Twos (II) Intro

The Four Twos – Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles

 2 of Wands Upright  2 of Cups Upright  2 of Swords 2 of Pentacles Upright

The Four Twos in The Minor Arcana,  generally refer to decisions being made, need to be made, or have already been made.  Decisions do not always apply to two people deciding on a situation.  On the contrary, most decision-making processes are done individually, but decisions are all about weighing up the pros and cons of a situation.  This can involve deciding between the Head and the Heart (2), your Feminine or Masculine side (2) or what is Right or Wrong (2). The decision process may involve deciding on two different directions to take, or whether to stay or go (2).  It may even come down to deciding between which partner to choose or stay with.

The Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Four Twos reside in the Second Sephira, Chokmah (Wisdom/Supernal Father) Primal Masculine energy.  The raw force that brings the change to initiate creation.   The Four Kings of the Court Cards also reside here.

At this point of creation, energy is still in its raw state but seeks balance for proper formation to take place.  That balance is achieved by combining masculine energy with its feminine counterpart.  In  Chokmah we find the raw primal masculine energy which is released through the Four Kings.

Corresponding Major Arcana – The High Priestess (II), Justice (XI) and Judgement (XX)

The High Priestess (II) of The Major Arcana  is the abstract representation of Feminine Energy that combines with The Magician (I) to bring about form. In The High Priestess, we see two pillars; one white, one black, which demonstrate the importance and need for balance on all levels. It is through the Four Queens, assisted by The Empress, The High Priestess will be expressed.

The Four Twos in the Minor Arcana are symbolic representations of the The High Priestess. We see the two pillars; one white, one black which demonstrate the masculine/feminine duality in all matters. The High Priestess must arrive at her decisions by applying both positive and negative aspects to arrive at important logical and emotional conclusions. She must balance the two sides intuitively, for not everything is obvious to the eye. The High Priestess will weigh the situation quietly within before making any external declarations. She sits with her thought processes for much time, allowing information to filter through naturally. Her decisions when made, will reflect balance. She sits at equal distance between the two pillars, neither taking precedence over the other. Her domain is very much feminine, but also acts as the balancing feminine principal to that of The Magician, the masculine principle symbolised in the white pillar. All emanations from the source must first be received through both if manifestation is to be successful.

The Four Twos of The Minor Arcana are also linked to the Justice (XI) and Judgement (XX) cards of The Major Arcana.  Both cards deal with balance.

In (Justice (XI) the scales weigh the evidence between one side and the other. It forces us to accept responsibility for the consequences of any decisions made, or actions taken. It is the card for equality and fairness. Pronouncements made under the influence of Justice will be external. They will affect others. We must avoid being biased, prejudiced or discriminating in forming them. We must treat both sides of the case fairly and with impartiality. A balance needs to be struck between the head and heart. Decisions made must be for the greater good of all, not self-serving. Justice is a Karma Card. Choices made, or actions taken now, will have bearing in the future. You must do the right thing. You will be judged by these. It is important to note that Justice issues verdicts based on fairness. How you feel about this depends greatly on which side of the scales you sit. A thief may be found guilty and sentenced. He/She may not be happy with the outcome, but in the eyes of Justice, this verdict is just and fair.

Judgement (XX) demands we consult our conscious and unconscious mind when making decisions. There must be synchronicity. When brought into a state of equilibrium crystal clear thinking will lead to confidently making decisions that have the ability to transform our lives. From a period of stasis or confusion, an epiphany occurs, throwing light onto the correct path ahead for us. Suddenly we know what we must do. Decisions made under Judgement can give us a second chance to live true to our spiritual destiny. Judgement weighs the final scales on our karmic path. We are judged on the sum of our previous decisions and actions taken. Here we have the opportunity to wipe the slate clean and start again once we exercise clear thinking and discernment. This will be one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make. Be sure you have your facts right and remember the dual aspect in all matters.


Two In Tarot

Two represent balance, the yin and yang of the situation along with the Feminine and Masculine aspect.  Ace (1) stood alone and unique, but now it has been joined by another to make (2).  This changes the dynamics of the situation.  When we just have to think about ourselves we can do as we please, but when another is involved, we must take their needs and opinions into consideration too if we are not to be selfish and controlling.  Their opinion or attitude may be different to ours. Therefore, we must be prepared to look at both sides (2) of the situation, or listen to what the other (2) has to say.  As a result, we get two sides coming together to influence a situation.  They say that “two heads are better than one” but sometimes we can get two with very different opinions and mindsets.  Therefore, the Two (2) can make life either easy or difficult depending on circumstances, and attitudes. Minds can be closed or open to change and suggestion when we see Two in Tarot. Two needs to be flexible and adaptable.  Sometimes it must bend to the needs of others to maintain peace and harmony. It cannot afford to be rigid in its stance or approach. Two is the diplomat, the negotiator.

When we come across Two in Tarot, it suggests opposing forces at play. The forces being dealt with may involve others or represent an atmosphere or situation you are trying to manage or balance. Both Upright and Reverse bring effort in achieving balance. Life and events may be contradictory to what you had hoped for.

Sometimes the conflicting mindsets are to be found within; the Twos often represent an inner-struggle as you attempt to find understanding or clarity.

The process of two creates polarity, and here is where the number 2 reigns supreme.  The moment anything is created, so too is its exact opposite.  Therefore, with Twos, we can get extremes. This is down to polarity having a two-way or opposing effect.  Like magnets, what draws one to a certain person, place or thing, can equally repel depending upon the individual and circumstances. This is not static, and can change.  We all know that love can easily turn to hate overnight. Sometimes it walks a fine line between both. Appropriate balance is required as Two can be touch and go when it blows this way and that.

In the positive sense, Two draws sides together and brings about an agreeable balance, cooperation, diplomacy, and negotiation. Twos are tolerant, they are the peacemakers. Two promotes equality. Two understands the benefits to be gained by teaming up with another. Two heads are better than one.  Two ones unite to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Two ‘ones’ communicate and connect to expand potential. Two shares and learns from the gifts, skills and strength of the individual ‘ones’, thus forming a greater pool of power to draw from.  Two ‘ones’ can combine individual goals in search of greater success.

Reversed Two

When negative or reversed, Two can lose this equilibrium, harmony and mutual respect. It draws back into individualism and can seek its own way. It blocks off or severs the two-way flow of energy, considering its sole needs and desires as it returns to 1 mode. It avoids sharing or contributing. It is unlikely to cooperate in partnership, and may seek to be free of that which seeks to team up with it. When reversed or negative, Two can give the illusion it is in partnership, when really it marches to its own tune. A sense of distance or gulf between the individual Ones is felt. Reversed Two is fragile and unpredictable. It can swing between Upright and Reversed with alarming speed and may not be relied upon. Two can lose its connection with balance and equality. It will seek to control or dominate. Reversed Twos walk away from the negotiating table when they do not get what they want. A hostile Two, can declare war.


What we must now do is relate these tendencies to the Four Elements/Suits in the Tarot.  So if we relate the process of decision in the individual Suits, we can have The Wands deciding on a particular course of action to take, emotional or relationship decisions in The Cups, mental decisions being made in The Swords, and financial or material decisions in The Pentacles.  Somewhere in the middle of the decision-making process lies the balanced solution or answer.  However, some of the Suits may find it difficult and therefore run off in one direction or another.


Multiple Twos

***Twos appearing in a reading raise the question of what we are being drawn to or opposing factors at play in a situation. Where can you find middle ground, what are you willing to compromise on? Two Twos could suggest two very different sides to a story. Opposing parties may have brought in back up and support. Lines may be drawn and very definite sides taken. More than one Two can suggest the dilemma of having to make a decision that will not be popular with the mass.

When three or more Twos are present in a reading, the querant must prepare for serious decisions to be made. Decisions arrived at must be well thought out and viewed from all angles.  Several Twos can also represent a stable environment of balance, peace and harmony. Multiple Twos can highlight strategies in place and being well-prepared for whatever is coming, having a Plan B  or contingency plan so to speak. Every area is covered. 

Multiple Twos in relationship readings could suggest groups of couples, or perhaps past relationships. It may also indicate your yearning or search for a partner. You may be dating a lot.

When Twos appear reversed, decisions that need to be made are either actively avoided, or blocked by the circumstances. The governing Element of any Two present will point to the area of life that is affected.  Confusion and lack of consistency is evident. Disharmony and a lack of balance in the situation is likely. Life can feel a bit like a Pendulum, swinging back and forth from happy and stable, to miserable and unstable. Multiple Reversed Two’s can suggest your hands are tied where a decision is concerned. The decision may be in the control of others. You have very little say in the matter. On the contrary, you may fear making a mistake and wish others to make any difficult decisions on your behalf. Miscommunication and misunderstanding is common with Reversed Two’s . 


Now Click onto The Two (II)  of Wands, Two (II) of CupsTwo (II) of Swords and Two (II) of Pentacles in the Sub Menu where you will find their Descriptions, Meanings both Upright and Reversed along with all their relevant Keywords.

Ace of Wands    Ace of Cups   Ace of Swords   Ace of Pentacles

Aces Intro    Twos Intro   Threes Intro   Fours Intro  Fives Intro   Sixes Intro  Sevens Intro  Eights Intro  Nines Intro  Tens Intro


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