once the initial fascination wears off, so too can the conversation. You will probably sense that the end is nigh for their behaviour can change quite dramatically, from being all over you and totally consumed, to a cool indifference and off-handedness. Suddenly the phone calls and texts dwindle or stop altogether. This Knight is often mentally ahead of his physical side which means that he or she can already be moved on quite some time before their body has caught up with them. There will be no mistaking the signals he or she will send off for they have little interest in hiding their cooling ardour. He will not stay around just because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, so it is pointless trying to use emotional blackmail with this Knight.  He has the ability to sever a relationship overnight in a clinical, aloof manner and not look back.  When this Knight says it is over (and he is not afraid to say it to your face) believe me it is over.  If you can accept that this Knight is only entering your life for a short time, and if you are not looking for a long-term commitment, then there is no harm done. Enjoy this heady time but be prepared for the moment when he will mount his horse and take off into the sunset.  Bear in mind that this Card may be representing someone other than you so apply the information as necessary.

The Knight of Swords can also represent a partner who is in the army or Air-force and only home on flying visits or leave. This can have a disruptive effect on your life depending on your personality although time spent together when home can be action-packed and exciting.

This Knight may be difficult to deal with. He or she can be a bit of a perfectionist and therefore quite critical of everything and everyone around them. When they give a compliment it is well worded and carefully executed to maximise the full effect. You will be in no doubt that you are being admired and is genuinely given. However, depending on the mood or situation at the time, or if something is displeasing to the person represented by this Knight, a caustic or cynical remark can be delivered with a rapier sharp directness, and is intended to strike to the very heart. This often happens when a couple have a difference of opinion or The Knight is being challenged or thwarted in getting his or her own way.  It also happens on social occasions and in company when someone says something out-of-place, looks at him the wrong way and even when service is slow in a restaurant. Going out can become very stressful.  He or she can be cutting and rude, causing instant distress to their partner who is shocked by their stinging comments. A fiery temper can blow up out of nowhere followed by heated rows and arguments. This Knight would be famous for his temper and will insist on having the last word. He can become quite physical too as he slams doors and has a habit of storming off in anger. This is often an indication of immaturity.

Career and Business

The Knight of Swords often appears in a Career Reading to confirm that you have set very definite goals for what you want to be. You probably have fixated on achieving this goal from a very young age and are now focussed and driven in your pursuit of it. It suggests you know what you want and how you are going to get it. The Knight of Swords represents an extremely ambitious person where career and business are concerned. You are very single-minded and sometimes bloody-minded in this area. You have your sights set on your quarry, your career/business, and are now in full pursuit of realising the dream.  You are a go-getter and nothing is going to get in your way or steer you off course at this stage. In fact there is no stopping you and it appears your desire is to go to the very top of the career ladder. This Card would suggest that you are well on your way and have a building momentum behind you.  However, under this influence you can become very self-absorbed and pay little attention to others in your rush to career success. There is a danger of you riding roughshod over the feelings and needs of others. You may leave hoof prints on the backs of anyone who remotely wanders into your path. Don’t alienate those around you by being insensitive or uncaring.

If The Knight of Swords appears when you have a decision to make about a job or career change then you need to act fast.  Sometimes a window of opportunity opens in such areas, but only for a short period of time, so swift movement may be required of you.

The appearance of this Card can also indicate a situation where there is high competition for a particular job or position. Should you wish to secure this position then you must work hard and act fast. You will need to put yourself way ahead of your opponents, and yes, you may view it as having to go into battle to secure it. This will involve you well arming yourself with all the facts and information as well as researching well. You certainly do stand out from the rest, and probably only need to give a very good interview at this stage. However, The Knight of Swords in the present economic climate with diminishing employment or career opportunities, only those who are constantly monitoring the scene will become aware of new openings. Therefore you need to be very alert and vigilant. The early bird catches the worm so insist that you are notified as soon as there are any updates in ‘situations available’. Be prepared to react or respond immediately and have your paperwork, CV and references completely up-to-date. You need to get yours in ahead of everyone else.

Another aspect of The Knight of Swords where Career is concerned involves sticking your neck out or slipping your foot into a door opening. You may get your neck chopped off or your foot crushed in the door, but if the career or position of your choice is not coming to you, then you may have to make the first move and take yourself to where it is all at. This involves taking a risk by cutting out the middle man, the employment agencies for example, and applying directly.  Not everything is advertised. Put your mind to good use and come up with a plan or strategy. Find out who are the decision makers, the movers and shakers, in the companies of your choice and send personal letters of introduction, followed up by phone calls. Be persistent, but do not harass, and there is a good chance that you will be granted at least an audience, if not an actual interview. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, get out there and start letting these companies know you are alive and just what they are looking, for even if they don’t know that yet. You may have to push your fears and insecurities aside and show them what you are made of. Let them see how determined and committed you would be if they would just give you a break. You may have to offer to take on all the work no one else wants to do and all the running, but here you can show your true worth. You have what they call in Ireland as ‘the gift of the gab’ which means you can talk your way into our out of any situation. You are in effect an excellent communicator so make it count.

The Knight of Swords often suggests working as a journalist on the pursuit of the latest ‘hot story’. He can also be the courageous and brave war correspondent who stands side by side with the forces on the front line so that they may keep the world informed. This special version of The Knight of Swords gains access into the most notorious and dangerous conflict zones to secretly film evidence of massacres and human rights abuses. They heroically put their life on the line each day and can be the only source of truth in horrifically corrupt leaderships and terrain. They often get killed or taken hostage in the pursuit of exposing corruption and tyranny.  They become the voice for those who under threat and fear of reprisal cannot speak for themself.

The appearance of this Card can suggest that you are working towards a tight deadline. You have been given a task, project or mission which involves a lot of time management. You may think that there is too much to be done in the given time but you can achieve it if you totally focus on the workload and keep your head down. For the moment there is nothing but work, and you will have to forget or ignore all your friends and acquaintances that seem to be out enjoying themselves or relaxing. Your time will come too, but for now you must give 100% commitment. On the other hand, you may have left everything to the last-minute as you run around like a headless chicken trying to complete end of year accounts, monthly statements or that lengthy report you should have started weeks ago. Mistakes can easily be made under such pressure.

The Knight of Swords can also represent the whistle-blower in a work environment or can be a message to you to do likewise if you have encountered any wrong doings, underhand behaviour, discrimination or unethical work practices. Don’t just stand by and do nothing about it, even if it does not directly concern you. You must do the right thing in this instance.

This Knight has the makings of becoming a very successful Solicitor and Barrister. His ruthless pursuit of the truth and the facts make him a born natural in this position. His quick paced mind and highly articulate communication skills leaves him quite a force to be reckoned with in the courtroom. As a police officer or detective he has an impeccable record and a reputation for always getting his man.

The Knight of Swords can be quite stressful to work alongside if he is fiery and bossy. He can be impatient with those who do not think and act as fast as he does. This can make him intolerant and snappy with his work colleagues or staff as he is constantly giving out about something or other, and shouting at those who get in his way or upset his day.

As a boss he has extremely high energy and can be a bit of a workaholic. His standards are also very high and he can be quite a perfectionist. When he gives an order or instruction he expects it to be carried out immediately. He has a critical eye and an often serious nature. However, he is approachable and prefers to hear when there is a problem rather than have staff try to cover it up, even if his initial reaction is irritable or explosive. He prefers to call a problem a challenge and seems to thrive on coming up with ingenious solutions. He also enjoys chairing staff meetings and excels at motivating his staff who is under no illusions as to what is expected of them. In his Upright Aspect he can be a tough task master but will be extremely fair in his dealings with staff once they are fair and upfront with him. Once his trust has been breached, the offending staff member will be hastily shown the door and he can be quite brutal in his handling of any treasonous behaviour. He suffers no fools and has little or no time for trivial pettiness between staff. He also hates a liar or manipulator who he can spot at a great distance. He is the type to pile overtime on you without a thought, but will as readily give you the day off should you be experiencing a problem at home. This may not be because he is trying to be nice, but rather deems you to be less productive if your mind is elsewhere. To him it makes complete sense as he can separate his heart from his head. He will look after his staff once they look after his interests. The Knight of Swords can have two distinct sides to his personality which he can switch on and off at will. On staff night’s out he often lets his hair down and joins in the party where he is the life and soul of the party. He enthrals and amuses all with his wit and humour. However, he will probably drink less than everyone else and takes in everything that is going on around him; who is with who, what they are saying and who is making a fool of him or herself. He makes mental notes and files them away in his brain for use at a later date.  He sees everything and forgets nothing. When work does resume, he will instantly revert back to his normal business-like self.

When The Knight of Swords appears for you in a Business Reading he really does give a good indication of what you are about. You are running with a business idea that you feel very confident about. The planning and discussion stage is now over as you actively begin to put it to the test. You may be launching a new business or branching out. You feel fired up with enthusiasm and there is bound to be a lot happening right now. There is also a sense of urgency and impatience with this card and you may have grown tired of waiting for things to happen. Others may have held you back or there was a mountain of red-tape to get through, but here you are now and free to make progress. You know what you want and how to go about it.  You are speeding ahead and intent on making up for lost time.

On the cautionary side, be careful of moving too fast or running with an idea that has not been thought out sufficiently. There could be high-risk involved in the Business Venture so you need to be aware of what is at stake before you do something you might regret. Hasty, impulsive decisions may come back to haunt you. You may also be trying to push a business too fast too soon if you feel that it is not taking off as quickly as you had hoped.  You might be trying to launch too soon or at an inappropriate time. Be patient in this instance and let it evolve naturally. You have to walk before you can run and your business may still be at the crawling stage.

In business you may be launching an aggressive advertising campaign or are working hard to get your name and reputation established. There is often a lot of competition in business when this Card appears, and some very definite rivals or threats. You may be caught up in a price war as you go head to head with the top opponents in the field. If you are involved in politics, The Knight of Swords can represent your election campaign, lobbying for a cause that you feel intensely about, or rallying for support. You are driven and focussed on the battle and prepared to fight to the death.

The Knight of Swords can suggest the following careers:

The Military/Police Force; Battle Strategist/Analyst, Soldier, Marine, Sniper, Fighter Pilot,  Air Force, Search & Rescue, Police Officer, Detective, Personality Profiler, Criminologist, Swat Team, Bob Disposal,

Government/Law: Politician, Lobbyist, Secret Services, Solicitor, Lawyer, Judge, Statistician,

Communications/Media: TV Presenter, Disc Jockey, Talk Show Host, Political Debates/Answers and Questions, Reporter,  Journalist, War Correspondent, Writer, Editor,

Science: Pharmacist, Researcher, Mathematician, Computer Technician/Analyst,

Sports Career: Formula 1, Motor Bike Racing, Rallying, Skiing, Jockey,

Others: Historian, Public Speaker, Stockbroker, Executive, Business Consultant, Administrator, PA, Manager, Workshop Facilitator/Trainer, Commercial Pilot, Bookie,


The Knight of Swords Reversed

The Reckless, Malicious Minded & Manipulative Aggressor

Knight of Swords Reversed


Negative, Mentally Un-Disciplined, Rash, Mental Confusion, Clueless, Out of Your Depth, Chaos, Out of Control, Riding to Ruin,  Runaway Train, Insensitive, Rude, Ignorant, Hurtful, Tactless, Sarcastic, Cynical, Cutting, Critical, Talk is Cheap, Lip Service, Meaningless Words, Preposterous Arguments, Over Inflated Ego, Arrogance, A Know-it-All, Uneducated, Chip on the Shoulder, Deep Inferiority Complex, Fearful, Cowardly, Following the Pack, No Leadership, No Plans or Strategies, Bringing Others down with You, Leading others into Danger, Manipulative, Forceful, Self-Serving, Bully, Blamer, Insincere, Dishonest, Getting Away with Something, Being Left Behind, Revenge, Threatening, Ruthless, Cruel, Brutal, Aggressive, Intimidating, Vicious Battles, Nightmare Situation, Looking for A Fight, Fighting for The Enemy, Tempers/Tantrums, Ranting and Raving, Manic, Over-Reacting, Explosive, Dangerous, Violence, Attacker, Mugger, Thief, Arrogant, Superior, Criminal/Unlawfulness, Soldier, Henchmen, Assassin, Traitor, Treason, Radical, Extremist Mentally Dysfunctional, Frustration/Impatience, Not Paying Attention, Not Looking Where you are Going,  Going in the Wrong Direction, Getting Lost, Missed Opportunities, Lost out to Competition, Mistakes, Heading for a Fall, Disaster, Reckless Speed, Accidents, Injuries, Remorse, Physical and Mental Exhaustion, Overworked, Battle Weary, Retreat, Withdrawal, Surrender, Wanting to Get Away from Hostilities, Slowing Down, Making an Escape, Mental Health Issues, Depression, Self-Harm, Speech Problems, Shyness, Passive,  ,


Here we find the negative and volatile aspect of combining Fire with Air in the potentially explosive Reversed Knight of Swords. So let us look at what that might mean for us when he appears in a Reading. In this particular negative aspect, it really depends on the level of extreme, and whether it is Fire alone taking over or an unbalanced combination of both Fire and Air.  We will also be looking at the effects of too much and too little Air being applied to his personality, as well as what happens when his Fire burns out.


An Over-Fired Reversed Knight of Swords and a Dangerous Leader

This version of The Reversed Knight of Swords can be found rushing headlong into all types of situations. He is known to be extremely impulsive. If he just slowed down, sat still for a moment or exercised some discipline, patience and self-control it would give him time to think things through before he acted. However, that is not his style. He reacts instantly to incoming stimuli and is up and off before anyone can halt him in his tracks. He always thinks he knows best, believes he is on to a good thing, or that the situation needs an immediate response. He is overly-cocky and overly self-assured so can easily talk himself into any crazy action on the basis that he knows best and therefore knows the only way to proceed. He will find it impossible to stop for long enough to listen to the advice of others for he is deaf to all but himself. The only opinion that counts is his. Even if it has let him down, and it must have many times in the past, he fails to learn from his mistakes. He always believes that this time it will all work out. People around see him as a loose cannon, someone best to avoid, and certainly not enter into any involvement with, for in The Reversed Knight of Sword’s impetuous and ill-fated reputation, he can often bring down those around him when his plans go dreadfully wrong. There are many who have been stung in the past and have a story to tell.  His friends, family, partner and work colleagues have heard it all before and wonder as to why he keeps doing what he is doing.

The Knight of Swords Reversed can come across in a very believable and persuasive manner to those who do not know him, especially those he is trying to impress or needs something of. We must remember that even though he is out of control, this does not mean to say that he lacks strong communication skills or intelligence. His Element Air is still there, even though it is overshadowed by Fire. When he wants something badly enough he will allow Air to do the talking and convincing for him. Under this influence he can tell the most incredible lies that sound very plausible. He can easily sway the unknown or naive to his way of thinking and get them caught up in some mad hair-brained scheme of his design. This Reversed Knight is just as good as his Upright Version at rallying people to his cause, but this time it is generally a dubious cause, and those he rallies are bound to be of questionable character. However he will always find a few genuine honest to god folk who can be convinced to follow him. And there is his downfall, for not only does he engage in action and battles that are unnecessary, or areas he has no expertise in, he also has zero Leadership Qualities. He readily puts himself in charge of operations but hasn’t a clue what he is doing. He couldn’t organise a party but is prepared to allow others to follow him into all kinds of trouble just because he says so.

He may be a poor Leader but he has the potential to be a very dangerous one.  Too eager to engage in battle, The Reversed Knight of Swords gives little time or thought into preparing a battle strategy or plan of action. His interests lie in getting stuck in immediately. There is never any question as to whether the battle is justified or not, it just has to be fought. He rushes in all guns blazing, like a child playing cowboys and Indians, but quickly loses control of the situation. His actions often cause dreadful grievance for those he has dragged along with him who realise all too late that the one in charge has no control whatsoever. Neither does he have any contingency plans put in place. He brings lambs to the slaughter without giving it a second’s thought. He leaves everyone involved vulnerable and exposed as a result of his stupidity. On an extreme negative level this is the ring leader of a gang or group of friends who through manipulation and coercion, involves his or her companions in trouble, leading them into dangerous situations of one sort or another.

The Fire that Burns Too Brightly

Unfortunately, much of what spills out of his mouth can be considered as a lot of old hot air. He will be fired up for all of one or two days, restless and impatient to get going but he rarely achieves anything. His Fire typically burns too brightly at the out start when all is new and exhilarating, but tends to begin to burn low before anything actually happens. If he does manage to get up and going, it often burns out completely before he has even got out the front gate. What was so exciting and motivating for the last few days or weeks is now seen through lack lustre eyes. He has failed to control the pace of Fire, which when neglected either turns into an inferno or blows itself out. It was all too much too soon, he failed to tend to his Fire and now has no reserves to carry him through. In this state he can fail to deliver on the passionate promises he made which convinced all to believe or invest in him. Those who eagerly jumped on board with him will be enthusiastically waiting to see what he is going to do. He will either go to ground to avoid them, or quickly come up with a list of very plausible reasons why it won’t work and is therefore best forgotten about (he has already moved on to something else). He will tell all his followers that he is just as disappointed as the rest of them and will then want rid of them as quickly as possible.

Fire Distracting Air

The Reversed Knight of Swords can only keep his focus for a very short period of time. However, during that period of time he can become very intense and can think or talk of nothing else. Whereas the Upright Knight of Swords did not need to burden his horse with blinkers to keep him on track, The Reversed Version could do with a pair of blinkers for himself, for he cannot keep his mind on the job, task, plan or goal in hand. Neither can he keep track of what others are saying. His mind and enthusiasms sway and he is easily distracted by something that appears to be more interesting or novel to the one he is actually pursuing. He keeps moving the goal posts and changing Horses midstream. He also changes directions many times. As a result it seems he never actually arrives at any particular destination. He might even be going around in circles. He loses credibility and respect as people see him as unstable, ungrounded and dreadfully unreliable. He is one day delighting all by Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk only to fragment the next into either Walking the Walk or Talking the Talk, but never both at the same time. As time goes on he can fail to do either. No one knows where they stand with him and shudder and what he might do next. This often brings about disastrous results in any relationships he gets involved in. He may still be arrogant enough to think that he is indispensable to those around, but no one trusts him as far as they can throw him. Neither do they pay any attention to his continuous outlandish ideas and plans, which are never followed through on, or delivered in the manner promised.

Looking The Other Way – It’s Nothing to do With Me!

In The Upright Knight of Swords we found a very honorable and principled young man who was very interested in the welfare of others. He took action whenever he came across situations where he felt he could help or make a difference. He defended the honor of many and spoke out on behalf of those who were weak or oppressed. In The Reversed Knight of Swords we have a different personality. This time, there is a lack of interest in anything that does not concern or affect him. He turns a blind eye to discrimination or underhand goings on. He stands by and says nothing when others are being unfairly treated or abused. He feels no responsibility to his fellow human being but will rant and rave about how unfair his own life is and what others should be doing for him. He expects someone else to sort or fix problems for he believes it is none of his business and is far too caught up in his own importance and protecting his own backside to stick his neck out for anyone else. He is all fired up with talk and high opinions of how things should be and who should be doing them but that is as far as he goes. He prefers to take a back seat and let other people fight his battles. He sees risk of litigation in everything and will drive past the scene of an accident rather than become involved in helping. He also expects someone else to ring the police should he see criminal behaviour on the streets. He is a fence sitter who likes to tarry with both sides. He likes to position himself well so that he does not lose out or is affected by the outcome of taking sides. He takes the high ground instantly when challenged or questioned and will be quick to let others take the blame for mistakes he has made. He abhors getting involved in anything controversial and will decline his signature when petitions are being passed around. He believes himself to be an outstanding member of the community and above reproach.

Out of His Depth

The Reversed Knight of Swords often suggests being out of your depth or in unfamiliar territory. This is not related to the past or the future but more so that you are caught up in a situation or event right now. Even though you will be the last person to admit it, but you are quite clueless about all. Regardless, you will try to give the impression that you know what you are doing, but really you haven’t a clue where you are going and what you are about. This results in you going around in circles which will make you very frustrated. Up to now you have thought you could cope with any situation, that you could think your way out of it, but this is very different and you will struggle to find any solutions. You will have to admit that this is not you field of expertise or that you knowledge is limited in this regard. Don’t just blunder ahead.  Dreadful mistakes can be made.

Out of Control

This Reversed Knight can also point to a situation or person that is out of control. Things have been allowed drift unchecked for too long and now it will be hard to pull it back. This could involve anything; it could be a person’s actions or a situation that has been aggressively developing while everyone looked the other way. Stupid and senseless battles may have blown up into full scale war. Tempers and grudges may flare; friends and family could turn on each other. Someone may be riding to their ruin, not looking where they are going. They might be heading the wrong way, into trouble instead of away from it. They could be jumping from the frying pan and into the fire. They may not be paying attention to small details. The dream or goal that was chased so doggedly may turn into a nightmare. It may feel as if a terrible mistake has been made or the expected result was dreadfully miscalculated. This Card can also suggest your inability to let go of a situation or person. You just can’t let it drop, can’t draw a line under it. You relentlessly pursue or obsess over something that you can’t have or are very wrong about. You refuse to take no for an answer. It may have been relevant some time ago, but whereas everyone else has now moved on or have become totally bored with the issue, you have become stuck and won’t budge. You need to say enough is enough now and walk away.

Stormy Weather and Losing your Way

When travelling, The Reversed Knight of Swords warns of severe weather conditions and the danger of driving off without first checking that the car is roadworthy. Brakes, tyres, oil and fuel levels could be ignored due to an impatience to be off. There is a risk of losing your way so ensure you check the exact route before leaving. A simple wrong turn could easily find you heading in the wrong direction for many miles before you discover your error. You could waste a lot of precious time.

The Interfering Know it All

On the other hand, this Reversed Knight of Swords just doesn’t know when to stop, when enough is enough. Where angels fear to tread he is first in the door whether invited or not. He goes where he is not wanted and pokes his nose into other people’s affairs and business. He spews out advice that no one has asked for or wants. He takes action on other people’s behalf without seeking permission first. He thinks he knows it all and that he can solve any problem. He is either terribly egotistical or actually believes he is genuinely helping. He has a tendency to get involved in other people’s battles which often become more intense once he sticks his Sword in. Without a grasp of all the facts, or any at all, he impulsively sums up the situation himself and arrives at outrageous hasty conclusions. He then acts on these conclusions, riding roughshod over everyone’s feelings. It is generally none of his business and has it all wrong or twisted, but that isn’t enough to stop him. Often totally on the wrong track he just makes the situation worse instead of better. He leaves others to clean up his mess.

 Air Gone Sour and Poisonous – The Professional Conman and Swindler

On a darker note, The Reversed Knight of Swords is the master con man and swindler who is constantly setting up or getting involved in pulling ‘fast ones’ on the gullible and weak. He can use his brilliant mind to design the most elaborate cons and scams. This guy can know the law inside and out and will bend it to suit his needs. He is two faced and duplicitous. He rarely leaves a trail behind him and is very clean and efficient in his dealings. His name and face appear to pop up all over the place when his operation or scheme is going down. He will be constantly at the other end of the phone and ready and willing to meet with you at any time to discuss his business or ideas, all for your benefit of course. He will appear impeccably dressed and well spoken. How could you not trust him? However once a deal is signed, money has changed hands or bank details revealed, he does have the reputation of vanishing overnight without a trace. Everything you own is likely to have vanished with him.

This version of The Reversed Knight of Swords works to give the impression that he is Talking the Talk and Walking the Walk totally in your interest. In reality he is spinning you a load of lies and deceit, even if it is delivered in an intelligent and articulate manner. Both his Talk and his Walk carry a hidden agenda. He is very convincing and comes across as totally professional in his manner and dealings. He is extremely clever in a negative sense and is well able to out-smart the smartest. He prides himself on his abilities and believes that if people weren’t so stupid and foolish it wouldn’t happen to them in the first place. He believes that most people are just asking to be taken advantage of and is certainly not going to take the blame for their stupidity or gullibility. It would never happen to him of course. No one would ever be able to pull the wool over his eyes. He knows what he would do should they try. Watch out for this guy especially if the Reversed Magician, Reversed King of Cups or The Seven of Swords appear in the same Reading. Sign nothing without getting it carefully checked out by a reputable source. Do not so easily give your personal details to strangers over the phone, at the door on on the internet.

The Hacker

In The Reversed Knight of Swords we find the Computer and Internet Whizz Kid. However, this Version is not here to help develop worthwhile software or run legitimate Online Business. On the contrary, this Reversed Knight spends his time Hacking into other people’s computers or networks for illegal purposes. He steals bank details and identities so that he can clear you out of the last cent you have in your account. He will also use your credit card details for his own purchases and to gamble online. This nasty specimen is behind the most crippling computer viruses and spyware. He and his like can hack through the toughest of Firewalls and Security Software. He is super intelligent and good at what he does. His is impossible to catch and gets his kicks in causing as much chaos to businesses, all computer owners and those who enjoy buying online. He can operate on several levels; on a simplistic level just because he can, and for sport, or on a very organised level where he possibly coordinates attacks with groups of others. They can run their illegal set ups from any country and when you next answer the phone and hear what sounds like a call centre somewhere with an agent asking you to turn on your computer because they wish to run a system check for your benefit, The Reversed Knight of Swords is generally behind the scam.


If you have been on the receiving end of a situation similar to the above, then this Card appearing in a Reading can suggest your anger and desire for revenge. You may be determined to track down this villainous perpetrator and bring him to justice, or more dangerously so, deal with him yourself. If this is the case you would be advised to rethink your plans. Yes, by all means seek to catch this Reversed Knight with the law on your side, but do not try to go it alone for he can turn very aggressive and dangerous, if not violent when cornered or threatened. This is not someone you want to come face to face with except in a court of law. By the way he is exceptionally adept at jumping through legal loopholes so you could still find yourself fuming with clenched fists as you watch him walk free. Proceed with extreme caution.

Toxic Air – Tactless and Rude

The Reversed Knight of Swords can be guilty of digging big holes for himself which he readily falls into and then has to find a way to crawl back out. This happens when his big mouth takes over and is allowed run unchecked. He becomes careless in his speech and says things he shouldn’t. He is insensitive to the feelings of others. This exposes his lack of mental discipline. He is very opinionated and arrogant. He is known for his blatant sexist or racist remarks which can get him into hot water. He just never stops to think who might overhear him or who might be hurt by his tone or sharp comments. He can’t keep a confidence or secret and spreads malicious gossip like an infectious rash. He has a problem apologising and prefers to blame the upset or offended person rather than admit he was out of order. He has a habit of undermining those around him and makes enemies wherever he goes. This Reversed Knight of Swords certainly does not make it easy to warm to him.

If you thought that The Upright Knight of Swords was argumentative and highly opinionated then the Reversed Knight of Swords can take this to another level altogether, and quite a low negative level at that. He can cause chaos and hurt wherever he goes and doesn’t give a damn who he upsets. He has little feeling for anyone and is known to be tactless, rude and sarcastic in his manner of speech. He leaves his mind and mouth unchecked and it therefore runs away on him. He is impervious to chastisement for his behaviour and sees himself as superior to all around him. With an over-inflated ego he oozes arrogance. He can either talk without thinking, or carefully loads his speech in a very deliberate manner to inflict the maximum sting and hurt. Sometimes he intends it and sometimes not. One way or another the effect is the same. He just upsets people everywhere he goes and seems to get a sick pleasure out of it. His attitude to those who take offence is to call them cry-babies or that they need to toughen up and not be so soft or sensitive. He likes to think he is tough skinned but would be the first to flare up if anyone dared speak to him in the same manner. By god he will get red-hot mad if a negative comment is passed about his ability, intelligence or behaviour.

In this manner, he gets ridiculously worked up over the slightest issue and over-reacts to incoming stimuli. His aggressive rants are legendary but his arguments are often preposterous and totally illogical. However, he will relentlessly hold on to them regardless if the evidence proves otherwise. He rams his opinions and views down the necks of those who regularly have to suffer his tantrum outbursts. This behaviour continues because he is allowed get away with it each time. He intimidates people who then fear standing up to him. What he needs is a cold hard sharp slap across the face and to be told to shut up, sit down and behave himself. Who will have the guts to take him on?

Feeling Personally Aggrieved

On a lighter note, this Reversed Knight of Swords can suggest that you are pretty hot under the collar about something right now and are fit to explode. You could be sounding off to people around you or even shouting at the walls. You are very angry and very annoyed. You might also be deeply upset. You will find it hard to relax, sleep or sit still while this issue is so raw with you. Be very careful about giving into knee-jerk reactions right now for they may backfire in the long run. It is clear you do not have all the facts and are not thinking clearly. Try to exercise some self-discipline and allow your mind to settle. Things may have been blown up out of all proportion; it may not be as bad as you think it is. Don’t go pointing the finger of blame at anyone until you have the full story in your possession.

Toxic Air being Cheered on by Negative Fire – The Bully

By nature The Knight of Swords Reversed is a bully of the worst kind. He is totally self-serving and self-absorbed. He gets his way at all times through force and intimidation. He likes to make people feel small and has a nasty sharp caustic and cynical tongue which he uses to criticise, humiliate and insult. When this aspect of The Reversed Knight of Swords sinks to a very low level, he can cross the line from verbal and psychological bullying to engage in physical bullying. Along with the name calling, insults and put downs, he can be known to ‘ruff up’ people for the slightest reason or no reason at all. He likes to push and rough handle people, and will pick on those who he knows are weaker than him. He causes heated arguments and tension wherever he goes.

Trapped Intelligence and Inferiority Complex Creates a Dangerous Bully

There is an inner anger with this Reversed Knight of Swords which is etched all over his face. His behaviour can generally be traced back to his childhood and upbringing. He can have a large chip on his shoulder and whereas he likes others to see him as their superior, deep down he is battling with an inferiority complex which makes him lash out at the world. One of the sad and tragic aspects of this type of Reversed Knight of Swords is the fact that he is actually very intelligent. Intelligence that is never allowed realise its potential often turns inwards and is then used in a negative manner. This Reversed Knight of Swords despises those who are intelligent and the ordered life they live. He hates those who have done well academically and those who are forging ahead in their careers. The truth is he too could have what they have but somewhere along the way, and most probably during childhood, he lost his way or was never encouraged to develop his abilities and talents. He very possibly showed promise but it never came about. Maybe he did not receive sufficient praise, nor had parents who understood him. There may have been a lack of money or a dysfunctional family life. There might even have been learning difficulties that masked his super intelligence. He may have lacked the support and interest at home, or possibly fell in with the wrong crowd who led him astray.

He will be the last person to admit it but he is bitterly disappointed inside and feels his loss acutely. On this level we must try to understand him, but it is hard to be sympathetic towards him when he projects his self-loathing onto others. When he does, it is usually in an aggressive or violent manner. He feels vindicated by his actions because his desire is to knock people down from their high and mighty positions, bring them down to his level so to speak. Instead of trying to improve himself or take inspiration from those around him he seeks to destroy anything that is positive or constructive. He is going nowhere very fast and wants to bring everyone down with him. This Reversed Knight would need considerable professional help and time should he choose to Upright his personality and put his intelligence to good use. He would need very careful handling as one aspect of him would crave the help while another aspect would repel it.

Depression and Mental Health Issues

One of the very sad aspects of The Reversed Knight of Swords presents as depression and Mental Health Issues. Here we have the Knight’s natural Governing Element of Air begin to whip up a storm. Thought processes become confused and irrational. The Sword begins to turn in on its owner and the mind now becomes an unfriendly place to go. Unfortunately, The Reversed Knight of Swords is stuck with his mind and even though he may try to outrun his negative attitudes and mind-sets, he cannot escape them. There may have been a particular incident; a trauma, an upset or personal hurt that has temporarily disturbed his mental equilibrium enough to cause depression, but he also may have a history of mental health issues. When Reversed, this Knight could be suffering from either regular depression, or a more clinical version such as manic depression or bipolar. His mind is responsible for hurting him instead of healing him and he will find it hard to view life in a positive manner. He may have lost touch with reality and has become delusional, irrational, paranoid and phobic. This Reversed Knight will need the strong support of family and friends around him as well as some professional intervention. Counselling may be needed or hospitalisation depending on the severity of the situation.

Where Knights are concerned they may try to put on a brave face and pretend to the world that all is well, but very often it is a mask or facade. Regardless of how well this Reversed Knight will try to conceal his depressed state, there will be some obvious tell-tale signs that should act as a tip off to friends and family that suggests something is wrong. The Reversed Knight of Swords in this state can come across as too bright, too animated, too restless and agitated. He may find it hard to sit down and relax. People may see him as having too much energy or that he wears them out.  On the other hand, he may find it hard to get up. He may start sleeping more than normal or will find it hard to get to sleep. He will be lethargic and disinterested. However, if asked if he is alright, he will always say that he is fine but just a bit tired. This Reversed Knight of Swords needs to communicate his feelings to others. He needs to share his problems, to talk things over but he will find this extremely difficult to do. At times the only way this Reversed Knight can release some of his pain is through anger. Uncharacteristic violent outbursts can be an indication of psychological dysfunction. If allowed go unchecked or worsen, there may be an attempt at self-harm or even suicide. Friends and Family may have backed off at this stage as they cannot cope with his moods or change in personality. The Four, Five, Eight, Nine and Ten of Swords as well as the Reversed Page of Swords can suggest that this Reversed Knight of Swords is in serious trouble and needs help.

This Card can also suggest that a very traumatic or stressful time is eventually beginning to move away from you, or that you are coming out of a period of depression. You may feel as if your life turned upside down and that you were starring in your own personal nightmare or horror show. It was an extremely stressful time and one you are happy to be emerging from. However, because of the flip side of the Reversed Cards, this may be a warning that there is a situation beginning around you, barely noticeable on the horizon, that has the potential to seriously impact on your life. You may be able to take steps at this early stage to avoid it. Someone may have warned you but you may not have taken them seriously as it seems so unlikely at present. Dwell on your gut feelings in relation to the implications involved. You may also have been expecting a situation of doom and disaster that never materialised. You may have grossly over-exaggerated an issue, making a drama out of nothing, or cleverly managed to avoid letting something get out of control.

 Air and Fire out of Control – The Radical and Extremist

And so we come to a particularly dark aspect of The Knight of Swords Reversed when he decides to don the armour, uniform or colours of a Radical or Extremist Group. In the Upright Knight of Swords we found him championing noble and worthy causes. He volunteered for dangerous missions so that others may be saved, or the rights of the oppressed or weak be reinstated. He also became the fearless soldier who was prepared to ride out into battle to protect or defend his country. He came to the rescue of many who could not help themselves. His principles were always honourable, respected the rules of engagement and tried to act in a conscientious manner. He worked hard to put plans and strategies in place so that law and order could replace chaos and mayhem. He helped remove those who were responsible for destruction and instilling terror.

Everything changes when we meet The Reversed Knight of Swords as the young Radical or Extremist. Gone is the psychologically balanced Knight who is fired with a passion to help and cure the world’s ills. Gone are his emotional responses to those who suffer, the weak, frail and ill. His inherent single-minded personality becomes rigid and fixed on an ideal or belief system that is warped and diseased. He loses his ability to be objective, and worst of all, becomes totally ungrounded. His Air Element whips up an ice cold storm in his head and heart, while his Influencing Fire ignites a burning cold flame which courses through his veins. He loses touch with reality and becomes all consumed by his dangerous passions and obsessions which take over his mind and body. He departs from a position of clear thinking processes, logic and thorough analysis. His mind closes down to a very set and one-track way of thinking. All incoming impressions, information and stimuli are rejected unless they conform to his fixed belief system. The open mind that was curious to know all and weigh up the pros and cons, or the validity of differing opinions, closes down into just a pin-head of light, a dark, very dark light. There is no room for variety or independent thinking. This mind becomes entrapped and conditioned to think in a very rigid manner as it narrows its belief systems so that everything else is blocked out. Only the thing, the it, the ideal, the obsession, is believed and accepted. The mind is no longer open to negotiation or self-control, for it has given away its right to freedom of thought. It now operates in only one way which can never be healthy.

How the mind resulted in this state depends on the individual and their predisposition to be taken over by external forces. There is a fine line between a mind that can become passionate about a noble cause and a mind that becomes fanatical or obsessed with a belief system. Usually this belief system operates outside what is considered normal or healthy. Some are more vulnerable than others, but The Reversed Knight of Swords in this aspect is ripe for the picking and no longer in touch with reality. He is susceptible to manipulation by others through repetitive indoctrination. The double- edged Sword can be put to two very opposing uses. Its power can wield good or bad, love or hate, healing or hurting, saving or maiming. It also has the power to Kill. The end justifies the means.  As long as it is in keeping with the fixed belief system it can do whatever it wants with The Sword and feels righteous in doing so. It becomes totally delusional.

It is quite impossible to reach the mind of the Radical or Extremist Reversed Knight of Swords for it is very far removed and not able to use it lost powers of reason and understanding. It becomes unapproachable and cut off. Also gone is its conscience, and without that this Reversed Knight can become a lost cause and beyond saving. He can turn into a machine which bulldozes its way through everybody and everything because his belief system tells him it must be done. The Upright Knight of Swords who would question every impulse or thought emitting from the brain, loses this ability and blindly follows the path he has chosen to tread in a robotic manner. He is prepared to do anything for his belief system or ideals and sees himself as vastly superior to all else. Anyone who thinks differently is viewed as the enemy which must be destroyed.

He uses his powers of communication to spread hatred, intimidation, threat, fear and violence. He seeks to find others who he can make into clones of himself. He lives in a dark and fearsome world, where should he be of sane mind, he would instantly flee. He will carry out atrocities and bloody massacres without thinking twice, each one building on his craving and addiction for more.

The Mercenary and Assassin

Another extreme negative version of The Reversed Knight of Swords is the cunningness and ease in which he Runs with the Hare and Hunts with the Hound. This is a self-serving Reversed Knight who is only interested in what is in it for him. With no conscience, morals, principles or standards he will sell his services to the highest bidder. Money and power are the driving force for him and he is not too concerned about which side is doing the bidding or what they stand for. As long as he gets his large fee he will callously carry out whatever heinous deed is asked of him. He is quite fearless in this regard and is known to make deadly enemies as a result of double crossing and selling out to the other side. He has no qualms about working for both sides at the same time, and is well placed to become the spy or assassin whose job it is to get close to his target so that he may easily eliminate it. He is a clean and swift mover who carries out his work in a clinical and efficient manner and then vanishes. He is highly sought after or feared in very low quarters but carries a large bounty on his head where the law is concerned. This Reversed Knight of Swords is a treacherous traitor who will sell you out as quickly as look at you. He is loyal only to himself and should you let yourself be drawn into his plots and plans, you will quickly find that he cannot be trusted. Not only that, but you are likely to carry the blame for whatever it is he has done and he will be nowhere to be found should you call for his help. In fact he will deny all knowledge of you and no one else will have heard of who you talk about. He leaves no trail.

In this negative aspect we may also find the crooked cop, the corrupt judge or lawyer who takes backhanders from criminals or shady business corporations so that they look the other way, conceal and mislay evidence, or throw a case.

The Delinquent Criminal – Angry Fire and Air

We must also look at a particularly nasty version of the Extreme Reversed Knight of Swords and this time it is as the delinquent. Here he does not know or understand how to live within the law. Where the law is concerned he is drawn to breaking it rather than abiding by it. He can become the vandal, the looter, the thief, the mugger, who takes advantage of opportunities that come his way much to the misfortune of his victims. Be on the alert if The Five and Seven of Swords is also present in the Reading. He can be quite ruthless and very violent. His weapon of choice is a knife or dagger which he is quick to use. He rarely leaves home without one and is known to actively seek trouble if it does not come looking for him first. He is not too concerned about being picked up by the law for his behaviour and is regularly seen in the back of a police car or detained in a holding cell, that is if they are quick enough to catch him. He does have a habit of getting off on any charges and provides a constant thorn in the side of the legal system. When shop fronts are damaged and windows smashed in, the Reversed Knight of Swords is bound to be the cause of it.

He likes to steal and this probably started as simple shoplifting or dipping into his mother’s purse as a child, but has steadily become more serious over the years. He may have spent some time in prison or detention centres. He also is responsible for graffiti on buildings, but this may be a form expression as he unconsciously communicates his deeply troubled self to the world. For some Reversed Knights of Swords, venting and expressing through graffiti can gradually bring about a healing as their work begins to take the form of art rather than defacement.

Speed and The Reckless Driver

Here we see a very common sight these days when The Reversed Knight of Swords appears especially as the young male adult driver or ‘boy racer’.  Risk, thrill and a love of speed gets these Reversed Knights out of bed each morning. Their cars vibrate with noise from the moment they sit into the driver’s seat. We can hear the boom, boom of the music system practically lift the car off the ground. The special Exhausts sound like rocket engines and their cars are pimped all over. No expense has been spared on body kits and super headlights. The car is worth a fortune as it accelerates rapidly after being revved noisily for several seconds. It takes the corners and bends on a sixpence and leaves tyre scorch tracks in its wake. The windows are tinted with banners splashed across the windscreen and rear window. The drivers typically drives with just one hand on the steering wheel showing off their formula 1 style driving abilities. They like to impress those they pass and will instantly speed up should they spot another of their own, or members of the opposite sex. Their car and speed empower them and they feel invincible.

We have two different Reversed Knights of Sword operating in this manner. The first invests quite heavily in his car and likes to drive it fast and break speed limits. He is a danger to everyone else on the road and many of his type either cause a serious accident or come to a tragic sudden end. However, he uses his car predominantly for driving from A to B and prefers to spend money on buying the most up to date high, end of the market motor which he wears like a designer label. He is usually happy to leave his car in the driveway after a long hard day at work.

The other kind typically favours an older or less expensive car which can be customised and re-conditioned so that it stands out from the rest. It is not just another car but an extension of his personality. To him it is a work of art. This type of Reversed Knight tinker with their cars constantly. They research auto magazines and websites where they can keep up to date with all the new trends. They do drive their cars during the day, but night time is when they come into their own. The streets are less congested with traffic which allows them to fully test out the maximum speed they can reach, and how close they can cut the bends and curves in the road. They compete against themselves and others. It is when we are in bed at night we hear them truly come to life as they practice hand brake turns on the main roads or in deserted car parks. They tend to move in a pack as night falls and our found in groups outside petrol stations and shopping centres where they gather to chat, brag and boast. Many have girlfriends or several friends in the car with them. Alcohol is not too important to these Reversed Knights, with many of them shunning alcohol in favour of spending their money on the car instead.

However this does not mean that they behave in a sensible and responsible manner for they are show offs, and what they like to show off to their passengers or to observers, is their ability to drive as fast as they can. They believe themselves to be superior drivers to all others, and when they take off, they can lose touch with the reality of the potential danger around each corner as they disappear into the make believe world of the X-box and PlayStation Racing Games they are so fond of playing. They drive in a reckless manner with no thought or care for their own safety or the safety of others. In their video games, they can always start again if they happen to crash. They are thrill-seekers; believe they are immortal, and that they and their car can handle every eventuality. Unfortunately, for many, they are proved wrong, and time and time again they end their young lives, and the lives of their passengers, in a tangled mass of crushed metal, broken windscreens and burning tyres. Their much loved car mangled or wrapped around a tree, unrecognisable. Seat belts are rarely used as they are deemed to be uncool and only for softies. They leave behind horrific trauma and destruction. The loss of young life is often multiple. Families and communities are left traumatised, confused and devastated by the senseless young deaths of so many. It is a sad thing to say but The Reversed Knight of Swords is typically the driver behind the wheel on these tragic occasions. He just can’t be slowed down and dismisses all warnings that are given. He rarely pays attention to bad weather conditions when driving and people often refer to him as an accident waiting to happen. When an accident does occur no one is too surprised.

As mentioned in the Upright Version, The Reversed Knight of Swords can also act as a warning if speed and driving are an issue. Should The Chariot appear Reversed along any of the following; Tower, Death, Four, Five or Ten of Swords then take it as a very serious warning to pay particular attention to your driving and car. You may be driving too fast and taking too many chances. This may not apply to you in particular, but it may to the person whose car you take regular lifts in.

Being Forced to Slow Down – The Wake-Up Call

When the warnings fail to slow down this Reversed Knight of Swords, time generally catches up with him and he will eventually run out of luck. When moving too fast without thought or care, he is bound to make a mistake sooner or later. His speed could find him prone to accidents so he needs to be more careful in his actions. This Reversed Knight has been brandishing his Sword, a dangerous weapon or instrument, very casually as he races here and there. Where the Swords Suit is concerned, failure to responsibly tend to the natural power of their Swords leads them to turn in on their owners.  This Reversed Knight may have been riding for a fall for some time. When this happens The Reversed Knight of Swords could fall on his own Sword, thus inflicting self-injury and harm. The shocking suddenness of it may cause him to fall from his horse and come down to earth with a bang. He now has plenty of time to think of the damage he has caused as his horse bolts off into the distance leaving him alone with just his thoughts. Without his horse to carry him to and fro, he will have to give much consideration to his dilemma and how he is going to get out of it. He is now forced to stop, and for the first time may realise just how exhausted he actually feels. This fall may be a wake-up call and an indication that the Reversed Knight, who thought himself to be invincible, has now run out of steam. He ran the gauntlet and has possibly paid the price.

He now has time to regret at leisure any mistakes of his past that have led him to this point in his life. With his forced removal from the battle field of his life and environment, he may now feel sick and weary with the thoughts of having to return to it. He may be burned out and his Horse exhausted from being ridden to hell and beyond. It is time for change, a new way of thinking, a new way of acting and a new way of living. He must use his mind in a positive manner now to find a way forward.  His presence in a Reading may be suggesting that you are already making the effort to turn your life around. You may have been rudely awakened by a life changing event and are now trying to slow down. You might be getting your priorities in order and learning to discipline your overactive mind and mouth. You could feel duty bound to apologise for your past actions or to ask forgiveness of others. On a more serious level, depending on surrounding cards such as The Reversed Page of Swords, the Eight, Nine or Ten of Swords, the appearance of The Reversed Knight of Swords could signal a desire to self-harm or self-destruct.

Surrender or Retreat – The Battle is Over

The Reversed Knight of Swords can suggest that the time has come to step down or give up on a battle you have been fighting for some time.  A truce may be called on hostilities. The battle may be internal or external. The whole thing has worn you down and left you totally battle weary. You may have been fighting a battle that was not worth it. A hurt pride may have been the driving factor and allowed it all to go too far or out of control. It is now time to draw a line underneath it all and move on with your life. The opposition may also be stronger than you and the time has come for you to accept this, admit defeat or surrender to their demands. However, you may simply need to retreat for a while in order to regroup, rest and work out new plans and strategies. Take a break from the front line as you appear to be getting nowhere at present. You have been chasing the same target, in the same manner for too long. An approach from a new direction may be necessary.

Communication or Speech Problems

Another aspect of The Reversed Knight of Swords is shyness and hiding from the spotlight. He may have difficulty in communicating or expressing how he feels. This could come down to speech problems, such as a stutter or stammer. He may be extremely intelligent but is not able to vocalise it.  He may also have a fear of public speaking and could easily suffer panic attacks at social occasions. On the other hand, in his other extreme, we may be looking at manic behaviour. This may be a personality who is loud and appears wired to the moon most of the time. He or she could talk constantly, whether it is relevant or not. They have a habit of rambling on and on about the slightest of things, can be found talking to themselves or addressing the thin air.

Keeping Your Mouth Shut and  Back-stabbing Friends

This Card can also suggest that it may be best to keep your thoughts to yourself right now and your mouth shut. Sometimes things are best left unsaid. Keep your opinions to yourself, it may be none of your business anyway. The less said the less damage that is caused. Take a back seat and keep quiet on this one. Do not get involved and do not give in to gossiping or speculation. If you have been entrusted with a confidence or secret you may feel tempted at present to divulge it as you feel ready to burst. Do not give in to temptation in this matter. Hold your tongue. Then again you may have some vital information that could help someone but you choose to keep it to yourself. You will have to question your conscience as to why this is. Look for The Moon or The Seven of Swords.

The Reversed Knight of Swords is not terribly loyal to his friends. In this capacity he represents the young man or woman who happily runs down or spreads malicious gossip about whichever friend is not in their immediate company. Check for the Reversed Three of Cups and  you will find a back-stabber in your group.  There may be jealousy involved. He or she will elaborate on stories about you and add a bit of drama in order to captivate their audience. They can be very clever and devious with the ability to turn others against you.

Love and Relationships

The Knight of Swords both Upright and Reversed is quite a complex character and can carry a myriad of interpretations. Therefore, it is vital to refer to surrounding cards when analysing his significance in a Reading. This Knight Reversed can be interpreted in a very dramatic and disturbing manner if one allows their imagination to lead them there. Like the Knight himself, balance and discipline is required when analysing him on a Reversed level. Do not automatically go for his extreme negative aspects unless the surrounding Cards, and the Querant, give you just cause to. Keep your feet on the ground and remain objective.

I want to be Alone

In a nutshell, if asking about a relationship with a certain person and The Reversed Knight of Swords appears, he may simply be trying to tell you that he is not interested in pursuing a relationship at this stage. He may prefer to be single right now, or if already in a relationship is beginning to want out. He or she might be desperate to get away. He or she may just not be interested in you or are distracted elsewhere. This Card may suggest a commitment phobic. This Reversed Knight can also suggest the one that got away, the offer of love you declined but now regret. You may have let a golden opportunity slip through your fingers or left it too late to act on an attraction. Someone may have beaten you too it while your dithered and waited. On the other hand you may be counting your lucky stars that you didn’t get involved.

Too Little or Too Much

On a basic level The Reversed Knight of Swords in a Relationship Reading can highlight a personality that is quite weak and ineffective. He or she may not be the sharpest tack in the box. They may not be totally reliable and rarely deliver on any promises they make. They can be all talk but have a problem putting their money where their mouth is. Talk is cheap and in the early stages of the relationship his/her partner is bound to be impressed by what he or she is being told, for this Reversed Knight sounds very convincing on the surface. Unfortunately sooner or later it will become quite clear that he or she lacks the get up and go to complete anything. There may be a lack of basic intelligence or logic. Everything is just let drift by and the partner of this Reversed Knight might have to assume total responsibility for everything that goes on. Left to the Knight to sort out, it will probably never happen.

Then again, this Reversed Knight can wear his partner out chasing after crazy dreams and poorly thought out plans. He is on the go constantly and gets involved too quickly without checking the fine detail. He can be taken advantage of by others as a result. His impulsiveness and unrealistic outlook lead him to make disastrous mistakes. His partner will have to be all forgiving if he or she wants to continue the relationship. One cannot help but smile at his enthusiasm but he needs to be kept on a tight leash to prevent him for getting into trouble all the time.

The Reversed Knight of Swords can suggest a habit of jumping into and out of relationships. Little thought is given to compatibility or suitability. There may a quick turnover of relationships or a string of one night stands.

An Unsavoury Character

Unfortunately, The Reversed Knight of Swords does not augur well for relationships and can highlight a not too savoury character. Unless other Cards outweigh this Reversed Knight, a Reader would not be promoting getting involved with the person this Card represents. In some cases it would be act as a warning to get as far away as possible before you get yourself involved with someone who might be quite difficult to shake off. This character could also cause dreadful disruption and upset in your life. It could take you a long time to sort your life out and very possibly your psychological state would be affected too.  If The Seven of Swords appeared with This Reversed Knight then it should be taken as a strong warning. There could be dreadful deceit, underhand behaviour and control in this relationship with one partner possibly living a secret life or involved in underhand, illicit or illegal behaviour. There may be disloyalty and unfaithfulness. Not a positive sign for a healthy relationship.

The Partner From Hell – Controlling and Aggressive

The Archetypal Reversed Knight of Swords in relationships is intimidating, insensitive and often aggressive.  He uses threats and mind games to control his partner, and is great at offloading any responsibility for his part in the situation as he wheedles his way out with convincing arguments and rants. He will be the one demanding an apology and not the other way around. He is as sly as a fox and as slippery as an eel.

This Reversed Knight is hyper-critical of his partner’s appearance, attitude or behaviour.  He knows he holds the power and can delight in taking his partner down a peg or two whenever it suits him. He knows all the chinks in his partner’s armour and where a strike will hurt the most. He is controlling, possessive and jealous. He rules by fear and his partner will never be quite sure which side of The Sword he or she is dealing with on a day to day basis as he has a Jekyll and Hyde personality. He can come across all sweetness and light one day only to turn into raving monster the next.

Incidents and scenes when out on social occasions with friends and family are quite common and most who know this personality find his company oppressive and unnerving. They are well aware of what he is like.

In arguments he will always have the last say as he is sharp as a tack and of high intelligence. He has an overly-inflated ego and is totally arrogant. He feels superior in the relationship. In his most negative aspect The Reversed Knight of Swords can use violence to control or punish his partner. He will plunge and twist his Sword to inflict physical pain along with insulting and demeaning words. He demands obedience and compliance at all times.

He can be a twisted and dysfunctional young man who carries excessive psychological and emotional baggage which he projects at will onto others. When life goes against him, or he doesn’t get what he wants, he can take it out on his partner. He rarely blames himself for anything. He nurses a deep burning anger within which erupts regularly into vicious outbursts of temper, when he practically foams at the mouth. He is heading for disaster and could take down his partner with him.

In a very extreme sense he is the sadistic psychopath or sociopath who has no conscience. He feels nothing and shows no mercy. He cannot be reasoned with. He is capable of carrying out horrendous crimes within a relationship or the family. If he has children they are bound to fear him. In the Upright Knight of Swords, there was an issue with him taking flight when he tired of his partner. In this extreme negative aspect of the Knight, he can be impossible to get rid of. He might refuse to leave, fail to accept that the relationship is over, and force his presence upon his partner. Legal intervention may be required to make him go away but he has a tendency to disregard the law and sneers at court orders.

Career and Business

In work you may be charging ahead with an unworkable idea or plan and refuse to listen to advice or take on board anyone else’s opinion. Whereas The Upright Knight of Swords had the bit between his teeth and rode furiously towards his goals, this Reversed Knight of Swords is more  like a dog with a bone who even though it has been chewed to bits and needs to be binned continues to gnaw away and wastes time guarding it. Its use or time has past but he just refuses to accept it and won’t let go.

This Card in Business can act as a warning where the signing of Contracts and Agreements are concerned. There may be a desire to rush forward but not everything is in order. It may be necessary to read and re-read all the fine print or get it checked out professionally before lifting that pen.

There may be a project that has gone past its deadline and you think you will never see the end of it. You most likely feel under terrible stress as you are working flat out all the time, yet feel you are getting nowhere. Avoid cutting corners or doing a rushed job as you will feel even more stressed with the less than adequate results. You may have to do it all again. At present you might see yourself as the hamster on the wheel; going around and around in circles, wearing yourself out and gaining little in the process. With the onset of global recession in recent years, this Reversed Knight of Swords can represent the pressure some employers put their staff under after cutbacks and redundancies. You could feel angered about being expected to be here, there and everywhere all at the one time, or possibly doing two or three people’s work. Costly mistakes can occur when no one has the time to double-check or pay attention to fine detail. Exhausted and resentful staff is generally counter-productive. This Card can suggest that you may be pushing yourself too hard and are under considerable psychological strain in work. You are in danger of crashing and burning.

Then again, this Reversed Knight of Swords could feel aggrieved by the fact that he is not being allowed to realise his full potential in his career. He may be in a job where he is not utilising his intelligence, his qualifications and abilities. He will feel bitter and taken for granted. He may not be given any opportunity to voice his opinions or share plans and ideas. He may feel wasted in his position and this could signal a time when he needs to start looking for a job elsewhere.

The Reversed Knight of Swords might easily be worn out at this stage as he searches in vain for suitable employment. One gets the sense that he is blitzing all the recruitment agencies with his CV, being sent for one interview after another, but all seem to run to a dead end. There is a danger that this Reversed Knight may be presenting in a hyper and manic demeanour at interviews in an attempt to impress, but prospective employers may find him a bit over the top and potentially disturbing in the work force. Instead of assertively selling his abilities, he may be aggressively bragging and boasting. This will not go down well with an interview panel. On the other hand, he may be overselling himself for a position. Has he really got the necessary qualifications? Is he trying to pull a fast one and bluff himself into a job? Is he winging it? This type of personality does not have great staying power in the work place and can get bored after a very short period of time. Usually this will be spotted during interviews. If this refers to you or someone you know, then it is time to stop and take a step back. You will have to narrow down your field of search as well as exerting self-discipline and self-control. Attending mock interviews where feedback on your performance is given may be of great benefit.

Yes, failure to impress at interviews is a common trait of this Reversed Knight in a Career Reading and unfortunately does not bode well for securing a particular job you have applied for. Your CV may not be up to scratch. Have you checked it for spellings, grammar and punctuation? Is there something amiss? Have you done enough research? Are you prepared? There is a good chance that you are up against stiff opposition when this Card appears, and if the Five, Six or Seven of Wands appear nearby you are probably one of hundreds that have applied. It will depend on whether these Cards are Upright or Reversed to determine whether you are in with a chance or not.  It also depends on how hungry you are for the job in question. The Reversed Knight of Swords unlike his Upright Aspect, is rarely ahead of the posse, in fact he is probably lagging behind or racing furiously in the wrong direction, turning up at the wrong time and in the wrong place (he just skimmed through the details in the interview letter). All opportunities may have gone by the time he arrives. He his missed his chance and may as well go home. Better luck next time hey?

Unfortunately, The Reversed Knight of Swords can refer to lack of education and qualifications. You either settle for a job that may have no long-term prospects or high salary expectations, or you do something about it. Go get the education or training you need to succeed and stop wasting your time. This Reversed Card can suggest a lack of purpose, no plans for the future and no goals to work towards. It can point to a lack of ambition. Then again, the Reversed Knight of Swords is famous for changing Horses mid-stream. He may have rushed into a career or college course without giving it much thought. It probably sounded very exciting at the time but he didn’t think further than his nose. He bores easily so has more than likely dropped out of college and fails to complete any course or training he might start. He ends up with a bit of this and a bit of that and quite likely hasn’t a clue what he wants to do or who he wants to be. If he is still at the young stage of Knight and others are pressuring him into taking a certain direction, then he must insist that it is his decision. If he is approach his more Kingly years then he needs to do something about it before he begins to drift and opportunities slip by him. He could leave it all too late.

The Knight of Swords when Upright is strongly focussed on his career and has his goals firmly in sight. When Reversed he may find it hard to stay focused, or very possibly he or she is being distracted by something else in their life. This could come down to a relationship you are involved in or family problems. You have taken your eye off the ball and you need to decide if it is in your interests in the long-run. If you are letting things slip in work then it is bound to be noticed. Wake up to what you are about and learn to separate your personal life from your work life.

The Reversed Knight of Swords represents the archetypal office bully or tyrannical boss. This is someone who likes to get their own way and can make the working day very stressful. He or she likes to pick on a certain individual and make their life a misery. Look for the Five of Swords which will support this interpretation. You must also ask yourself if you have a habit of acting aggressively with your work colleagues or staff. If so, you will have to work hard to change this undesirable trait.

Profits in business may begin to rapidly decrease. Gross mistakes come to light and there may be someone responsible for running the business into the ground. Someone could vanish overnight or try to get away with something underhand. Look for The Seven of Swords and The Moon. The Reversed Knight of Swords lacks the discipline to make a success in business. He is either overly aggressive or cannot assert himself sufficiently to make a lasting impression. He is fearful and indecisive. He either makes dreadfully impulsive decisions or takes too long arriving at one. He is scattered and unfocused which will be reflected all the way down onto the shop floor. Where the Upright Knight of Swords has a commanding presence in work and presents as an authoritative and knowledgeable figure who is widely respected, his Reversed version is not really taken seriously by his staff. His managers may be running the show and not him. He may be a figure head or called the boss, but he lacks leadership skills.

Where politics are concerned, The Reversed Knight of Swords might be running a dirty campaign. He may be seeking election for power and not because he wants to help the people. He is bound to promise many things he has no intention of delivering on. He very possibly has a hidden agenda. Then again he may genuinely promise great things should he get elected. His intentions may be sincere. However, it is all very well to proclaim to be the one to cure the country’s ill and give every voter what they are looking for, but this poor Reversed Knight of Swords may be too idealistic. His claims and promises are not based on reality at all, are not feasible or sustainable. He hasn’t a hope in hell of putting them into action. He is likely to be away in La, La Land.

Where work is concerned this Reversed Knight of Swords can represent the brave but personally reckless war correspondent who after being given an official warning or ordered not to, purposely rides into the most dangerous battle zone without giving full thought to the consequences of what might happen should he been taken hostage or killed. While others flee the scene, he turns about and heads back in to the thick of it. He is after the hottest stories and is prepared to risk all and everyone to get them. On a military level, this Reversed Swords could be involved in espionage or become a mercenary. He may desert or change allegiance to the opposition. Then again he may simply be retiring from the army.


Pages Intro   Knights Intro   Queens Intro   Kings Intro

Knight of Wands   Knight of Cups   Knight of Swords   Knight of Pentacles

Fire Signs   Water Signs   Air Signs   Earth Signs

Cups Health Interpretations – Ace to Ten

Health Card Combinations Minor Arcana – Ace to Ten

The 78 Cards – Detailed Study Version (Card Description, Keywords, Upright & Reversed Meanings)

The 78 Cards – Shortened Version (Keywords, Upright & Reversed Meanings)

Minor Arcana – Four Suits – Ace to Ten – Snapshot Meanings

Part I  Part II   Part III       Home

Copyright © 2006-2014 Vivien Ní Dhuinn

8 replies »

  1. Wow… you just thoroughly described the man who has ruined my life for over 10 years. I did a reading for advice in dealing with him and the Knight of Swords reversed showed up in my hopes and fears position. He won’t leave and is very abusive, angry, controlling, revengeful, argumentative, arrogant, condescending, manipulative, manic depressive, lacks empathy, enjoys my trauma and, concerningly so, everything else you tragically said. It’s like you know him precisely. I’ve tried to get away, but he lives with me and won’t work, leave, or help me. He actively thwarts me. I am afraid of him, his threats and crazy behaviors. You described him perfectly – in excruciating detail. I’m totally screwed apparently. Really worried…


    • Hi Gia,

      Oh dear, sounds you are in a very bad place indeed. I am sorry I have not replied sooner. I am in college full time and the workload is heavy. It is hard for me to get through all the correspondence on my site right now but it should ease up in the next few months.

      I hope you are okay and that the rest of your cards helped you find some solutions to your obviously distressing dilemma. Please let me know that you are coping.



    • Hi Aislingstar,

      Thank you for such positive feedback. There is much more to come. I will be publishing some of my coursework on Kindle in the very near future so hope that pleases you. A lot of people have been asking and its about time.

      Vivien Ní Dhuinn


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