Nine (IX) of Cups

Nine (IX) of Cups –  

Wish Granted, Inner & Outer Happiness, Pleased With Yourself 

9 of Cups Upright


Happiness,  Success, Wishes Coming True, Realising Dreams, The Good Life, Abundance, Prosperous, Rewards, Achievement, Accomplishments, Self-Love, Inner Happiness,  Emotional Maturity, High Self-Esteem, Self-Confident, Self Respect, Positivity, Optimism, Emotionally Fulfilled, High Mood, Happy as You Are, Crest of a Wave, Cup Runneth Over, Content, Satisfied, Cheerful, Joy, Warmth, Smiling, Laughter,Congratulations,  ‘Cloud Nine’, ‘The Cat that Got the Cream’, ‘Pleased as Punch’, ‘Made It’, ‘Sitting Pretty’, ‘Pinching Yourself’, Well Done, Smug, Gloating, Triumphant, Euphoric, Marriage Banquet, Celebrations, Exhibitions, Showcasing, Entertaining, Parties, Socialising, Host, Hospitality, Showiness, Pomp and Ceremony,  Centre Stage, In The Spotlight, Recognition, Acclaim, Applause, Awards, Showiness, Smugness, Sex, Making Love, Sensuality, Pleasure, consummation, Eating, Drinking, Over-indulging, Me-Time, Self-Care,  ‘Because Your Worth It’, Pampering, Luxury,


Card Imagery Description 

Well, well, well!  Isn’t this such a different picture to the last Cups Card we visited? Could this be the same man we saw in the Eight of Cups? Okay, it was only his back we saw as he moved away from us, travelling cloak on and leaning on a stick, but could it be he? Truthfully, yes it is he, one and the same.  Everything looks so much different now doesn’t it? Even compare it to the colours of the last Card.  In the Eight they where heavy and dark as the Moon eclipsed the Sun and the landscape looked tough and challenging.

As we arrive at the Nine of Cups, we find ourselves standing outside a large banqueting hall.  This is not just any old hall but one of the finest around.  It is large and luxurious and sumptuously decorated. The room has been prepared for a celebration and we have all been invited.  However, we have been asked to wait outside as the Cup’s Man is doing a final check to see if everything is as it should be.  We can see him through the glass window though and quietly observe him as he goes about his business.

He is dressed in a long flowing striped gown which looks loose and comfortable if not a little eccentric.  He looks like a jolly happy chappy.  His girth looks much wider than when we last saw him so he certainly hasn’t been neglecting himself.  His face has filled out too and we can’t help but smile at his well-fed appearance.  It is obvious he has put on much weight since his early days in the Two and Four of Cups.  However, he was young then and could probably get away with a lot.  He was a bit of a party boy in his younger days and regularly overindulged with food and drink, just like the rest of his friends.  Sure it went with the territory.  He had been happy and so much in love too.  Mr Cups, seemed to have everything sorted out in life and had even found the woman of his dreams in the Two of Cups.  If memory serves me well, there might even have been an engagement. They had been the toast of the town in the Three of Cups and we all secretly envied their happiness.

His bubble burst in the Four of Cups when things started to go wrong.  His despondency and disinterest in his normal life and friends was very concerning.  With so much to live for and being so happy he had fooled himself into believing that he had everything under control. That is until it eventually blew up in his face in the Five of Cups when either tragedy or disaster hit.  Never before had we known him to sink so low.  He was deeply hurt and upset by the events in that Five.  He had got his fingers badly burnt and his heart ripped out.  It was as if all his hopes and dreams for the future had been smashed.  He just wanted to die at that point in time and it was useless trying to get him to understand that time would heal and eventually he would move on.  He cloaked himself in misery for some time; not eating, not sleeping and not talking.  He didn’t want to see anyone, not even his family and closest friends.  He just wanted to be left alone to wallow in his misery.  Where had it all gone so terribly wrong?

How can one go from being ecstatically happy one moment to being on the brink of despair the next? I suppose it is life that does it to us and the fact that it sometimes has plans for us that we don’t have for ourselves. We don’t want our plans changed at all, we want life to leave us alone to get on with it.  However, the Universe often conspires with our Higher Self when we need our life plans changed for our own good.  Mr Cups, or Ms Cups, whichever way you wish to look at it, had made plans that were not in his or her best interests.

Back at the very beginning of the Cups Journey, they were presented with their first Cup from Spirit.  It positively overflowed with the potential of happiness, emotional fulfilment, compassion, love, creativity and spirituality. The Cup’s hand could barely hold its Cup for it was so heavy with blessings.  Inspired by his Cup and eager to be on his way, the Cup’s Person had run with his Elemental Gift.  He was looking forward to sharing it with everyone as quickly as possible, as there was plenty for everyone.  Each and everyone he encountered was showered with some of the Cup’s contents and quickly the Cup’s Man gathered plenty of friends around him.  It was  a jolly time and the Cup’s Man felt so lucky and blessed to be given such a wonderful gift.  He also assumed those around him felt the same.  He believed that they held the same respect for the Cup’s Gifts as he did.  Unfortunately, not all did.  Some used the Cup’s Gifts to the extreme;  overindulging in drink and food.  They confused the gifts of love and intimacy with lust and sex.  They began to seduce instead of woo and soon question marks hung over the validity or sincerity of supposed relationships.

Even the Cup’s Man himself lost some control as he went along with the crowd instead of realising that what Spirit had given, was not being utilised as it should.  The happiness he thought he had found in the Two was probably too immature or perhaps he had rushed into it, blinded by love.  By the time the Three of Cups had arrived he was totally caught up in all the socialising and partying that had become part of his life.  He wasn’t really paying attention to his Cup and the value of its precious contents.  He cast it here and he cast it there and sometimes forgot about it altogether.

The incident of the Four of Cups had brought him back down to earth with a bang.  His eyes were opened to all the hedonistic behaviour around him, the overindulgence and bad habits.  He saw his relationships, friends and himself in their true light.  What he saw deeply displeased him and he couldn’t believe that he had not looked after his Cup as well as he should have.  He had not heeded the advice of Spirit who told him not to throw its contents around in the wrong places or with the people who would not respect it.  He was told the Cup and its contents were a reflection of his heart and soul. If its contents were contaminated or sullied then so too would his heart and soul.  Deep unhappiness would then follow.  The Cup’s Man had listened to the advice but had not fully understood its implications.  He got caught up in life and the fun and joy of it all.

In The Five of Cups he began to realise his responsibility in his terrible deep unhappiness.  He had helped lead himself to this time of sadness, loss and terrible trauma.  Yes, his emotions were tainted.  His heart-felt heavy and dark.  Anger raced through him at times and in one outburst he had deliberately kicked over three of his Cups.  He had gone from Euphoria to Despair and he realised he had abused or taken for granted the wonderful Gift and Blessings Spirit had presented him with in the Ace.  He buried his face in his hands and cried and cried.  How was he ever to fix his life, how was ever to recover from the pain and how was he ever going to forgive himself and others for all that had come to be? In the background had stood those few remaining who had always being his friend, always supported him and indeed on many a night had carried him home, much the worse for wear, delivering him safely to his bed.  They stayed close by but he was oblivious to their presence.

In the Six of Cups, shaken and weary he had allowed his family and friends to rally round.  He found sanctuary in his family home and kept a very low profile.  He needed time to emotionally heal and understand what had gone wrong.  His life had ended up a sorry mess but being a true Cup’s person, he was terrified of turning sour or bitter.  Depression was now a very real fact of life for him and it frightened him. By nature, he was a warm, loving, peaceful and happy person.  The stark contrast of how he now felt made him question all the feelings he ever had. Had he really being happy? Did he feel personally fulfilled? He knew that he had not ended up in the Five of Cups by chance alone.  With time away from the distractions of the outside world in the Six of Cups he had been given time to think.  He came to the conclusion that he had deep emotional issues that had affected his life and well-being.  He had been drifting along for too long until this rude awakening, he had never really asked any questions of himself.

Beginning to feel stronger, he knew that he needed to understand himself better, as there was something missing in his life.  He was a born Cup yet he was unhappy and the root of his unhappiness eluded him.  How could he put it right if he could not identify it.  He realised that he did not know himself, so in the Seven of Cups began to spend much time in Soul Searching. He put every area of his life under a microscope, looking for something, anything that held real meaning for him.  Looking for something he could build on for his future. He sadly realised he was wanting in many areas and had also failed to realise his full potential.

Deep within the Cup that Spirit had presented him with were wonderful creative talents and abilities, yet he had only every used those contents that were closest to the surface.  The deep down gifts had required effort and time to fully utilise and master, but he had taken the easier options.  Now he was interested in this whole other side to him, his hidden identity.  He wanted to know more, but also, he had to discover where his unhappiness was truly coming from. He acknowledged there was something missing in his life and he had an idea.  He would go on a quest, a mission, a journey, a pilgrimage as such in search of that which was missing.  He cared less how long it would take, how far he would have to travel or how old he would be as long as he eventually found what he was looking for.

And so in the Eight of Cups, he did just that.  We watched him as he disappeared through the rocks.  He was leaving an old way of life behind in search of a new way of living.  He was walking away from that which did not emotionally fulfil him to seek that which did.  He would not stop until he found it.  As he journeyed over land and sea, by day and by night, consciously and subconsciously , internally and externally, he planned to expose himself to as much new experience as he could.  He intended to discover things about himself that were buried deep down.  He would explore every aspect of life and see where he fitted in, what sang to his soul and what he was naturally good at.  He would find happiness, he was sure of it.

The night before he left, he became anxious and worried. He had lain in bed, tossing and turning as he doubted his strength to carry it through.  He was filled with the fear of all the dangers that may be laying in wait for him. He began to lose his nerve.  In his mind he could hear the voices of all those who had tried to put him off his quest.  They warned him of the dangers of straying out of his comfort zone and meeting people he may not be able to trust. Would he not be better to stay where he was and settle for what he had?  As he turned his head to the window he saw the yellowy glow of the large full Moon hanging low in the sky and let out a sigh of relief.  He knew now where all the doubts were surfacing from.  They were his deep down worries and fears, his night-time demons, come to play with his mind and feelings.  The Moon always stirred up the demons from the darkest pits of his subconscious but this time he would face his fears and stand up to them.  He was not afraid for they could not harm him.  He was going on this journey and he would not need anyone to hold his hand for this was something he needed to do for himself.  He fell into a deep restful sleep.

The next morning he was off, travelling light, he had only taken the most necessary items with him. As he travelled in the Eight, he encountered many people. He met The Hermit one evening as dusk was falling.  They had sat on a rock together and had spoken at length about the meaning of life and the mysteries of the Universe.  They discussed the individual purpose of each Soul and how it was important to follow your True Path, Calling or VocationThe Cup’s Man saw the Wise, Old Sage in The Hermit and asked for advise on how to ‘Find Himself’The Hermit was a man of few words.  He advised him to ‘live like me for a while.  Strip away all the distractions, the external noise and then wait for your inner voice, your higher self to speak. ‘

The Cup’s Man was so impressed with The Hermit, he decided to follow his advice.  During this time he learned much about himself on every level. He was beginning to understand himself for the first time and saw the rhythm and flow of the Universe work its perpetual magic. He got his first glimpse of the deepest contents of his Cup and marvelled at its beauty.  He discovered talents and abilities hidden under other interesting contents.  Fuelled with desire to try them out he enrolled in courses and classes and was shown how to use these talents.  He learned to paint and developed his own style.  He was amazed by the beauty his own hands created.  These were works of art that came from the heart for he loved what he was doing. He was beginning to experience real happiness.

He took up yoga and meditation which helped reconnect him with his spiritual side.  It was during this time, that he discovered a deep peace and sense of contentment.  He had not been in a relationship for a long time but it did not worry him at all.  One thing he had discovered after his time spent with The Hermit,  was he could be alone without being lonely.  He enjoyed his own company and the peace that solitude could bring.  He painted his finest works of art when he was on his own.

He also made new friends on his journeys.  He had kept in contact with only a few friends from the past.  His life was different now, more varied, more interesting and he much happier.  This mirrored the people who were drawn to him and vice versa.  Strong bonds were formed with people who had mutual respect.  Many had embarked on journeys similar to his; on a quest for the holy grail, in search of the meaning of life, looking for happiness before it was too late.  They had much in common. When someone said they were ‘glad to meet you’ or ‘really happy for you’, they meant it.  It was not just lip service designed to impress or caress. Many were fellow artists or crafts people like himself. Their eyes shone with the sparkle of inner happiness.

As we return to the Nine of Cups, we can now appreciate that while this may be the Figure from the Eight of Cups, he most certainly is a changed man.  We have not seen him for a long time and yes, his appearance is different.  So he has put on a bit of weight here and there but doesn’t he look relaxed and content?  Apparently he is a world-renowned artist now.  He is famous for his creative interpretations of seascapes and marine life.  They say his paintings fetch a handsome sum and tonight, the glitterati and ordinary people like me, will fill this banquet hall and jostle with each other to get the first look at his latest exhibition. Then there will be a fine banquet with sumptuous food and the best of wine for us all to enjoy.

As we sneakily stare at him through the window, we are dazzled by the lavish layout of this beautiful room. Much money has been spent on this night and the guests will want for nothing. We watch the Cup’s Man settle himself on a bench in front of a table set with Nine Cups.  He sits protectively in front of them, guarding them or possibly claiming ownership.  The Gold Cups have been highly polished and twinkle and glitter in the light from the overhead chandeliers.  They are superb.

These Cups may symbolically represent his wonderful creations; works of art, pottery, sculpture or books.  They are laid out in a way so that all can be admired and appreciated.  Then again, these Nine Cups may be filled with wine later on and shared out with guests who have come to view his work.  In another light, they appear to be placed at a height above the Cup’s Man and this may be deliberate.  In the past, he was careless with his Cups. Some got knocked over, others broken and some misused.  In his journey through Seven and Eight he has learned a lot. The Cup’s Man now knows the value of his Cup’s contents and is not willing to let people treat them as they wish. He has placed them deliberately out of easy reach. Only those most trusted and those who can appreciate them will be given access.  He had fought hard to find this new peace and happiness and he will be very careful to keep it away from anything or anyone who may wish to taint it.

The Cups’ Man sits on his own, with arms folded, and lets out a deep contented sigh.  Before the doors open, he just wants to sit here and savour the moment, to wallow in his success.  This is not just the success of his exhibition, his banquet or whatever else he may be doing but it is his personal triumph in finding his True Self, His Inner-Happiness, his Self-Respect, Self-Worth and Self-Love.  He did it.  He succeeded in his mission. He had gone on a quest for the Holy Grail and found it. He went in search of his Ninth Cup and now it stands proudly behind him after joining the previous Eight.

He had wished and dreamed for this moment for so long and as he sits proud as punch in front of his achievements we will have to forgive him for looking a little smug with himself.  He looks like the ‘cat that got the cream’ .  On his head he wears a red hat with a large red feather.  The colour red speaks of the passion he has put into his search and the feather symbolically represents his success.  He now can claim another ‘feather in his cap’.  He has reached for the stars and has managed to catch them.  He has found what he was looking for. His Dream has come True and he is on Cloud Nine. It feels good to be him, very good and he can’t wait for the party to begin.  It will be a night to remember and he wants to share it with those people who mean something to him. He has eventually become a success after all the hard work and has gained the recognition of many. Things couldn’t get much better right now.

Another thing he has realised about himself, is that he enjoys all the pomp and ceremony that go with these occasions.  He loves being the Master of Ceremonies, Chief Host or Entertainer.  He will oversee the whole evening and make sure that everyone has a good time and has laid on many surprises and treats for his guests.  Let us hope that he takes it easy with the food and drink tonight for if he is to attend many more of these functions, it won’t be long before his girth gets even wider.

As we wait for the doors to open, we look back at the Cup’s Man sitting on his bench and wonder if he has anyone special in his life.  He sits alone but why? Maybe it is the final piece of the jigsaw that needs to be put in place.  He has found himself, found that which makes him happy, is happy in his own skin and with who he is. He had developed his talents and skills and has achieved much success.  The final piece of the jigsaw will find him opening his heart to another.   All this new-found happiness will lead to nothing if he keeps it to himself. Will he find that special someone who he will want to share his precious Cup with?  He now has something of real worth to offer.  He has learned the tough lesson in that before one can love another, one must first come to love and be happy with the self. He will also be able to recognise that in another so will be drawn to the right kind of relationship for him.  A relationship built on trust, substance, strong foundations, love and respect.  He has put in the hard work and travelled far in search of it so it would be nice to see this story have a happy ending. Maybe, he will meet someone at the Banquet tonight?

He can afford to relax as abundance and prosperity are now his. Well done Mr Cups and Congratulations.  Give yourself a pat on the back for you certainly deserve it.

Nine (IX) of Cups

9 of Cups Upright


Happiness,  Success, Wishes Coming True, Realising Dreams, The Good Life, Abundance, Prosperous, Rewards, Achievement, Accomplishments, Self-Love, Inner Happiness,  Emotional Maturity, High Self-Esteem, Self-Confident, Self Respect, Positivity, Optimism, Emotionally Fulfilled, High Mood, Happy as You Are, Crest of a Wave, Cup Runneth Over, Content, Satisfied, Cheerful, Joy, Warmth, Smiling, Laughter,Congratulations,  ‘Cloud Nine’, ‘The Cat that Got the Cream’, ‘Pleased as Punch’, ‘Made It’, ‘Sitting Pretty’, ‘Pinching Yourself’, Well Done, Smug, Gloating, Triumphant, Euphoric, Marriage Banquet, Celebrations, Exhibitions, Showcasing, Entertaining, Parties, Socialising, Host, Hospitality, Showiness, Pomp and Ceremony,  Centre Stage, In The Spotlight, Recognition, Acclaim, Applause, Awards, Showiness, Smugness, Sex, Making Love, Sensuality, Pleasure, consummation, Eating, Drinking, Over-indulging, Me-Time, Self-Care,  ‘Because Your Worth It’, Pampering, Luxury,


When the Nine of Cups appears in your Reading, life is certainly looking good for you.  This is a great Card to turn up in any Reading and is much welcomed by all. You will be going through a period of great happiness and contentment with little or nothing in the way of unpleasantness to take the smile off your face.  Yes, smiling and laughing are very strongly suggested here. You are in an emotionally strong place and in fantastic mood. Life is really looking good at present and everything is working out as hoped for. It is a time for being aware of and appreciating all your blessings and the magic of life.  Great happiness and joy accompany this Card, and in the Upright, it comes from a great depth and is heartily meant.

The Nine of Cups is traditionally known as the ‘Wish Card’ in so much as what you have wished for you will get.  Those things that were dreamed of in the Seven of Cups are now coming true, and so too might your dreams.  However, be it the fulfilment of your wish or the realisation of your dream, it will have been worked hard for.  Much effort will have gone into arriving at this day which will only make your feel more satisfied with yourself and the outcome.  It really seems that everything is at last working out in your favour.  You look like the ‘cat that got the cream’ and are delighted with yourself.  At long last you have made it to where you want to be.  It is your time to shine now, so get up on that stage, stand in the spotlight and take your applause. Your happiness has come down to you and your attitude.  Well done.

Wonderful joy and abundance come with this Card.  Abundance may be on the material level but with this being a Cup’s Card, material abundance is not worth much if it just travels on its own. Great inner happiness, self-confidence and self-esteem are expressions of abundance too and all are suggested with this Card. It heralds a time when you understand the importance of finding inner-happiness.  You may have thought you were happy at other times but the Nine of Cups takes you to another level altogether.  You are riding high at the moment; on the crest of a wave, your Cup runneth over with pure positivity and optimism.   Such is the euphoria suggested by this Card you may find it difficult to refrain from pinching yourself every now and then just to check it is not a dream but reality.

The Nine of Cups can symbolically represent being rewarded after a period of hard work and effort. Whatever you have been working on has come to successful fruition and you can sit back now and take all the praise and applause you have rightfully earned.  People now see you in a different light and many will be envious of not only your abilities and skills, but also because of the wonderful inner-light that glows in and around you. It positively oozes from your pores.  Your happiness and warmth are infectious too and many will seek you out for the positive effect you have on them. Others will see you as inspirational; someone who has relentlessly pursued their dream regardless of set backs or the opinion of others.  You must realise that you have achieved something that many, many others crave in their lives but do not have the courage or determination to go after.

This is now your time to shine and you have every right to feel rather pleased with yourself.  You can’t help but smile and feel a little smug,  now can you? However, there may also be a tendency to gloat, especially if there have been those who dissed you along the way, failed to offer support or laughed at your dream. While you have every right to feel superior and rub their noses in it, you will only taint the success you have achieved.  We are all on our own paths and each of us in turn must find our way.  This is your path and what is right for you. It must be wonderful to feel so sure of yourself and where you are going. Oh, wouldn’t we all just love to be where you are now, sitting pretty and the centre of much attention?

The Nine of Cups can suggest emotional maturity and the understanding of what is important and what is not.  There is a feeling that you have Found Your Self at long last.  It is a time for seeing the bigger picture in life and for truly knowing what it is you have been looking for, where you want to be and what you want to do. It can suggest a time for moving away from an old style of living that was based more on other’s wants, needs and expectations.  The Nine of Cups suggests that it is all about you at the moment.  You have taken centre stage for the moment and consider yourself the key player in your life.  This does not mean to say that you are insensitive to others feelings or needs.  Rather it means you are in control of your life and are in a Self-Care mode.  This is a time for concentrating on your needs and what makes you happy.  Let others think what they wish for you cannot keep everyone happy.

When the Nine of Cups appears, you best prepare for getting dressed up and going out.  Your social life is likely to be very busy with invites to parties and celebrations.  Indeed, you may be throwing a big party yourself, acting as Chief Host or Hostess and are revelling in all the preparations that are involved. You love all the pomp and ceremony that goes with great social occasions so here you can let rip. This is a great opportunity for you to showcase your creative talents and everyone will notice the extra-special personal touches you have added to make it spectacular.  Occasions may be lavish and extravagant, with much money, time and effort put into making it a grand event for all who are invited.  Try not to overdo it by turning it into an overly showy circus of an event.  You are seen sitting alone in this Card, the table laid out for a banquet. Every thing looks pristine and in place.  However, you now have to let the guests in, so make sure people can relax and enjoy themselves too.

Sometimes the Nine of Cups can simply suggest a gathering of close family and friends who revel in each other’s company.  Any parties or celebrations held under the influence of this Nine will undoubtedly be a massive success and will be much talked about for some time to come.  The Nine of Cups is a card for good health and vitality, although there is a tendency to over indulge when one is feeling in so high a  mood. Try to guard against terrible hangovers.

Where Relationships are concerned, it augurs well.  You may have found your Soul Mate and understand for the first time the beauty of a good relationship.  You are certainly happy with the way things have worked out for you on a romantic level.  You may have eventually won the heart of the one you wooed for so long. There is a great sense of knowing that it has been well worth the wait.  There is a true understanding of what it is you want in a relationship and what or who will make you happy.

This Nine also suggests taking your partner out or getting out and about a bit more.  A bit of Pampering and luxury is on the Cards and strongly recommended. Time to book that fancy restaurant or 5 Star Hotel for you are Worth It.

Engagement, Marriage or Pregnancy may be on the Cards for you when the Nine of Cups appears. It can suggest parties, banquets and celebrations with those who come to share in your happiness or Big Day.  The day you have dreamed of for so long may have eventually arrived and this Card can highlight that time, when all the work has been done, and all that’s left to do is go and get changed into your special clothes before the guests arrive.

We must also look at the possibility with the Nine of Cups in a Relationship Reading that the Figure in this Card sits alone because he is happy to be alone.  He may be very content with the way things are and is not in a rush at present to get involved in any relationship.  He may be working on his career or choosing to stay single after leaving an earlier relationship.  As mentioned earlier, the Nine of Cups is very much a card about the ‘Self’ and doing what feels right for you.  You may feel just fine as you are without the need of a partner.  You may prefer to go to weddings and social occasions alone and not feel the need to catch the bouquet or become envious of the bride.  Indeed you may have had a lucky escape in the past (check surrounding cards for verification of this), and are enjoying your  new-found freedom. It can indicate a time for Loving Yourself instead of another.

Then again, because of the nature of this Card, you may also have everything in place, are happy, know who you are and what you want.  When you learn to love yourself, you put a high value on yourself and this is expressed in the type of relationships you seek or draw to you. All that is missing now is the right person to share your life with but there is no sense of urgency in this Card. You are quite willing to wait until the right person, that special someone, comes along and you will recognise them as soon as you see them.  Because this is a Nine Card, it can suggest to those who are seeking or waiting, that it won’t be long before you meet the partner of your dreams. They are just around the corner and heading your way.  In fact it is quite likely that you will meet them at a party or social occasion. No need to be on the lookout as you will find each other quite easily. As this is the Cups suit, which deals with the emotions it, won’t take you long before you set your cap at someone.

The downside of the Nine of Cups in Relationships is the possibility you may have set unrealistic expectations about romance or the ideal partner.  Your dream guy or girl may be too dreamy or unattainable.  You may have set your standards too high and are not prepared to compromise.  We shall examine this area more deeply when the Nine of Cups Reverses.

The Nine of Cups also refers to enjoying the pleasures of the flesh and feeling sexually alive.  The opposite sex will find you particularly alluring and desirable at this time as you ooze sex appeal and look pretty damn good. In relationships it suggests a healthy sex life and feeling sexually confident. You are happy in your skin and at peace with who you are.  With no personal hang-ups or distorted body image you are free to enjoy a wonderful sex life with your partner.  Passion, sensuality and making love will be high on your list of priorities right now.  Along with romance, mutual respect and communication, regular physical contact with your partner will seal the bond on a strong relationship.

The Nine of Cups suggests creativity and great happiness in your Career.  With the Cups being the most artistic and creative of all the Suits, the Cups behind the Figure may symbolically represent your creative works of art being displayed at an exhibition or book launch. You are now doing something in your career that is making you extremely happy.  You are indeed very proud of what you have achieved in your career or created and are exactly where you want to be.  You are eventually getting the recognition and praise you deserve as people see the quality and beauty of your work.  It is a true expression of who you are. You have worked hard to get to the top and are so proud of what you have achieved.  You are bound to be in much demand with invitations coming from all angles. It can be tough at the top though so make sure you balance this with plenty of rest and simple living when you can.

Things couldn’t be going better for you in work at the moment. Everything just seems to be flowing smoothly and work is a joy. Your work emotionally fulfills you. You feel incredibly lucky.

Whatever dreams you had for your Business have been realised and you are feeling quite smug with your lot. Your business may receive an award or be singled out for showcasing.  You have done it.  You have received the recognition you rightly deserve.  You have made it in the Business World and others now look to you for inspiration or as a role model. You followed your heart and it has not failed you.

This Card also suggests someone who loves to entertain and can be quite showy. Your career may involve you in being a hostess, banquet or event manager, or even an entertainer at parties.

The Nine of Cups indicates the positive rewards that are available to us all should we take the time to truly evaluate our lives and never give up on our search for inner-happiness and enlightenment.  It is hard to understand what it is we truly want in life but it is not so hard to recognise that which we do not want, especially if we are living it. What we do about it is another matter.  We are all on a Spiritual Journey and have a particular path to follow.  We must listen to our heart and inner-voice so that we make the right choices which will enable us to realise our potential instead of suffocating it through stagnation and unhappiness. The Nine of Cups shows us what we can achieve if we try.


9 of Cups Reversed


Unable to Give or Receive Love, Lack of Inner Happiness, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Confidence, Lack of Success, CommiserationS, Being Over-Looked, No Praise, Un-accomplished, Unacknowledged, Under-Achieved, Creative Blocks, Creatively Dull, Wishing you hadn’t Wished What you Wished for, Wishes turning into Nightmares, Let-Down, Disappointed, Magic Bubble Burst, Anti-Climax, Deflated, Bad Mood, Feeling Low, Shattered Dreams, Nightmares, Pessimism, Negativity, Miserable, Unhappy, Devastated, Over Indulging, Compulsive Behaviour, Addictions, Distorted Body Image, Anorexia, Bulimia, Eating Disorders, Self-Loathing, Sex without Love, Emotionally Dysfunctional, Social Disasters, No-Show, Mistakes, Cover-Ups, Disillusioned, Being High and Mighty, Conceited, Spoilt, Brat, Immaturity,

Well, well, well, you are not at all happy with yourself when the Nine of Cups Reverses. In fact you are darn right miserable, fed up and in a real bad mood. What makes it more annoying is that no one really takes you seriously, because look at you, what have you got to be disappointed about? You seem to have it all, that is to the onlooker or observer anyway. However, from where you are sitting things look very different. I suppose it all comes down to one’s perception of things.

When the Nine of Cups appears Reversed, you may still have got what you wished for but you may now see it as a big let-down or worse.  Your wish may have turned into a nightmare or you might realise all too late you have made a huge mistake. Your dreams may have been smashed or your magic bubble burst.  You may have been wearing rose-tinted glasses all this time and can’t believe the truth of what you now see.   ‘Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it’ and ‘after you get what you want, you don’t want it at all’ are two very appropriate sayings that accompany the Reversed Nine of Cups.

With The Nine of Cups Reversed you may feel a bit of a failure or unsuccessful in your life. In fact you might easily be feeling, old, deflated and flat right now.  You may be asking yourself what you have accomplished so far and it may not be much.  You may realise that you have never realised your potential or explored your abilities. You might be comparing yourself to successful and talented people thinking, ‘I could have done that’, or ‘I would have been good at that’. You see praise going to people and it might easily have been you if things had been different or if you had pushed yourself a little.  You may feel you have little to show for yourself and might feel dull and uninteresting. You are at the end of a cycle in your life now so fresh starts are possible and it is never too late.

There is also the possibility that you are bitterly disappointed at the way things have turned out for you. You may have put a lot of effort into a particular situation, person or project only to have it fail to come about or fall apart.  You will certainly have put a lot of emotional effort, you heart and soul,  into whatever it is you have been doing and must feel devastated that it has all amounted to nothing. The smile has certainly been wiped off your face and the carpet pulled from under your feet. Instead of people congratulating you, commiserations may be the order of the day.  Any premature smugness or gloating on your behalf may now leave you regretting your attitude or behaviour as you are forced to endure the smirks and snide comments of others. If you have being acting pompous, showy and conceited, instead of laughing with you, people may now be laughing at you.

In the Reversed Nine of Cups, the Figure looks like a spoilt child sulking at their party because they are not getting enough attention or the present they wanted.  It’s all about me, me, me and pouting and stamping your feet.  It may be impossible to please you or keep you happy. You can act high and mighty with people around you and demand your own way in everything or else there will be a big scene. Nothing is ever going to be good enough for you and you are full of your own importance.  This Card in Reverse can be a sign of immaturity. You may need to stop being such a ‘drama queen’ and grow up.

Then again the praise, recognition and acclaim for all your hard work and effort may be taken by another as you have to sit by and watch them take the credit for what should rightfully be yours.

When the Nine of Cups appears Reversed in a Spread it can highlight deep emotional issues or baggage.  You may be working very hard to hide your problems but there is a strong suggestion of self-loathing or the inability to love yourself.  If you cannot love yourself, you will find it impossible to love another.  Generally when the Nine of Cups appears Reversed you are not fully aware of this but will have adopted some coping formula to help you get through your daily life.  I say daily life because deep personal unhappiness will infect every area of your life.  From the moment you get out of bed in the morning and look in the mirror at yourself to the moment you get back into bed that night, you will have been exposed to several incidents or situations in the day that will have fed your dark inner feelings.

For a start, there will be how you look in the mirror, the body that will not conform to your ideal of how it should be, feeling uncomfortable in your clothes, catching sight of your reflection in the shop window as you go for the bus, feeling self-conscious on the bus for all the wrong reasons, taking all comments personally in work, constantly comparing yourself to others, no one ever seems to be attracted to you, everyone else seems to be having a life, feeling awkward when you go for a drink with your work mates, coming alive and chatty when you get a few drinks into you and then a few more, picking up the wrong signals from the guy or girl who is sitting next to you, making a clumsy pass, getting rejected in front of everyone, getting sick in the taxi on the way home, waking up the next morning hung over, feeling terribly depressed but everyone thought you were great fun.  You are managing to get by but you are living a lie and certainly not enjoying yourself.

The Nine of Cups Reversed often points to trying to hide unpleasant or nasty things from general view or concealing the real truth of the situation.  Instead of doing something about it; seeking help, counselling, self-development etc. you continue to operate in a ‘getting by’ mode. Before you know it, your life will be half over and you will still be waiting for happiness to find you and to feel good about yourself.  Yes, at this stage, you are on automatic pilot and not fully aware of the dis-ease within, but there will come a time when you will ‘just know’ that you are self-sabotaging your potential to be happy and emotionally free.  If you find yourself locked into the Nine of Cups Reversed, have had enough of it, are fed up feeling the way you do (Four of Cups) and want to do something about it, then you must go back to first to the Seven of Cups to identify where all this inner unhappiness is coming from.  Once you have done that, it is up to you as to what you want to do about it but I would suggest that the lessons and advice contained within the Eight of Cups may not be a bad direction to take. Look to The Hermit to guide you on your journey and to face any deep fears or inner demons that may surface under the influence of The Moon Energy.

The Nine of Cups Reversed can suggest that you seek worldly pleasures to supplement the love you are denied or deny yourself. Alcohol, drugs, sex or food may be used addictively or you may develop compulsive behaviour disorder. Outwardly, you may appear to have everything and be happy but behind this showy exterior lies low self-esteem, lack of confidence, lack of self-worth and self-respect.  You may have a distorted body/self-image which could lead to anorexia or bulimia. Emotionally, you are dysfunctional. To find the root cause of this may involve reviewing your childhood and upbringing.

When it comes to the social aspect of The Nine of Cups Reversed then you may be in for more upset here. Party or function planning may not go according to plan or is cancelled.  Your VIP Guest could let you down, there may be a poor turnout on the night or low acceptance of your invitations. Something is wrong here.  You may think that you are the centre of the universe and therefore all should be ecstatic to attend your party but your date may clash with something of equal importance.  A party that coincides with a ‘Big Game’ has been the ruination of many a Host’s months and months of  meticulous planning.  It can be that simple! Another thing to guard against when the Nine of Cups appears Reversed and you are hosting a social occasion or gathering, is to make sure you have everything covered. There may be a chance you have forgotten something very important.  Social disasters do go hand in hand with this Card Reversed so double-check all your bookings, make sure there is enough wine and place settings for all invited, re-confirm your date with the venue and ensure you have not left out any obvious guests on the invitation list.  Where entertainment is concerned, it is advisable to check them out before booking, as you could be bitterly disappointed on the night.  Worse still, the band may fail to turn up and the only entertainment open to you is your drunken uncle singing some ‘old dirger’, refusing to relinquish his hold on the microphone or get off the stage.

Where Relationships are concerned, everything may not be as it seems.  Behind the polished exterior of the happy couple or relationship lies another story. There may be deep unhappiness within the relationship.  This may be one-sided or mutual. The partner and relationship you hankered after and wished for, for so long, has turned out to be a complete disaster or a massive disappointment. This is not something you can easily broadcast, as after all, this is what you have always wanted.  You may have married, worn the big dress and drove everyone mad talking about it for months and months. You possibly had hundreds of guests to witness it all and share in the happiness of your Big Day,  so how can you change your mind now? How can you say you are not happy? You may have thought that marriage would offer security and make you happy but after all the pomp and ceremony has died down, you feel flat and a sense of anti-climax.

You very possibly felt it, sitting right there in the middle of your wedding banquet after one too many glasses of bubbly.  You may have been looking externally for happiness instead of within. You should have been sure of what you really wanted in a relationship and your own emotional needs. Instead, you just went with the flow and got caught up in the superficiality and shallowness of it all. Deep down, you know that you should never have got married but somehow or other, you thought it would all work out.  You may have been afraid to be on your own (The Hermit) or too terrified of facing your own inner fears (The Moon).  The time to do all this was back in the Seven and Eight of Cups. Now you can regret at leisure. When the Nine of Cups Reverses, it tells you to take a long hard look at yourself and the situation as something has got to be done about it. You are at the end of a cycle in your life and so should be looking forward to a new dawn but you may feel there is little to look forward to and that you are now stuck where you are.  That cycle has had its day and should have been winding down instead of becoming entrenched.  It will take much effort on your part to free yourself from this one but it can be done.

Another aspect of the Nine of Cups Reversed in Relationships is the problem of putting a low price or value on your heart and self. You might have a tendency to give your love away to undeserving souls. Due to lack of self-esteem and self-worth you may fall into relationships based on sex alone with very little love or respect. You may have an inability to give or receive love on a normal basis due to conditioning from childhood.  However, in your emotionally dysfunctional way, you still hunger for love and will use any means to fill the void.  Behaviour can become promiscuous and hedonistic leading to further emotional destruction.

However in the extreme aspect of The Nine of Cups Reversed, you may have set such a high price on yourself that no one can possibly come up to scratch. You may be overly idealistic or delusional about relationships or the perfect partner.  Your dream partner may be based on fairy tales and romantic novels or a certain zodiac sign. If you do not wish to stay single forever, you may have to compromise or relax some of your higher demands.  You will need to give this some deep thought. On the other hand, it may not be you who is so picky and particular. Parents may be causing issues with your relationships or disapprove of your choice of partner. No one is ever going to be good enough for their Prince or Princess.

Work Wise, the career or job position you dreamed of, in reality, now turns out to be the complete opposite. Then again you may be finding it difficult to identify what type of career you might be most suitable for.  You can’t seem to find the right career or the one that will make you happy. Perhaps you are listening to others instead of following your own heart. Make sure to take your feelings into consideration when making your career choice, as emotional fulfilment is just as important as financial gain.

If you have been hoping or wishing for that promotion or  dream job then the appearance of the Nine of Cups Reversed may suggest that you are going to be disappointed. You may have put your all into working for it and given it your best but someone else has been chosen instead of you.  This will leave you feeling very low in yourself, demoralised or not good enough.

If you are exhibiting your works of art or crafts, they may not be well received or very few people attend. You may not be happy with what you have created.  Your work may have lost its sparkle and dazzle, or has become dated in the eyes of the public. The Reversed Nine of Cups in this situation can suggest that you are creatively blocked at present and are trying to force your work rather than letting it evolve naturally.  This is easily seen by those who have an eye for style and design.  You may need to step back for a while and reflect on your work. Is it still making you happy, are you creating for yourself or to please others all the time.  Perhaps a retreat from the limelight for a while may take the pressure off you and allow your inspiration to return. Earlier success in your career may have made you complacent but it is now time to face the truth. You are only as good as your last piece of successful work and how long ago was that. It may be time to totally overhaul your work and move in a new direction as your party piece may have gone a bit stale.

The Nine of Cups Reversed can also symbolise shunning the limelight, spotlight and fame in favour of a quiet and simple life.  You may turn your back on the material world and see it as the root of all evil, superficial and shallow. You may be determined to start a new way of life and even a new location.

All in all, you may need to go back to the Eight of Cups and spend time finding what it is that is missing in your life.

*Next time we visit the Cups it will be in Card Ten.  Their current journey will be complete and they will be embarking on the next cycle of life.  It will be interesting to see if they have managed to hold onto their new-found happiness or will they be back at Stage Eight, endlessly searching for that elusive Holy Grail? Will they be living the Fairytale with happy endings and all loved up or will they be miserably drunk somewhere, crying their eyes out and feeling sorry for themselves.  I have a good feeling myself about these Cups people. After all, Love is All There is . 

Back To Lesson 9

Ace of Cups 2 of Cups 3 of Cups 4 of Cups 5 of Cups 6 of Cups 7 of Cups 8 of Cups 9 of Cups 10 of Cups

Aces Intro Twos Intro Threes Intro Fours Intro Fives Intro Sixes Intro Sevens Intro Eights Into Nines Intro Tens Intro

The 78 Cards – Detailed Study Version (Card Description, Keywords, Upright & Reversed Meanings)

The 78 Cards – Shortened Version (Keywords, Upright & Reversed Meanings)

Part II Part III Home


16 replies »

  1. Found this very meaningful today doing a blind cut answering where is my life and where am I going, unfucking real. Sorry to be so to the point, but this was so right on. I did a reading for my partner and she got the 4 of Swords. Just perfect. The cards have been talking to us. Very special. Thank you. I love your meanings and site.


      • Sorry if this is the wrong format, but while I have your attention. I did a single card reading trying to answer why when I started with the Tarot did I get three fools in a row, upright. I got some interesting answers from your site. You have such rich stories around the cards. Where do those come from? They are not so much esoteric. I personally see the esoteric symbols. What would you say to someone if you shuffled 3 times in between a 1 card draw 3 times and drew the Fool each time? I’ll pay 🙂


      • Hi Omega,

        What was your intention while shuffling? Were you asking a question? Was it the same question each time, as in did you keep reshuffling to get a different answer or did The Fool come out three times but for different questions. Each card has several layers of meaning but a card that persists in being drawn, regardless of several shuffles, demands your attention. It means that you are not hearing or accepting the message first time or second time round, so it needs to come back at you again. I would liken it to a repetitive dream. It is your subconscious trying its best to tell you something. Only you know what it is The Fool is trying to tell you. Also, it depends on whether you are working with reversed cards. If you are and The Fool is appearing each time Upright then this card should be looked on favorably. The Universe wants to support your plans and ideas. If it is drawn reversed, then your subconscious may be trying to stop you from doing something foolish or making a terrible mistake. On the other hand, it could also be telling you to lighten up. More information is needed.

        Liked by 1 person

      • They were all upright and I was asking a general spiritual question during each shuffle, asking tell me what I need to hear. I took it positively. It was surprising. I did another reading which I commented above here originally trying to clarify getting the 3 fools in a row. I was asking what do the 3 fools relate to and I got the 9 of cups. I am I a relationship and indeed it has come to a very positive commitment for both of us. I guess the 3 fools upright and the 9 of cups asking a general question about direction is pretty positive? I have had plenty of good hard readings about other questions. It’s all kinda overwhelming. Where do you get so much detail for your card descriptions?


      • Hi Omega,

        Lucky you. All The Fools and Nine of Cups sound very positive. Do you feel like fools in love or that you are taking a giant leap of faith with each other? Have the two of you decided to give it a go? Then congratulations, your cards are supporting you. However, just be aware that life has its ups and downs. So too will any decent relationship. The Fool doesn’t really focus on tomorrow, next week, next year or ten years down the road. He prefers to stay in the present. That is all well and good in theory, but it is useful to stay grounded, or at least touch base with earth once in a while. Where do I get the detail for card descriptions? Not exactly sure if you mean when I am doing a reading or when writing about a card. Sure let me know and I will try to explain. Logging off for the night here in Ireland.



        Liked by 1 person

  2. This course is the best thing to happen to me in years. I have read tarot cards since 1971 and I own plenty of books on the subject. Your course helps me develop a running story line when dealing with the four suits, rather than see each card individually. I can now understand the progress and connection between the cards.

    Regarding Omega picking the fool card three times in a row, I have had that happen to me recently, but with the eight of cups. I took that to mean that I was to meditate on the meaning of the card and not just read it. Really try to absorb the message since it was foremost in my subconscious mind. It seems when I am blind to certain factors the oracle that I am using, sometimes the I Ching, repeats itself. It seems very significant to me.


    • Hi Linda,

      Thank you for your wonderful comments and delighted my work has helped with your interpretations. Yes, the repeating card. Don’t I know all about those. For me it has been two that come out in every spread. The Devil and The Ten of Swords. The quality of my life has been seriously diminished for many years now. Back, neck, shoulder, arms, jaw, face and balance are afflicted. I have been in and out of hospitals and various therapists, but with little success. Every time I ask the cards for signs of improvement in my health, or life even, these two cards appear. The Devil has me by the neck and won’t be too easy to shake off by the looks of it. He has me pinned to the ground with pain. A couple of weeks ago, the Two of Pentacles appeared as the issue card, crossed by the Devil with The Ten of Swords as Surrounding energy. I got my cervical spine MRI results the next day and discovered severe degenerative narrowing in two discs, c5 and c6 along with associated narrowing of the nerve root canals. It clicked with me then, the two of pentacles, two discs, with the Devil sitting on top. I hopefully have found the root of all the pain and have now been referred to orthopedics and neurology along with nerve conduction studies. The Outcome card was the Knight of Swords. Maybe, my doctors will act quickly now to help me find some form of peace. Fingers crossed. Am sure you understand the message the Eight of Cups is sending you.

      Vivien xxx


  3. I am simply amazed and inspired by your interpretations of the cards. I have pulled a reversed nine of cups 5 times in the last week. Just a moment ago pulled it again,in response to a daily draw(What should I be aware of today). Put the card back and reshuffled for,clarifying card…guess what came back to me? Yup…9 of cups reversed. I don’t know what to think.


    • Hi Colleen,

      Could it be that you have doubts about the successful outcome of something you have been hoping and wishing for? Is it a sign of pessimism or negativity in a particular area, or perhaps that you are beginning to accept certain dreams will not be fulfilled. The Nine of Cups Reversed can knock us down when we had been so hopeful of life turning out a certain way. We entertain dreams and aspirations for many things in life and when we at first don’t succeed we can feel deflated and disappointed. The reversed star/wheel of fortune turning up with the reversed nine of cups can suggest feeling you have no luck or that things never work out for you. The repetitive appearance of the reversed nine of cups can warn that your self-esteem or self-worth is slipping or there is a deep rooted sadness that is calling to be addressed. You need to return to the Eight of Cups and examine what might be missing in the stack of cups in the imagery. You may have gone in search of it before, but perhaps never fully pursued it. In the Nine of Cups Reversed, there is a sense of having everything in the material world, but emotionally there may be a void. At its most basic, it hints of not being happy with what we have, even though we may not want to admit it. We might feel guilty of complaining especially if others see our life as blessed. At times it might actually imply we are not counting our many blessings, only focusing on what is wrong or missing. Of course, one of the traditional meanings for the Nine of Cups is to be careful in what you wish for. When reversed, wishes that came true may not bring the joy you had hoped for. You may also be going through a phase where you are focusing on all you failed to accomplish, rather than on your successes. Do you think you could have done more, achieved more, acquired more? If this card keeps appearing in this manner, you need to focus more on being positive and do things that make you happy and feel fulfilled. You may have spent a large part of your life tending to the needs of others, making them happy, caring and looking after things. Have you attended to your own needs in the same manner? Have you received back what you sent out? Do you feel under-appreciated, or taken for granted. Reversed Nines often point to repetitive cycles of behavior yielding the same undesired results.

      The above are just a small handful of why the Reversed Nine of Cups keeps appearing. Perhaps you should pull extra cards to flush out what it means. What are your own thoughts on the matter? Have you pulled any other cards alongside these Reversed Nines?




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