Dreams and Symbols

girl-dreaming-image-source- Ljupco Smokovsk/shutterstock.com

Dreaming Girl- Image Source: Ljupco Smokovsk/Shutterstock.com

Dream Interpretation works largely on deciphering and interpreting the symbolic aspects of what we dream. A Dream is not just what we thought we saw.  Generally Dreams make little sense to us as they are not interpreted literally.  Standing beside a river in a dream does not just mean standing beside a river.  The depth of the water, the width of the river and the quality of the water must be taken into consideration.  We must also look at the flow of the river.  Is it slow or a raging powerful torrent or waterfall?  Also we must observe whether the river flows in a straight line or whether it meanders.  All of these areas must be explored for they all Symbolically represent something of relevance for the dreamer.

dreamtime_ship_image_source_By Natali_Snailcat_shutterstock.com

dreamtime ship in clouds _ image source: Natali Snailcat/Shutterstock.com

The river being related to the Water Element and that of the emotions may symbolically represent the current stream of emotions for the dreamer.  If the river is deep and the water flowing slowly, then deep emotional issues may be involved that the dreamer is finding hard to move forward in life with.  If the water is choppy and turbulent it may suggest emotional turmoil for the dreamer.  We must look at the Tarot in the same manner and not just take things at first glance.  When we look at the cards in a spread it may feel like we are being given access to the querant’s dreams.  We must learn to be observant and tune into the energy of the querant so that we may correctly tune into the cards that they have especially picked to tell their story.  We must work out what the cards Symbolically mean for the querant for this is their reading their dream, their story.

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  1. I am in the cold north sea, swimming. I am very content, and not feeling the cold, but enjoying the swim and the clear blue of the water. I surface for some air and I see a polar bear heading my way at top speed, I dive to the bottom but have to return for air.
    He attacks me and bites me and I am pushing him away and screaming “how could you do this to me?
    3 weeks after this dream, my lover is drunk and upset and raises a fist at me and grabs my hand and twists it to near break point. I scream and he stops, I grab my purse and leave in shock.
    I never went back, never will. He was my polar bear.


    • Hi,

      So sorry it took me so long to comment on your amazing dream. The whole thing sounds very vivid and I am sure you were left in no doubt as to the fact that it was a warning. The polar bear also represents in itself a coldness as well as immense strength. You were right to get out. There is also a sense of terrible betrayal too. The polar bear being so big in comparison to you may suggest that the dream is an accumulation of hurt and possible old betrayals. Has there been a pattern of similar relationships in your past? The trying to swim away from the trouble but going back to get air may symbolically indicate failed attempts in the past to get or break away. Have you ever had such powerful dreams before? Hopefully you have broken any negative patterns by walking out on your partner.




  2. Yes, I have been in other abusive relationships, which have caused me to re-invent myself many times. This was the last of them. I am onto more capital events and studies and good company.

    I did read up again on abusive relationships and re-read Co-dependent No More. A book I revisit once a year, I guess I skipped one. Ha.
    A TED video by Leslie Morgan Steiner.
    The one point and the first point she made was:
    He will want you to be the dominant partner.
    That should be at the top of every abusive check list.
    “Oh no honey, you make the decisions, you wear the pants in this relationship”

    Of course there were many other red flags, but I discussed them each time, only to hear “I don’t want to fight”. Certainly he was thinking of someone else. But I should have shut things down much sooner. It was all text book. Maybe I stayed to see if I could test my knowledge, strength and instincts. Maybe I won this one for myself. And I’m pretty sure the angles got together and said “enough is enough” we’ll have to find a way to pull her out for good” At least that’s the way I prefer to see that last scene in his tiny apartment which reminded me of The Jackie Gleason Show.
    Maybe it was all staged for my benefit to stand my ground.

    I had another dream about him and did some research.
    Here is the dream:

    We are in front of a house, at the end of a driveway.
    The sidewalk is new cement, I remember the side walk.
    We have a grandchild in a stroller.
    I don’t know her name, but I want to call her Becca.
    She is waiting for us to walk her.
    She is very patient, and adorable. I tuck her in and kiss her.
    She is tiny, and must be under one year.
    You look at me and ask me to get the blue blanket.
    I’m like, who cares, this one is fine.
    No, get the blue one it’s warmer.
    So I start into the house.
    You call out that it’s in the front hall cupboard, second shelf on the right.
    I’m like whatever…..
    So I get the blanket and come out and put it around her.
    I stand up and look at you and you blow up.
    Literally blow up.. I’m in total shock
    There are pieces of you and blood all over me.
    I’m afraid for the baby, but she is gone.
    The stroller is empty.
    I am standing there frozen and so scared.

    Pretty amazing dream.. It woke me up and I had to sit with the lights on. I’m thinking I was the child who’s naivety disappeared.

    Thank you for your interpretation and solace. I’m good, It’s all Good. The self love is coming. I’ll write a book someday.


    • This is a very late reply JOjo and I apologise. Have been unwell and in and out of hospitals. Writing also takes up most of my day. However, I think your interpretation is bang on. I believe you have eventually freed yourself of an inner emotional suppression, the cause behind your co-dependency, and even though it was horrific, blood and guts all over the place, it is a reflection of the particular horrors you have been through. Because there are pieces of him and and blood all over you, it is indicating that this scenario will not easily be put back together again. You have seen to that. Notice you got out of the way when the explosion happened so did not suffer the same fate as he. It is gone but the pieces and blood over you are left as a stark reminder of what can happen when you give your power away. With all that stuff all over you, the first inclination is to cleanse yourself with water or white light. The stroller is empty and so too the responsibility for the baby that lay in it. The baby, you, have grown up and no longer need to be looked after by anyone but yourself.

      You also mention Becca being adorable, patient and wanting to tuck her in and kiss her. This is you beginning to love yourself and acknowledge the comfort and tender care you deserve. You are also comforting the child within.

      I remember a dream I had many decades ago. I was not a very happy child as my parents were not happy but in those days stayed together anyway (catholic country). We moved a lot as children from one rented house to another and never settled anywhere for any length of time to put down real roots. In the dream I am an adult and find myself back in a house I lived in until I was 11 years of age. The house has been cleared of all its bits and pieces as I remember it the day we moved out. I decide to go up the stairs to see my old bedroom and when I walk in the door I see a child lying on a bed, my old bed, with her back to me facing the wall. She has long dark hair and is curled up and I can hear her crying. I move across to her immediately and put my hand on her shoulder. She turns around and I realise it is me but very young. I sit down on the bed and scoop her up in my arms and begin to rock her back and forth, saying soothing words. She is silent but clings on to me and seems glad of the close contact. I keep telling her that I am here now and will look after her and that she is no longer on her own. I will mind her. I sit with her until the dream eventually ends. This dream has stayed with me since then and usually if I ever tell anyone of it, I begin to cry and become very emotional. I know I was deeply unhappy at times as a child and that I often kept it to myself. I do not think anyone understood. My dream took me back as an adult to comfort the little lost girl within and to help me reconnect with her. Maybe I left part of her behind when my life fragmented. When my son was diagnosed with cancer 6 years ago and died in December 2007, I believe another piece of me fragmented and is still drifting out there somewhere too scared to come back and face the reality of what happened. One day hopefully, it will return when it feels safe enough and ready to accept the loss. I believe that most of the time we are not whole, and when if ever the time comes that we are, then we can find great inner-peace, calm and real happiness.

      Nice one JOJo. Keep up the good work.


      Vivien (your tarot teacher)


  3. I am diving now deeply into self love. And it is not an easy task. It means one has to take much responsibility for their actions in all things.
    I started just walking and thinking. Then I actually got on the water, for some reason I had to connect with the water to heal. I got on a dragon boat team and started paddling towards something. It led to many things. I kept walking, then one day I started running, I do it everyday now.
    Then it was diet, now it’s smoking cessation. Then I started online courses in Administration and Finance. I’m still doing that too.
    Then I started getting vocal when someone said something nasty to me or to anyone.
    I had another dream, don’t know if I mentioned it here online yet.
    It was incredibly vivid. Falling asleep, very lucid. A large albino boa constrictor comes to my bed, half of him underneath the bed and his bright red eyes in mine. I was terrified but curious. He spoke “I am here to protect you, anything that enters here, gets in your way or wishes harm, I will devour them”
    Then I saw him as he slid down the stairs and I almost heard him slowly gliding around the house. To this day I have named him St. George and I say good night to him. Alas, such a silliness but who knows the mysteries of the universe.

    I did not attempt reconciliation with the “hex” more then I did a serious face off. It let him think about his actions, though he originally blamed me for them. “I was this, or too that or… ” whatever. I got up on my soap box of redemption and let him have it. Finding my voice has always been easy through the written word. Finding my voice in someones face has been a difficult yet bravely challenged new thing.

    I’m getting good at doing it with a confident calmness. I’m getting good at me.
    Thank you for your time and interpretation. Yes, remarkable thinking.

    The world is not so cold and icy anymore.
    maybe I’ll vacation down south this year.
    I’ve never seen a turquoise sea.

    My outcome on my tarot pull was the Chariot. And yes, my chariot awaits. Hi ho silver……..ha.


    • What a dream JoJo, really quite amazing. The fact the boa was white and you were more interested than scared suggests his positive and benign aspect. Snakes bring healing too and I have come across them in dreams recently. In the dream I was scared and tried to runaway but everyone was telling me not to run but to watch. A woman approached the snakes and they intertwined themselves around her body. The woman appeared relaxed and calm. I was horrified just watching her, but no one else was. When I woke, I thought about my dream and it dawned on me that the snakes were bringing me healing that I was afraid to take. Part of the healing would involve having to relive certain emotional and traumatic times in my life. I was too frightened to do that so ran from the snakes. The woman in the dream was telling me that it may not be as painful I was imagining it to be. One snake had come in the front door, the other in the back. One was black but covered in bright pink spots, one of the heart chakra colours. It is my subconscious telling me that I need to deal with certain unhappy memories that I am keeping at bay.

      Your Chariot Card sounds like you have committed to a very important journey, but not an easy one. Only those who are brave and determined enough to endure the journey should hop on board. His journey goes forward only, so there will be no changing horses midstream or changing your mind. The Journey of The Chariot must be completed if you are to be victorious. The Chariot shows you mean business. You are taking control of your life and can steer it in any direction you so choose. The road ahead is challenging but once in that chariot you will be able to overcome all once you keep your nerve and your cool.

      Best of Luck,



  4. Had a new dream, very strange. What is your take?

    I was a teacher in a school for toddlers. It was an old school.
    Dark green walls, brown wood floors, dark yellow doors.
    I was coming down the hall and turned to see a wolf or werewolf
    gnarling and low, slowly coming for me.
    I turn and run into the class. The children are oblivious.
    The wolf is at the door I see his eye through the key hole
    He sticks his tongue through the key hole. I push it out.
    I turn to the children and wonder what to do
    They don’t know what’s going on, they are just busy
    talking and playing.
    I look at the french doors to a library room.
    The wolf is too strong, he will get in.
    I round the children fast and push them into the library
    I hear splintering behind me and I don’t look.
    He is in the room, I get the kids in the library and slam
    the glass doors and hold tight.

    The last thing I am thinking before I awake in a sweat.

    “Oh, god we are doomed, there are no windows to break.
    there are only walls, walls and walls of books”

    I couldn’t sleep, that wolf had us. He was going to kill us.
    I was up all night with a feeling of futility.


    • Hi jOjOe,

      I have been doing fine thank you and my dreams are all over the place. I seem to be dreaming a lot, I mean a heap of dreams all in one night. Horses feature quite strongly as do a lot of mad crazy things. I am writing a lot, nearly 7 days a week and this may account for all my dreams. And you, how have you been?

      Brightest Blessings,



  5. s. Yet I dont think that the dream is related to my relationship, since we have such arguments pretty often. I believe it has a more global meaning for me.Hi Vivien!
    How have you been doing? I haven’t spoken to you for a while.
    Yesterday I had a very remarkable dream which I feel like sharing with an expert like you.
    I can divide the dreams I have into 2 groups: “normal” ones where your brain simply processes the information received during the day, and those ones which I can not even call dreams. So vivid and realistic they are as if you enter the astral plane, which I think that’s what it is. Everything is extremely bright and colourful and I can smell scents and taste flavours, just like in reality.
    I normally have dreams already in the morning (after 7 a.m.), and especially if I wake up around that time and then fall asleep again.
    I feel like this dream might be very important for me and hold a lot of meaning. Yet I am not sure what it could mean, and this is why I am here hoping to get some help from you and your students.
    Usually, when I have remarkable dreams like that ( I ve had only a few in my whole life ) they will manifest in my real life. I can give an amazing example : A few years ago I was overseas, away from my parents. One night I had a dream in which I open a letter box and find a white envelope in there. The letter in the envelope clearly says that my grandfather has died. So what do you think? The following morning I turn on my computer to check my email only to find a message from my mother that my grandfather’s died..
    At the moment I am actively looking for a job, but so far it’s been unsuccessful and Im already getting into the state of despair, so frustrating this is. I really want to find a job. Sick of sitting at home. I do wonder if that dream may be related to my future work? On the other hand, my health has improved a bit and I am sleeping much better now. May the dream be related to my health?
    Okay. Here’s the dream

    I am patting a beautiful dark/black horse,stroking its neck, and there’s a strong feeling of affection and partnership between me and the animal. ( I need to say that HORSES have always been one of my favourite animals, yet I cant recall ever having one in my dream).
    Then I get on top of it and start riding along the most beautiful beach ( I do live near a beach which is incredibly beautiful as it is, but that one in the dream was even better, yet I had a feeling that it was our beach even though it looked a bit different),for some time I was riding really fast along the beach with the strong feeling of FREEDOM. I cant remember exactly how I was dressed, but if asked, I would probably say that I was in white loose clothes, similar to the woman from THE STRENGTH card, and my hair was long and untied/free. I could clearly see the transparent turquoise water of the Ocean and all the pebbles and seashells under it. Then my horse stepped into the water and we began bathing together.
    The dream was very pleasant, and SO realistic in a creepy way! :)And I have no doubt that it has a positive meaning.
    I felt like I could stay in that scene FOREVER….so amazing it was!!
    What does a horse symbolize? May it be my Totem animal?
    A lot of sources suggest that a horse has something to do with sexuality and passion. I and my husband are in a pretty difficult situation at the moment- we havent been talking for a few days and havent had any intimacy for age


  6. Hi Vivien!
    How have you been doing? I haven’t spoken to you for a while.
    Yesterday I had a very remarkable dream which I feel like sharing with an expert like you.
    I can divide the dreams I have into 2 groups: “normal” ones where your brain simply processes the information received during the day, and those ones which I can not even call dreams. So vivid and realistic they are as if you enter the astral plane, which I think that’s what it is. Everything is extremely bright and colourful and I can smell scents and taste flavours, just like in reality.
    I normally have dreams already in the morning (after 7 a.m.), and especially if I wake up around that time and then fall asleep again.
    I feel like this dream might be very important for me and hold a lot of meaning. Yet I am not sure what it could mean, and this is why I am here hoping to get some help from you and your students.
    Usually, when I have remarkable dreams like that ( I ve had only a few in my whole life ) they will manifest in my real life. I can give an amazing example : A few years ago I was overseas, away from my parents. One night I had a dream in which I open a letter box and find a white envelope in there. The letter in the envelope clearly says that my grandfather has died. So what do you think? The following morning I turn on my computer to check my email only to find a message from my mother that my grandfather’s died..
    At the moment I am actively looking for a job, but so far it’s been unsuccessful and Im already getting into the state of despair, so frustrating this is. I really want to find a job. Sick of sitting at home. I do wonder if that dream may be related to my future work? On the other hand, my health has improved a bit and I am sleeping much better now. May the dream be related to my health?
    Okay. Here’s the dream

    I am patting a beautiful dark/black horse,stroking its neck, and there’s a strong feeling of affection and partnership between me and the animal. ( I need to say that HORSES have always been one of my favourite animals, yet I cant recall ever having one in my dream).
    Then I get on top of it and start riding along the most beautiful beach ( I do live near a beach which is incredibly beautiful as it is, but that one in the dream was even better, yet I had a feeling that it was our beach even though it looked a bit different),for some time I was riding really fast along the beach with the strong feeling of FREEDOM. I cant remember exactly how I was dressed, but if asked, I would probably say that I was in white loose clothes, similar to the woman from THE STRENGTH card, and my hair was long and untied/free. I could clearly see the transparent turquoise water of the Ocean and all the pebbles and seashells under it. Then my horse stepped into the water and we began bathing together.
    The dream was very pleasant, and SO realistic in a creepy way! :)And I have no doubt that it has a positive meaning.
    I felt like I could stay in that scene FOREVER….so amazing it was!!
    What does a horse symbolize? May it be my Totem animal?
    A lot of sources suggest that a horse has something to do with sexuality and passion. I and my husband are in a pretty difficult situation at the moment- we havent been talking for a few days and havent had any intimacy for ages. Yet I dont think that the dream is related to my relationship, since we have such arguments pretty often. I believe it has a more global meaning for me


    • For me, the presence of a horse in dreams is connected to power and very much personal power. Because the horse in particular is black, this could suggest a hidden talent, gift or knowledge that once acknowledged and given free rein would manifest in wondrous ways. You have a connection, an affection for this horse suggesting you are old friends. This knowledge or power you possess may be of an esoteric nature. However, black horses are connected with funerals and may point to a part of your life that you consider to be dead or dying. You are content to pat or accept this acknowledgment. It feels right for you. By climbing aboard the horse you have accepted to embark on a journey. You travel at speed with a great sense of freedom. Both your clothes and hair are loose. No constraints, no restrictions. You are free to go anywhere you please, yet not so far as leaving what is familiar to you as in the beach that feels like your own but is even more beautiful. The desire to improve your current environment or relationship. You gallop along a beach and can see the beautiful ocean. You say that the water is a turquoise blue and so clear you can see the pebbles and seashells beneath. The encounter with the black horse brings a sense of emotional clarity. You can see things in a way you never had before. It all makes sense. You desire to be free on many levels. Your horse, your unconscious, leads the way and you are only too happy to follow. Both of you step into the water (your emotions) in order to bathe, cleanse or soothe. The horse is a good omen for eventual success on the job front, renewed physical health but I also get the impression of an unconscious need for freedom. The job is connected with this bid for freedom. You seek the power of independence and from there freedom follows. The horse is your mode of transport from one lifestyle to another. What is always important to remember in dreams is how you feel. Everything in the dream is an aspect of you. You felt this dream was positive, the horse your friend and the ride exhilarating. The over-riding feeling was one of freedom and strength which this horse facilitated. Remember, this horse is you which means you have the same power and ability.


  7. Hi Vivien. I just bought a tarot deck yesterday and is starting to learn about tarot. Im trying to open up to the spiritual world. Last night i had an interesting dream. In the dream i was familiar with the tarot cards, as if it was not a new thing for me, but something i always had known. I chose 7 cards. They were 1 of sword, 2 of sword, 3 of sword, 4 of sword, 5 of sword, 6 of sword and 7 of sword. A voice repeatetly said that if i close my eyes the queen will die. Maybe it was my own voice. What can this dream mean? I hope you have time to answer . 🙂 Thanks.



    • Well Frederik, I am not an experienced dream interpreter so I am not really sure what it might mean. It is very strange though. Had you been intensely studying the cards prior to this dream? The only thing that is coming to my mind is the fact that with all those swords coming in numerical order, that a situation has been building. With the Seven of Swords we often are told we are not looking where we are going, which might be connected to the voice saying if you close your eyes, the queen will die. Is there something going on around you in your life that you are either choosing to ignore or possibly is happening under your nose without you being aware? The Seven of Swords is often a warning card to turn back because you are seriously heading the wrong way. Trouble often accompanies the Seven of Swords. Next card up is the Eight of Swords which would suggest that you have walked yourself into some situation that wont be too easy to get out of. However, you have not been shown The Eight which might suggest that there is time to turn around but you have been giving your final warning. Does this make any sense to you? It is just my opinion and interpretation. If you like, I could post this on my blog and ask for input from site users. You can let me know.




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