The Collective Unconscious, Archetypes and Symbols

carl Gustav Jung

Carl Gustav Jung – Image Source: MatiasDelCarmine/

The Swiss Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung 1875-1961 was responsible for popularising and advancing the study and concept of the Collective Unconscious. Jung believed that each of us have our own Personal Conscious wherein resides all knowledge and memories of our personal experiences in our current life. Below the Personal Conscious he placed the Personal Unconscious.  The Personal Unconscious contains memories that we have either forgotten or repressed but that are particular to the individual.  This information is not easily accessed and we are not readily aware of it.  If some of those memories were painful or traumatic they become split off from conscious recall.  The conscious then represses them and forbids them access or recall.  They remain trapped and locked up in the deepest prison cells of the subconscious.  However, even though these memories or incidents cannot be recalled they can exert their own impact and impression by manifesting as symptoms or neurosis in the individual.  The individual will have no idea of the underlying cause or root origin of these symptoms as the memory of it has been repressed.  They know, but they just do not know that they know. Through meditation and hypnosis forgotten or repressed memories can be brought to light often for therapeutic reasons.

The Tarot cards can also reveal through their imagery such repressions.  Outside of our Personal Conscious and Unconscious we have the Super Conscious where our Higher Self resides along with the records of our Past Lives and all we have learned.  Great wisdom, peace, love and understanding can be accessed from our Super Conscious and Higher Self through the Subconscious. The Super Conscious is also our connection with the Divine and again can be accessed through deep meditation and hypnosis.  Information and advice from our Super Conscious is transmitted to our Conscious via our Subconscious.

If that was not enough to get our minds around, Jung also believed that there was another Unconscious Realm, an Unconscious that we inherited from birth.  He believed that below the Personal Unconscious lay the Collective Unconscious which housed the records of the evolution of mankind since the dawn of time.  These records are not personal to any particular individual yet belong to all and connect all.  Jung believed that each and every one of us can access the Collective Unconscious for information or inspiration and that each and every one of us also contributes to its growing pool of knowledge and memories.

The Collective Unconscious is made up of Archetypes and Symbols.  Many believe that we tap into the Collective Unconscious when we dream. The definition of Archetype is “an original model after which other similar things are patterned” (Calvin S. Hall and Vernon J. Nordby from their book “A Primer of Jungian Psychology”).  Archetypes are patterns of behaviour that repeat themselves over and over again and for every situation in life there is an Archetype or Archetypal Behaviour associated with it.  As humans evolve we continue to add Archetypes to the Collective Unconscious.  Examples of Archetypes are found everywhere and anywhere humans exist and are constantly to be found expressing themselves in books, movies and plays etc along within our own environment, relationships and social circles.


12 Archetypes- Image-source-moibalkon/

12 Archetypes – Image Source: moibalkon/

Still confused?  Then take for example the Hero Archetype. Think of how many times we see this Archetypal Figure expressed in movies and books. Everyone loves a hero and if asked to visualise a typical hero, we can easily conjure up any number of hero types e.g. Superman and Batman.  They spend their whole life protecting us from the villains (another archetype) and saving the world from ultimate disaster every week.  These are larger than life heroes but they set the pattern of idea in our psyche as to what a hero ultimately is and what the hero or heroine needs to aspire to.  Your idea of a hero might be different from mine. It might be the selfless fire fighter who risks his life to save the life of a child as he forces his way through a burning building as all his colleagues try to stop him.  Nevertheless, he is still living up to the Archetypal idea of a hero.  The Archetypal Hero of old would have been the Robin Hood type character.  Robin Hood stole from the rich to give to the poor. He was hated by the aristocracy (the villains) yet loved by the poor (innocent victims).  As a Hero he had to contend with sword fights, bow and arrows, bareback horse-riding and the daily danger of being hung at the gallows.  Today, the Archetypal Heroes have to deal with high-powered rifles, rocket attacks, nuclear weapons, psychotic serial killers, terrorists, corrupt governments or law enforcement agencies, hanging from the side of a helicopter and even computers that have started to think for themselves.


Archetypes- Image Source: mohdizuan/

The Hero Archetype has come a long way since the days of Robin Hood and even Robin Hood would have been based on an earlier version of a Hero.  The Original Archetypal Hero would go back to primitive times.  As mankind evolved, so too did our idea of the Hero.  What the Hero did from then on was to become a representation of the original Archetype.  The same applies to all Archetypes.  Therefore an image of Robin Hood compared to an image of Superman will still represent the Hero Archetype.  Even though they are worlds and centuries apart we have little or no problem recognising them as Heroes.  When we see an image or picture depicting a Hero or Archetypal Heroic Situation, a story and visuals immediately begin to form.

The Tarot is full of Archetypes and Archetypal images. It is by getting to grips with the nature of Archetypes, their impact on us and our psyche, that we will understand what the cards are trying to tell us.  Take for instance the 5 of Swords in the Minor Arcana.

5 of Swords

Depicted in this card is the Archetypal Bully.  The person who is used to getting their own way through intimidation, force and threat.  The imagery expresses this Archetypal Behaviour and therefore when we see this card appear in a spread it will have an immediate impact on both the reader and the querant.  The querant may never have read one line from a book about Tarot but he or she will instantly see a portion of the card’s associated and traditional meaning in its imagery.  This is because the querant is identifying with an Archetype or Archetypal Situation depicted in the card.  The querant is accessing the Collective Unconscious.  You as the reader must add to this and make any necessary connections so that a trend or story begins to form.

We all have an idea or experience of what a bully is and so know one when we see one, which is what we see when we look at the 5 of Swords. The imagery depicted in the Tarot cards is not just art for art sake.  The picture will be depicting an Archetype or Archetypal Situation, which we will all respond to.  Different cultures or races however, may have their own particular Archetypes but generally as the human race we will agree on most of them.

Exercise:  Lay out the Four Suits Including the Court Cards in four lines.  Now slowly go through the cards in search of both Archetypes and Archetypal Situations in their imagery.  Do they remind you of people you know or something that you have experienced?  In your mind form a story about each Archetype or Archetypal Situation, similar to the way I summed up the Archetype and Archetypal Situation in the 5 of Swords. This exercise will assist you in associating personal experiences and knowledge to the cards when reading.  It also helps develop your storytelling techniques.



Tarot Symbols – Image Source: riedja/

When it comes to the Symbols associated with the Collective Unconscious we must also familiarise ourselves with another way of looking at the imagery of the Tarot.  We must learn to open our eyes and use our minds in many creative ways.

The meaning of the Symbols we see throughout the Tarot can change and shift from one reading to the next.  For one querant we may see the offer of the Cup to the disinterested figure sitting on the ground in the 4 of Cups as someone offering you something; an opportunity or perhaps a relationship, friendship or offer of help that you are unaware of as you or not paying attention, are disinterested or are too bored to care.

4 of Cups

For another querant the same card may find the Cup being offered this time as his or her boozing buddies trying to encourage overindulgence while the figure works hard to ignore them.  You have to be flexible with Symbols as they are known to be shape-shifters.  What we see today in the cards we may not see tomorrow.  The querant may also symbolically see something in a card that you do not as it corresponds to something that is going on in their life or connected to their issue.  What they see may have no bearing on the traditional associations or meaning of the card but is just as important and relevant.  Asking your querant if any cards jump out at them or have particular meaning to them can result in some interesting results.  This can often help open a card reading or overcome a block while reading.  When this happens it is best to accept that the card is not for your interpretation.  It is solely for the querant to decipher.  An example of this might be the likes of the Knight of Cups.

Knight of Cups

Depending on the question we may interpret this card as an offer of a relationship as we see the gentle, and loving romantic Knight ride in on his beautiful white horse offering his Cup of emotion or love to the querant.  However, the querant may not identify with this at all and may not find it relevant.  Rather the querant may see herself in this card as she accepted the winning cup for her grade at last week’s dressage competition.  It is much easier to get to grips with the Archetypes than it is with Symbols.  With Symbols the need to be creative and intuitive is vitally important. We must train ourselves to really see and not just look.  We must open the eyes of our Subconscious and also dip into the realms of the Collective Unconscious for inspiration when interpreting or even noticing the presence and importance of a particular Symbol in a card or cards.

We must also look for Recurring Symbols in a reading as they happen regularly.  When we get Symbols repeating themselves in a reading we must pay close attention for they are literally screaming at us.  An example of this might be the 2 of Swords and the 8 of Swords.

2 of Swords8 of Swords

Both cards depict a figure blindfolded. What might this be telling us?  That the querant is blind to the facts?  That the querant is blind to what is going on around her?  That the querant deliberately doesn’t want to know what is going on around her? That the querant is hiding from or hiding the truth? That the querant can’ t see a way out of her situation?  That the querant is afraid to look for fear of what she might see about herself or the situation?  That the querant’s vision is poor?  That the querant has retreated within and is accessing her inner-self rather than the outer world for answers?  It may be any of these or none at all. These cards may offer not only their traditional meanings but also carry the bonus of their repeated Symbolism to add extra clout to the reading.  If we also saw the 7 of Cups and the 9 of Wands in this reading we could add to these messages.

7 of Cups 9 of Wands

The central figure represented in the 7 of Cups has his or her head covered by a cloth again; another form of blindfold or possible concealment.  The figure in the 9 of Wands wears a bloodied bandage around his head.  This may have originally been a blindfold but through gritty determination, pain and hurt he has eventually managed to pull it off his eyes.  During a reading it can be very exciting when certain symbols in the cards stand out or jump up at you.  When this happens, the rest of the imagery in the card or cards appears to retreat from your line of vision and then there is no getting away from what they are trying to tell you.

Exercise – Lay out all the Minor Arcana including the Court Cards face up on the table in front of you. Carefully scrutinise the imagery for Recurring Symbols or for Symbols that are impressions or versions of other Symbols.  Make a note in your journal of any that you find. Record your observations.  Be imaginative and creative with your observations.  Record if the card numbers relate, the scenery, the facial impressions of those involved and the colouring of the card.  Search for clues as to how they might be connected.  Create a story around them


In a nutshell The Collective Unconscious is understood to be like a giant memory bank containing all the data on every single living being or creature since the dawn of time.  It is guardian to the mysteries of the universe and the evolution of man. This memory bank can be accessed by those who seek understanding, inspiration and divine direction.  It is the Collective Unconscious which connects us all.  Every single thought or action of every single person both positive and negative is stored within its vastness.  The energy it vibrates with is determined by the total contribution of all and its balance can be upset by even one person’s act of negativity or aggression.  When we read the Tarot we access this memory bank; both reader and querant, for insight and wisdom.  We, as humans are also expected to contribute individually to the memory bank in a positive and responsible manner, so that we may share our personal knowledge and experience with others for the good of mankind.

The Collective Unconscious is sometimes linked to the Akashic Records.  Some believe that it is where the Akashic Records reside. The Akashic Records work on the same principle as the Collective Unconscious.  They are home to the records of all our lives; past, present and even future probabilities.  The Akashic Records are very mystical and are thought to exist on another realm or dimension. However, like the Collective Unconscious we can tap into this realm under certain circumstances.

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11 replies »

    • Hello and sorry for the terrible delay in replying,

      Unfortunately your post ended up in my spam and I was not aware of it for some time.

      Regarding your question, I don’t believe as such that we are programmed by archetypes that are emphasised in our culture rather we are all born with a predominant archetypal personality or a mix of several. It is inherant in our personality make-up and hopefully it is one or a mix of archetypes that are positive and constructive in our personal development and spiritual growth. When one is exposed to the detailed personality profile of the individual archetypal then a relationship develops between those that personally resonate with our own. Because the Tarot readily offers this information we are therefore handed a script as such detailing how our archetype behaves, thinks, acts and feels. This results in us subconsciously adopting aspects of the archetype we may feel missing with us and hence the growth you speak of.

      Like an actor who is given the full script of a play for example, gets a strong feel for his character and will morph into his archetypal stage character after studying the required profile. The actor becomes more conivincing in his role and his audience are easily drawn in to the story. If you are studying the Tarot and recognise your personality or parts of it in its abundant choice of archetypes then either consciously or subconsciously you may endeaver to become more like them. Remember that you must retain your free will and use your discretion when working with archetypes as they have both positive and negative aspects to them. The idea is to use the postive Archetype to be your personal role model and inspiration while working to cleanse or release yourself of any negative aspects you have indentified within, therefore achieving a more balanced personality.

      I hope the above is of some help to you and has gone some way to answering your question.


      Vivien (Your Tarot Teacher)


  1. Thank you for your response.

    Unfortunately, I did not choose to become like the archetype most related to my birthdate (12/12). I had no idea of the tarot when I was a child, but things happened in my life to push me into a “reversed” pattern. For example, as a child I was taught to write with my right-hand, eventhough I was left-inclined. The girl who taught me to write told me that being left-handed was evil. As a child, I had no way of knowing the truth & believed what she told me. In my endeaver to be good, I ended up switching my natural handedness, which I feel had a negative impact on my life.

    My adoptive mother’s bdate was 4/4, & her life was startlingly displayed in the symbolism of the 4th trump of the Thoth deck.

    I feel this deck had a severe impact on my life long before I ever knew about the tarot because of my double 12 bdate. I have met another person who has the same birthdate & also felt his whole life had been cursed.

    Being a bit familiar with chaos magic & the law of attraction, it seems to me that the amplification of these archetypal vibrations through the repetition of them in over 1000 decks and countless printings of each deck, allowed the archetypes to become memes & proliferate in the collective consciousness.

    I wouldn’t believe this was possible if it hadn’t happened to me.

    A Mu


    • Hi,

      As children we are born with certain archetypal traits but I do not believe we deliberately go out of our way to become a particular type of archetype unless we are programmed by those adults around us who are in charge. They may decide to project one on us for any number of reasons, but usually it has something to do with their own upbringing and life experiences. The archetype they project can be either positive or negative. If a child is told he is a bad, ugly and stupid child often enough then he or she can easily evolve into said character unless the child is extremely independent psychologically. However, very few young children are.

      It is interesting that you say you were born left handed but forced to write with your right hand, told you were evil and feel that it has had a negative impact on your life. I feel you may be placing too much importance on this but how it effected you is directly related to your feelings at the time of childhood and not as an adult who can use logic and reason to understand how ignorant and ill informed those horrible people were.

      I too am left handed, and being Irish, and born in the sixties, I was educated by the mean, spiteful and cruel nuns of the time. I too was forced to write with my right hand and dreadfully beaten if I was caught doing otherwise. The Lay teachers were in on it too and no mercy was shown. I was dragged outside the class by nuns, caned and told I was evil, walking on the left hand path of the lord, the devil’s daughter and a witch. Now, I knew then even at a young age, that I wasn’t evil for I was always rescuing stray or injured animals and would take them home where we had a house full of other strays. I never got into trouble at home and I was an excellent student with great friends in school who commiserated with my beatenings. Regarding the Lord and devil’s daughter, I took that with a pinch of salt because even with Catholicism being drummed into my head on a daily basis and at home, I never really got it and found it hard to believe all the dogma. It just wasn’t me. Now the bit about the witch did appeal to me and I remember wondering if possibly I was one, not the dark evil one but a witch who might have powers of some sort. Then I would sort out the nuns once and for all. I liked fairytales and ghost stories as a child so the witch archetype fitted in with all that. There was always Glenda, the Good witch of the North in The Wizard of Oz. The other one with the green skin did not take my fancy at all.

      So there came my archetypal role that I gravitated towards from childhood and I suppose I am who I am today because of it, not a real witch but certainly interested in all things Metaphysical and Spiritual. However, my handwriting did suffer as a result of forcing my hand so I feel hard done by in that regard. I certainly do not feel cursed as a result of my experience and actually look fondly back on my school days. I believe that is because I was born with witch-like archetypal traits and also born into a family who then facilitated its growth with belief in ghosts, the paranormal and faeries. When the nuns projected their negative archetypal labels on me, they had no effect but to harden my dislike for nuns in general and question even further what all this religion stuff was really about. They did give me however, an archetype I could identify with but I chose the witch’s positive archetype instead of their twisted version. So I have the nuns to thank for turning me into a bit of a witch so to speak. I am sure they would be horrified if they knew what they were being credited with.

      I do not know your full story but, something I advise all my students to do is not to get ovely serious about all things mystical, spiritual and metaphysical as it is good to remain grounded. Only ever put one foot over into the other realm and make sure you can easily get back when you want. I have gone to many meetings,taught and attended numerous classes/workshops, social occasions etc etc and always find that a certain percentage have a tendency to get too caught up with their esoteric work and studies. They can talk of precious little else and see signs and symbols in everything. I tire of their talk after a short time and wonder if they spend the whole time in a meditative state as they appear to be not fully present in the here and now and in the physical. It is unhealthy to let it take over your life and as I tell my students it is also inadvisable to take every card reading seriously because depending on the mood you are in, the cards can reflect that and play to your subconscious. It can all become too much. I have had numerous clients who come to me asking about curses that have been put on them or to put a curse on someone. I have to sit them down and inform them that actual curses on people are very rare indeed and many use the excuse that they have been cursed because life is not working out for them. Instead of taking direct responsibility and doing something about it, they prefer to let someone else take the blame.

      Regarding the archetypes from thousands of cards being poured into the collective unconscious, they are no different but the same as the archetypes who already exist there as a result of clinical phsycology and the likes. Yes, there are so many cards out there displaying archetypes over and over again but they already exist and have done so for a long time. It is what the individual is drawn to that counts not the whole. It is known in psychology, that what we dwell on we tend to adopt, so it is wise to guard your thoughts. If you follow the laws of attraction, then you will draw to you what you fixate on and I believe that it has nothing to do with being cursed unless you have done it to yourself.

      I am not sure if I have answered your question or being of any help. I do not have all the answers myself and these are only my opinions based on experience and study. Try not to feel that the dye has been cast with you and that you are doomed to live out the life of an archetype that is not working for your hightest good. Draw a more positive one to you.




  2. Well, I think in my case… it is very possible that some other person, unkown to me, had the intent of forcing me to be that archetype, & to follow the patterns from the thoth deck (specifically). My mother’s life (4/4) bdate was so symbolically displayed by the emperor card of the same deck, even though she never knew of its existence, that it is truly bizarre. For one example, she had two aries who always stood behind her, but one died about halfway through her life, hence the one solid ram figure, & the one ghostly one.

    I honestly feel that she & I were both forced to live a pattern that would’ve never happened if it weren’t for those cards. Now, I would just like to divorce myself from the archetype of the hanged man, entirely. Since I never saw those cards until much later in life, yet my life has followed a kind of reversed pattern, I cannot help but conclude that archetypal transference does exist & has impact on people’s lives. Considering how most people’s traits fall in line with their astrological archetypes, this seems to be the case for many, although in varying degrees. Archetypes illustrated in tarot & in astrology seem to have removed a measure of freewill.

    I appreciate you talking to me… I am sorry if I appear bitter, but after seeing how my numerology in general (not just my 12/12 bdate, but my numerology has me at 22 & 11) has been unfortunately tied to that particular tarot deck, I do feel kind of cheated. I think I should just burn those cards to divorce myself from this curse. Perhaps it will help me find peace.

    Thanks again for talking to me. At least you’re not calling me crazy. 🙂



  3. I was born on the 22d. Does that mean that the Fool will be my leading archetype? I can easily identify myself with him, yet if we consider 22 as 2+2=4 and therefore get The Emperor, in no way he reflects my personality.
    Or am I a doubled Priestess? Or maybe The Judgment+Priestess?
    It is also interesting how my birth month is 1 and therefore the Magician who is the neighbour of both: High priestess and the Fool.
    My destiny number is 11 which is Justice/Force or as 1+1 is The Pristess again.


    • Hi Persephone,

      The numbers 11, 22 and 33 are known as Master numbers in numerology and are considered sacred or spiritual numbers. People who carry these numbers in their numerology chart, can feel blessed or cursed. They contain great power but can result in stress if not channeled appropriately. On their own they carry strong qualities but can also be reduced down using the Fadic method of adding the two digits together to get a single digit and therefore additional information. Therefore, 11 can be read as both 11 or 2, 22 as 22 or 4, 33 as 33 or 6. You have both 11 and 22.

      11 brings the gift and challenge relating to intuition and subconscious impulses. Tapping into, or trusting in this gift needs effort and patience. Often it will be fought against or feared. Those with 11 in their chart can feel anxious about their inner stirrings and may wish to hide or repress them. When the power of 11 is embraced by the individual, they are proud of their special abilities and will utilise them for the greater good. When reduced to 2 we bring in the challenge in balancing this energy instead of allowing it to swing from one extreme to the other.

      With 22 the gift of realising grand dreams is made possible. People with 22 in their chart are often very successful people. They do the impossible, they never take no for an answer and are capable of achieving massive goals. By reducing 22 to 4 we get the solidity of practicality and building strong foundations. Dreams are grounded and manifest. 22 is double the power of 11 and carries with it the energy and potential of 11. 22 acts as an anchor for the power of 11. Intuitive impulses and gut instincts are trusted and followed through on. There is no doubt, there is no fear.

      Again, the power of 22 must be channeled and released or it will amount to nothing but wasted potential and unfulfilled dreams. There may be a fear of success or failure which prevents action being taken. A life can be wasted and great ability may go unused. People with 22 in their numerology chart have a global responsibility to make the world a better place for all. Not every 22 will step up to the challenge though.

      33 is on another level altogether and moves from the plane of personal expression to one of humanitarian concerns. The number 33 is only taken into consideration when it appears in certain aspects of a numerology chart. Generally it is reduced down to the number 6. I have always felt that the numbers 11, 22, and 33 are connected to our souls evolution over lifetimes. That they represent the varying level or stages on the road to total enlightenment. Possibly that all souls need to achieve 33 before they can return to the source or ascend.

      When relating them to Tarot, 11 would be viewed as The High Priestess, card 2 Justice, card 11 and possibly Judgement, card 20. Both The High Priestess and Justice deal with balance and duality. The High Priestess is the gateway to the inner planes and the harmonisation of both feminine and masculine principles. She is psychic and intuitive but can be quite removed from reality and untouchable. Justice provides the scales of balance, honesty and integrity which are vital to her spiritual welfare. Judgement acknowledges the inner call or voice within and acts on it. Judgement can discern the source of any impulses received through 11.

      22 becomes 4, The Emperor who takes his place in the world and gets the job done. He is a doer and achiever and happy to take the lead when others doubt and dither. He takes on much responsiblity and never shies from difficutlt tasks. He acts as protector and defender of his realm. Others turn to him for guidance and he must lead by example. I believe that 22 can also float between The Fool and The World. The Fool carries the potential of released impulses and grandiose ideas and dreams, but in an abstract state of existence. The World card represents the grounding and realisation of the potential of the Fool. It acts in a similar manner to 22 in numerology. That however is only my belief.

      Hope this is helpful. Please note that I am not an expert on numerology. I have studied numerology for tarot purposes but not as an independent specialised subject. I too am learning all the time. You might also have noticed that there are there are varying schools of belief when it comes to numerology and it can be quite difficult to find consistent commonalities between them all.


  4. Hi Vivien

    I have a question relating to your post above.
    Am I understanding correctly that below the Personal Concious we have the Personal Unconcious, and surrounding this, The Superconcious? Where does the Subconcious sit? In between Personal Concious and Personal Unconcious? I’ve done a bit of searching on it but its still a little unclear to me as there seem to be so many diagrams on the net and many of them differ from each other.
    The above link explained it this way.

    Bright and Dark Blessings


    • Hi Sue,

      I am a trained Past Life regression hypnotherapist but certainly not an expert in this field. It can often be vague and hard to follow or understand and different words are often used to define or explain the same thing. The Super-conscious would be akin to the Higher Self. The Subconscious is the part of our memory that we can access with out too much effort. It stores memories and functions automatically when our conscious is to the fore front. When we turn down the volume of the conscious, the subconscious becomes more prominent. When we are not focused on a particular task, thoughts, images, memories can surface from the subconscious without being blocked. Like when we are falling asleep at night. The unconscious stores memories and impulses that are normally beyond our recall or even our lifetime. A state of deep hypnosis is required to access the unconscious. If successfully achieved, unhealthy habits such as smoking, or phobias, can be treated through suggestion and reprogramming. Hypnosis can be achieved via the subconscious and the unconscious. My most successful past life regressions occurred when deep hypnosis was achieved. In my opinion the Subconscious sits between the Personal Conscious and The Personal Unconscious. The deepest level would be the Personal Unconscious. When coming out of hypnosis, the subject is brought back to conscious awareness in stages, a bit like a deep sea diver has to resurface through all the depths before safely re-emerging. From Unconscious, to subconscious, to consciousness. The Super-conscious refers to our Spiritual Awareness. I am not sure if this helps Sue. There are so many varying concepts surrounding the different levels or stages. It can get very confusing when you search the internet for information on these subjects.




  5. Hello, Been Getting THE 3 Of Wand A Lot On THE Place Of How AND WhEn To Meet My True love, Does That mean I would have to travel oversea or Internet dating.


    • Could very well be. Are you planning on travel? Have you tried internet dating? It might be more expansive than that as it is not always feasible to travel, and not everyone is interested in internet dating. It could be an encounter you have with someone from overseas or just quite a distance from where you now live. It might be at a party , outdoor event or work-related do. Also try being a bit more open to meeting a variety of interesting personalities. Is there a strict criteria you use when considering potential partners? If you are quite conservative in this area, the 3 of Wands would certainly encourage you to spice up your life. Maybe you have to be a bit more outgoing and proactive in the search for love. Be open to spontaneous encounters with people who possibly do not move within your circle or normal range of attraction. You might also need to ask yourself if you have completely moved on from another relationship? The 3 of Wands leaves the past behind and moves with full focus into the future.


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